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Everything posted by mattski133

  1. i give credit to Legion for stepping in for their allies and performing fairly adequately. those were some brutal down declares and pretty snappy staggers. good times overall.
  2. since they clearly have not shot this over to you, i figure i'd help out. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/NADC_War_Guide
  3. i dont think there can be peace if you intend to threaten us over messaging nations for trade circles and lift sanctions off of rogues behind the curtain of anonymity. this is the result of your actions, our views have been expressed. man he typed that. im not sure that a war over trade circle messaging would have been greeted with open arms by anyone. then this nonsense about the sanction being lifted off a rogue recently without anyone having the sack to say who did it happened and here we are, ready to teach some people some manners.
  4. Hey dude, I'm not looking to be condescending, but your in-game bio's are not on par with our Charter, which was was announced to the world, when it comes to legal documents. Also, I have no idea what you're talking about here, and can confirm I did not personally weigh in on the subject of GOONS and LN getting into it. I can't think of an alliance that doesn't post this kind of stuff in gov channels. Just imagine that everyone can see what goes on in gov channels, like our Charter dictates. The only heartburn I had over the issue was that it was posted here, but Ken was asking for it by being a dick, and I got over my initial concern. Right.
  5. i think we parted pretty amicably, but the difference between our two alliances could not be more obvious. your failure to understand what is clearly outlined all over our charter and descriptions is not our fault. as a leader you should not speak about your own alliance that way regardless, even if it is true, as it is too hilarious not to share. though i cant say i ever knew goons to be so humble as to take a minute to understand the people they were threatening/negotiating with. it is nice to see you can still throw threats around even with such a limited understanding about what you're up against and what you have to work with. reminds me of the old days.
  6. it's always nice to see a war come to an end, especially when it looks like everybody involved thinks they've won.
  7. After reading all of this and re-reading the OP, I find it curious that you guys haven't changed all that much about this place. You all see to have nothing but contempt for each other, to the point where dumping half your NS in a war you didn't start is viewed as avoiding it (also: that was brutal). Not to mention that you probably didn't want to enter in the first place and did anyway because you really had no recourse. Yet, I'd bet there are only a couple of degrees of separation between any one of you guys when it comes to war, today. If something new were to break out unexpectedly tomorrow, people would scrambing to review their obligations to see where they'd even fall in the mix. But nothing unexpected really happens, most of this stuff is choreographed and pre-made ready to go long before anything occurs. It hasn't gotten anyone anywhere, and this all seems very scripted to me. there's hardly any "Et, Tu?" going on and whole lot of, "well, guess we have to go do exactly what everyone knows we're going to do and get this over with". I find it ironic that an alliance like Non Grata (just as an example, it really applies to all of you big alliances) wouldn't leave the web and strike out on its own. Sure, you face off against 7 or 8 alliances every war as you've noted, but the mere existence of your defensive treaties has brought you into that position anyway! *alliance needs treaties to protect itself* *alliances gets destroyed because it has signed many treaties* *alliance rearranges treaties to better protect itself* *alliances gets destroyed because of these new treaties* it should be pretty clear at this point that this is not how you go about winning the game. or make it interesting.
  8. If we ever won it certainly didn't feel like it. We're playing poker without any draws or wildcards. One needs only examine the treaty web to see how a conflict will play out, and I find that disgusting. This whole concept of signing treaties with "friends" has created something beyond use. I'd rather see the top alliances in this place join forces to try to conquer everything regardless of whether they got along or not, and the resulting confederation of states that would have to arise to stop it. Instead we sit here playing the cards we are given by some dude who thinks he's on the strong side of the web, countered appropriately by the other side. Over and over again. tl;dr the spontaneity has gone out of this relationship.
  9. very cool. it was good working with you and we look forward to working with the new empress.
  10. I think the near constant elevated threat level is what makes it fun. You definitely need to be on your readiness game. And it turns out in a micro v micro battle, you usually end up making a friend or a bitter enemy. Even losing can be somewhat fun, as learned in GOONS. Frozen, pre-cooked warfare. It's boring and I think people are just tired of it. I'm not even sure if or how it can be fixed. It's like no one is really trying to rule the world anymore.
  11. It seems that most people are content to play by the rules that were made up years ago and are not willing to make their own path. Large, centralized powers broke down as wars and time wore on, pulverizing many of them into shadows of their former selves, the crumbs of which formed their own small satellites. These small alliances rearranged themselves in preference and have bound themselves to the larger ones in an almost feudal system of organization, where the smaller alliances pledge their sovereignty during war in exchange for protection during peace. I think this approach may have made sense in the days before everyone could secure nuclear weapons, but a new nation today can pick them up in less than six months. I can't imagine why an alliance would not want to take its own path.
  12. methrage was a better foil. effort goes a long way in irrational obsessions.
  13. It started out as an open ended thing to grow and become more interesting as time went on, but all I found personally was that after four or five "signatories" it became obvious that it had already become too unweidly. such is the state of affairs around here with the rich and varied personalities and mottos as for protectors, we never had one outside of our nuclear stockpiles but it has been pretty clearly communicated that the previous signatories of the KCP can expect the same level of martial commitment from us, and it seems they feel similarly. regardless, we can handle ourselves in a fist fight if you're feeling froggy. we'll let you guys know if we come up with any other revolutionary concepts in the meantime.
  14. The timing could not have been worse for you considering you are rebuilding, but it makes more sense if you rebuild your infra before your nuke stockpiles. And it makes a lot of sense for everyone else. 2 is a number.
  15. Your math is right, generally speaking, any mid to large sized nation benefits from this proposal. Personally, I get to profit from this decision AND keep 25 shiny nukes pointed outwards. FAN is taking an ideological stance here, with this warning. The next weapons related proposal is sure to offer a nice return for a sacrifice of ideology as well, and it will likely be popular with everyone but FAN, so the potential for popcorn has never been higher!
  16. it would seem that the conflict between RS and SHIELD was settled, and because Dark Templar do not like Riot Society they have brought their entire bloc and some other major alliances into an absolute curbstomp, eschewing the normal process of fabricating some infraction to get an easy war and instead taking the stance "we don't like you". which could have saved us all a lot of time over the last 8 years, amirite. while i think there is something to be said about having thick skin and also about having some respect for others, Riot Society plays it loose and fun and if the result of that is having a bloc descend on you while complaining about a lack of targets and wailing for disbandment, i weep for the future. but hey there is always hope that you may find these targets you are looking for.
  17. if it is any consolation to you, i found this whole thing to be hilarious. right down to the posting of the results of pressing a red button six times a day.
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