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Jens of the desert

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Everything posted by Jens of the desert

  1. Lol sorry I don't even remember why I asked that anymore XD

  2. This is the largest amount of stumbling insanity I have ever seen produced by a side on Bob. May this continue long into the week. o/Shame>Infra
  3. Well obviously it doesn't...you can all take that out of your sigs now as it is redundant. Unless you hunger for peace, in that case, carry on.
  4. You don't know much, do you? Well done MK, now if only we could get a petition of alliances to do this...
  5. disbandment is Good to see you cared about your alliance that much as to honour it with such a great disbandment post
  6. You double post so much, why even say that... Moo listen to Terry Howard, and the only intelligent thing he ever said: Terry Howard
  7. Well then there are two ways you can look at this if you want to split hairs: Bandwagoning, or finally standing up for what you believe is right (even if it requires resorting to team up with friends which you seem to call shotgun marriage MDPs). I believe the latter, but do what you want.
  8. This argument is becoming invalid nowadays, seeing as people are about to stand up for themselves and their friends.
  9. Well this required balls. Who am I kidding? So anything more than a sentence possible in future?
  10. I believe tables "turn" not "change"
  11. Who'd a thunk it? Well done MHA and good luck in the future.
  12. Archon sees all. Trust this man for he speaks with great wisdom o/Karma\o
  13. Now we're off back from the moon? Isnt that a b thing? Most awesome flag I have ever seen btw, congrats
  14. The last two NPO announcements have been their best since....ever. I foresee many great things coming from this alliance
  15. A poll I was actually interested in seeing the results of, yet they didn't suprise me.
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