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Everything posted by Raiizn

  1. It happens. In every big war. It sucks, but it'll be gone in a month; the GRL cap isn't enough for economic ruin.
  2. Yes, and N/A since I'm in the top 5%... at the moment, anyway.
  3. Raiizn

    Multi bug.

    That happens with every aid package. It's part of the aid screen, and is just a blanket reminder to not do that.
  4. Can't beat MK's propaganda. Though, a few have some lines that need to be edited for word filter evasion. <.<
  5. Wait, we violated the NPO? What about the rest of Karma? Have fun. It's a shame your excuse for the early jumpers was so transparent though, heh. I really wanted to believe it. )):
  6. Alright then. I've never heard of you guys before, but let's party.
  7. Good job letting the Hegemony collapse like a house of cards.
  8. ... Huh? Seems a bit out of the blue. A bit sad to see this happening, but I can respect it.
  9. Congrats KM. Would you like some cake for this fine night?
  10. Raiizn

    Its on

    You know, it's been some fifteen or so minutes since the blitz started, and there's still no NPO DoW. )):
  11. Congratulations Xiph. It certainly has been a wild ride, hasn't it?
  12. When you end up having a dream involving CN. )):
  13. )): Aqua )): Congrats, and onwards to Blue!
  14. Did you just miss all the cancellations in the alliance forums? Well meh, good luck in RL and wherever you choose to go in it. I'd keep my eye on current events though, if I were you.
  15. I'd say within the next 2-4 days, though I wouldn't put it past people starting it this update.
  16. Uh, wow. This certainly couldn't have been easy, good luck LoSS. Oh and, obligatory Lines Being Cut.
  17. TOP. And MHA. As stated by others.
  18. I see what you did thar. o/

  19. Wow, happy birthday on the two years. Hope to see you guys around for another two.
  20. Lol. Good work; instead of looking at the techniques people use in this game, you're using prior knowledge from some other place. Do you realize that posting this will probably bar you from ever joining an alliance, considering it publicly ties your nation to this "spy ring"? Doing something like this is an offense in itself, even if you're not actually doing the spying.
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