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Everything posted by mattski133

  1. [quote name='Icepick' timestamp='1355918750' post='3065774'] He's doesn't have to spin it, everyone already sees Kaskus as the $%&@ ups they are. [/quote] be interesting to see how this plays out for both alliances involved, with regards to who comes out sparkling. [quote name='omfghi2u2' timestamp='1355928623' post='3065810'] I am willing to bet 50 tech that you guys will call in your allies before Kaskus does. -omfg [/quote] Kaskus doesn't call in allies, allies simply become Kaskus. Never fight a land war in asia.
  2. [quote name='Cress' timestamp='1355847023' post='3065325'] So that is why you left GOONS. [/quote] not even remotely the same scenario.
  3. like watching a burned out house finally collapse.
  4. [quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1355424104' post='3063427'] Congratulations to all my friends in R&R. Was the NATO part a joke that I didn't get? Because I don't see their signatures on the treaty (and because the OP had way too many words). Oh well. At any rate, R&R is a dependable and loyal friend, and you other people are damn lucky to have acquired them. -Craig [/quote] perhaps they are already aligned with R&R and TIO individually. pretty epic wording for something no one should be paranoid about...
  5. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1354570019' post='3060081'] Have you entirely forgotten the mhawk era? When noWedge was around and for awhile after he left, TPF was pretty threatening. [/quote] maybe they just get that way when they feel there's sufficient numbers behind them to allow it.
  6. [quote name='Lex Quintus' timestamp='1354051356' post='3057525'] Those who left GOONs to become part of this thing did so on good terms. Our guys still have good buddies over there, and I like to think they'd say the same. Still sorting out some tech deals, etc. Prototype also has some guys *not* from GOONs, and as we blaze new trails together this has to be a time for Prototype to find its way and its collective identity, distinct from GOONs--so that we are not anointed another "other Goons." We're not, even though some of us were, even unto 1.0. Less budding amoeba, more full-grown birds leaving the nest to make a new nest with some other birds from the next forest over. Or something. HTH. [/quote] [img]http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs1/2277019_o.gif[/img] it's a lot like that.
  7. [quote name='Rogal Dorn' timestamp='1353997191' post='3057371'] here you go guys, [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Prototype"]http://cybernations..../wiki/Prototype[/url] [/quote] oooh. fancy.
  8. [img]http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/internet-memes-his-future-stops-right-now.gif[/img] As with all prototype's, I expect a few hiccups.
  9. thanks bruh [img]http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/dirty-funny-photos-11.jpg?w=500&h=413[/img]
  10. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1351802365' post='3047315'] Yes this incarnation will succeed and many will flock to its affiliation, Or i could pull my head out my ass and see it like most normal rational people see it. This is just whoring and will fade away within months. Or are all the old original GOONS just waiting before they rejoin their old !@#$ stain alliance? I'll give you a proper good crystal ball prediction, I'm going to be hitting you on the next global war. You should have took my baiting with sending aid to doornail. It's what i wanted! [/quote] keeping in mind of course that we joined an existing AA and haven't produced a charter or anything of the sort yet, you might be the one taking the bait, brah.
  11. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1351798641' post='3047298'] This incarnation will fade to nothing just like the old one. [/quote] i wish i had your crystal ball
  12. [quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1351037610' post='3044634'] When they build a statue of Sardonic in the middle of GOONS' Francograd knock-off, there will be a miniature Che Guevara coming out of his back pocket. [/quote] Indeed, behold Sardonic, leader of the worst alliance in this place and yet puppet master of all!
  13. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1350957015' post='3044335'] It comes down to a basic notion that [u]all[/u] people deserve respect, regardless of if they are your enemy or not. It's one thing to have a joke and some fun with your enemy but another to try and force them to grovel and humiliate them. Kaskus are right on the money here and I could not agree more, I love war, loved to raid too when I was small enough to be in range of nones, but dislike seeing victims turned into a sideshow. When done right raiding actually will help a none (get them active, teach war skills and encorage them to buddy up with other nations and alliances), just like a fun reasonable odds war without reps will help an alliance with activity even if they loose. It's only when you go into war/raiding with a bad attitude that it becomes genuinly a big problem for the victim. Somthing to think about if you ask me. [/quote] honor amongst thieves, huh.
  14. Glad this ended in a manner agreeable to all parties. Though I bet full on nuclear war wouldn't have been all that disagreeable to anyone either.
