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Everything posted by Schad

  1. If we're talking about its on-paper value, there's only one real difference: defense is totally mandatory in the event that one party or the other gets hit to kick off a war, optional otherwise. But norms are norms, and consequently almost everyone -- from the holders of MnDoAPs to the peanut gallery -- interpret them as being stronger even in situations where the text suggests they are not. As an Optional Treaty Truther myself in a past life, I feel you but really that battle has been lost a dozen times over.
  2. There are a lot of people out there who said it couldn't be done. There was no way it was going to happen, it was madness to even try. But tonight, they have been proved wrong. From the point when it mooted by both parties, Sengoku managed to pass a treaty in a shade under six months. A new record, and a proud day.
  3. We had a treaty. It was an OADP. We still have a treaty. It's slightly different now. See? You'll see.
  4. Not much of a revolution if you can be mollified by a small pile of cash. Not that you'll ever get it, but "give me liberty or give me two aid slots of goodies" is a pretty sad rallying cry.
  5. Beyond my quixotic quest to convince the loltier nations of the world that they are not in fact one OWF thread from overturning the world order, the 'nobody cares' bit really kicks in with what I presume is your endgame here: using whatever GOONS does to your nation as a rallying cry to garner global public support for a campaign against them. This is always the goal. It is never the result.
  6. Which will be none. This will go precisely as every one of these situations go: you declare on a couple of the weakest people in range, they stick a couple of nuclear nations on you, your nation becomes a crater filled only with impotent rage, having inflicted hundreds of dollars worth of damages in total. You'll ask for peace, GOONS will ask for something for peace (probably a joke term), you'll make no fewer than three threads decrying the injustice of it all, eyes will roll, life goes on, nobody cares.
  7. You seem to be getting an awful lot of aid from couple-days-old nations who are sending you every dollar to their name, resulting in a bunch of aid packages of just under $2m. So giving!
  8. Huh. I was pretty sure that we'd been in AZTEC for months now.
  9. No doubt. However, 'what is best for the alliance' can have multiple answers depending on the time frame you're looking at. In the moment, this might be the right decision: NoR members are no doubt happy with their refusal to surrender to DoD. But unless they're expecting a palace coup if/when they surrender, that short-term gain is likely to recede quickly, while long-term they're wagering whatever goodwill NoR enjoys with quite a few parties...NG, NPO, NPO's allies, and even those against whom NoR currently fights. Win the battle (and, again, you're desperately unlikely to even win that), lose the war.
  10. TLR peaced out for the same reason that ODN peaced out, and NSO peaced out, and so on: their ally's own peace agreement was contingent (by the request of that ally) on the end of those fronts, and thus there was nothing gained from holding out. You aren't an ally of NPO, and you don't owe them anything, but NG are. You're aren't doing them any favours in preventing the end of the war because you find the word 'surrender' icky, as the remaining options -- NPO keeps fighting until you cave, extending the duration of their terms, or peaces out leaving yourselves and NG on the field -- are both ugly, leaving NG in the unenviable position of having to screw over one ally or another. And yes, you will cave (because you have absolutely no leverage here), or you'll get a pointless 'compromise' where DoD has to write the word surrender in white text in the agreement so that you can pretend it isn't there, hard won at the price not just of your own pixels, but likely your ally's position with a close partner of theirs.
  11. For most of us, it just wasn't the sort of conflict that stirs up strong feelings of any kind for one's opponents; TLR wasn't being held in war against their will, and no one really begrudged them for wishing to remain in the fight given that their allies were still heavily engaged, so the fighting was all a bit paint-by-numbers. It happened, and now it isn't happening...no political motive in it, there just isn't much else that can be said.
  12. Some fought throughout; others not at all, and others fought a couple rounds and waited out the remainder in peace mode. Some were broke from the off but managed to do damage; others had enough money to last a lifetime but didn't throw so much as a CM. In short, nothing the least bit out of the ordinary, and TLR's use of PM was largely unremarkable, on a largely unremarkable front in a largely unremarkable war.
  13. Many thanks to those that added their weight to this front, and good luck rebuilding. Jedaye can now rest safely knowing that Michael Jackson will not be appearing in the night to commit unspeakable acts.
  14. Misanthropic rerolls of the world, unite!
  15. Standard beer/ff/construction + fish/uranium. Current pairs: Fish/uranium: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=544900 Sugar/spices: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=544915 Pigs/wheat: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=544664 Marble/lumber: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=463832 Cattle/water: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=418318 Currently need aluminum/iron. Contact me here or via [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=529019]my nation[/url] if interested and able to switch to purple and that resource pair...contact me before switching, preferably, just in case it fills (or someone drops out).
  16. Utterly horrifying and so fucking senseless. Condolences to everyone that knew him.
  17. I've seen some brave declarations in my time, people, but this...this is the stuff that the bards sing about. This is the stuff that monuments are named after, the stuff that inspires generations to try to meet such an exacting standard. Onward, brave Skaro nations (well, at least that one guy who declared)!
  18. It shouldn't, though: his current circle doesn't include any discounts for tank purchases.
  19. The ball has rolled off the playing surface, somewhere in the vicinity of the net, with both parties alternating between glancing at it and each other. Meanwhile, the ball shows the first signs of developing a new mossy exterior.
  20. This is what qualifies as unrestrained arrogance these days?
  21. Similar names? It's terribly confusing. I'm So Confused.
  22. "Nations used as a store of wealth is unnecessary given that any suitably-prepared nation can fulfill that function, can still fight and can still help rebuild thereafter" =/= "nations cannot be rebuilt through aid". Conceptually, let's say that the coalition replaced their current terms with simply asking that the banks fulfill their purpose: that those 35 nations spend the next, I dunno, three months sending out $6-9m/100 aid packages to smaller NPO nations. Assuming that they have six slots apiece, it'd be a transfer of $324-$486m and 5400 tech per nation to help the fighters in the alliance. Is there any doubt whatsoever that NPO would reject it out of hand? Of course not, because most of those nations aren't collecting tech to later send it out, they're collecting tech to have tech.
  23. You do know that we came in on OP the same day about 5 hours after the Misfits right? I have seen multiple comments from you in this thread and every one of them is wrong. Got no life at all do we? And when did you stop beating your wife? Warriors declared 12 hours later. War Doves declared 48 hours after that. Neither is exactly a war crime, so either straight thine spine and win what ought to be a fairly straightforward war at this point, or explain to me exactly what is so heinous about their entry here.
  24. It's something of a fact of life in TE that many nations don't build up early; hell, many never build up if they give up on trades. It's no secret that the aggressor has the advantage in any war, and that's particularly true early in rounds, when there's greater variation in opening moves...many in OP were, by build, anticipating that a 30-day round would produce a cagey start because everyone would want to finish strong, and thus you have a lot of econ builds. That doesn't devalue the idea of an early declaration, but it does lead to war where you already had a numeric advantage strongly favouring the two declarers, and after a couple days when that advantage had shown through in a big way, it does make it a wee bit absurd to complain about an addition of nations that aren't likely to swing the balance. As for crying, c'mon now. You're reacting to War Doves declaring a massively uphill war as if they sodomized your cat.
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