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Josh the Great

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Everything posted by Josh the Great

  1. This thread is epic. and the vote is oh so close.
  2. Amy Thompson, Empress of the Dellian Empire is en route for the Conference.
  3. As Far as I know, none of Sassain's Land will be leaving the SSA.
  4. The Dellian Government hereby cuts all Diplomatic and Economic Ties with the Mariscun (Sp?) Government. We stand behind our Allies in Lubek, regardless of the Government they have. We believe that the people's voice must always be heeded and feared, and this new government has come to power by the People.
  5. You would have to enquire with Lubek on that, Dellian Forces will only be occupying the mainland.
  6. Dellian Occupation Forces have reached the The Border to Tierra Del Fuego. The Dellian Government will be taking over control of Mainland Sassain.
  7. Dellian Armed Forces have crossed the Border of Sassain in order to Restore Peace and Order to the South American Mainland. The *DS* Troopers will serve as a temporary police force to keep the peace and protect the citizens of Sassain.
  8. Good luck. Whose the last alliance that everyone's talking about?
  9. Actually he was Chad... He was an Ex MoFA of the CIS, the whole ODN sovreignty thing.. yah Also hi
  10. I was in First Grade once upon a Time. Mrs Knight
  11. I guess I can dig this. Though I did loose mah Master Marauder job frickin coups
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