  15. so have we all agreed that we abide by different charters and can go home now?
  16. [quote name='DoorNail' timestamp='1350592429' post='3042627'] you attacked us, there are no terms..once I defended, we were even and it could've been stopped at anytime before it came to blows by that dipstick you call a leader. [/quote] this is what i was talking about with the whole, "don't talk so much" thing. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1350592505' post='3042629'] I have no qualms about anyone getting drunk, I do enough of that myself. [/quote] i dont see how anyone can approach this sober. [quote name='DoorNail' timestamp='1350594459' post='3042645'] I'm not a rogue by anyones standards but yours genius, I still got almost 9K tech, if I get out of bill lock, we'll see who can last. [/quote] unless you have 30 crazy indonesians waiting in the wings, you're delusional.
  17. [quote name='DoorNail' timestamp='1350581113' post='3042557'] I see there's still no remorse or responsibility on your end for beating the crap out of newer, smaller nations for 3 weeks, nations that are not allowed to raid and will not fight back unless they receive orders to do so. No remorse for sanctioning for the sole purpose of an advantage in war. You must have really crapped your pants when I declared in defense, evidently I scared enough to call in assistance from UMB instead of trying to speak to me and work something out, as I would have stopped before that first nuke launched, I wasn't upset enough to stop at anytime because there was no need to continue beating up one of you, like you had carelessly beat up our guys. I'm not like you at all, I prefer fair fights and get no enjoyment out of a downdeclare. Just admit that you had no intentions of stopping this conflict, you could've at anytime. It was your choice to continue as it is now. I said in the initial PM's to you that I couldn't get on IRC Sardonic, you chose to ignore that like you are better than anyone else. you created this situation, not me or anyone else in TSL. You're not an alliance, alliances conduct themselves with respect and have pride to be amongst other alliances that allow you to exist. You are nothing but a pack of leeches and a tech farm, that continues to suck the life out of something that everyone else works hard to try and continue and expand on. We don't live by your rules, we exist for a community that is much much larger than we are and we cherish the right to be amongst some really good people that make up this community, your days of tyranny and disrespect are coming to an end at the workings of your own hands. Nobody else is to blame but yourselves for your failure at an attempt at being an alliance. Maybe someday you will understand what sovereignty is, it isn't hanging on the teet of another to exist. [/quote] i think if you had managed to stay quiet for a week and let PPO do the talking for you, you'd probably have avoided the downward spiral you are currently in. enjoy the ride though!
  18. [quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1350529348' post='3042379'] One day in the not to distant future an alliance is going to give membership to someone on the EoG list (Think the MK Dave stragedy) and then wait and see if any new attacks are made after the ones in progress expire. What an ironic start to the next gobal war that will be. [/quote] well if that happens, we can easily assume it was the alliance chosen to provide our enemies the best result, and therefore would have to haphazardly DOW in the opposite direction. i think you can do that now.
  19. [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1350493323' post='3042179'] This logic does not seem to coincide with history. We have been without treaties for years now and we have lots of "stuff". The only time any stuff has been taken from us is when we offered it up on a silver platter which my Nephew Brehon will I'm sure substantiate. Take our "stuff"....please! [/quote] FAN is hardly "typical", which is why I included that word. While raiding is a crap shoot in gains/losses, I feel like raiding FAN would simply allow us to bypass all the guesswork in wondering if we were going to be trading nukes with someone for 3-4 months. And to be perfectly honest, if the proposal for this raid had come across my desk I'd have raised a serious question about the wisdom in attacking an alliance with nation like DoorNail's sitting at the top of it.
  20. [quote name='DoorNail' timestamp='1350448877' post='3042098'] We were thinking about going without treaties, who says we have to fall in line with what everyone else does? All we learned about GOONS is that negotiations are impossible without force. Must be doing something right, you seem a little bent out of shape and are still here trying to defend your actions, we aren't. [/quote] You can go without treaties, however typically the consequences are that people will take your stuff. This goes from raiding to legitimate war, and so on. It's been that way from Day 1 here, since before goons was even a thing. This is not some peaceful utopia where you can carelessly meander around, and the people backing you in your assumption that it is are just as wrong as you. Also, you are clearly still here trying to defend why you thought you alone were enough protection for your alliance when that was clearly not the case.
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