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Everything posted by TruHartBrakN

  1. Yeah yeah yeah, get to the propaganda already will you? This place needs more photoshops!
  2. Oh man oh man.. No, I think your alliance mate missed that which is why I told him he needed to learn to read. Sorry I'll just get out of this thread now, this is becoming ridiculous.
  3. That's not surprising... Here, I'll help you out. The OP says that TORN is sorry to see the treaty/friendship go into the trash can, not that LOSS has become a trash can. There, get it?
  4. I'm gonna be honest, I expected so much more.
  5. Best of luck in life, you will be missed..
  6. Someone please listen to this guy
  7. You come up with that first sentence and then tell me I'm over-simplifying? Perhaps you're over-dramatizing.. Ya that was a mistake, at least you can acknowledge it. Have you ever considered getting a new Xbox gamertag, maybe not having to tell everyone you play CN with everything about you? I doubt anyone on this forum knows where I am from or that I even own a game console. Ah well, if you have to get into that much personal depth about the game, you may have other problems to be honest. Maybe you're just a friendly kinda guy but my guess is still that you crave attention. That said, I will reiterate that I would personally like to see you removed from EZI lists and to see all EZI lists banished from the game. Seems like an out of character kind of attack that I'm, frankly, surprised to see allowed for so long. Hey at least you are willing to acknowledge the distasteful terms and how impossible it would have been for them to keep fighting. I'm not criticizing by the way, I loved the way you rolled back in the day. I'm just curious as to the new-found Spongitude. Going into the wild is a great idea for anyone who is on a spiritual journey by the way. I highly recommend the desert, an island, a jungle as well. Myself, I'm going to Iceland to sit in solitude for a few days here in a bit.
  8. OK, since no one else will say it, I will. JB, you aren't getting off these lists because the people who put you on them DO NOT LIKE YOU. I'm sure that doesn't bother you seeing as this is the internet and all but you can come across like a know-it-all. I couldn't care less and, personally, would like to see you off EZI so we don't have to see one of these crybaby threads pop up every couple of weeks. I don't have a feeling about you one way or the other but I thought it might be nice to know the truth of the situation. So do yourself a favor and reroll. If you honestly lack the know-how to reroll effectively without getting yourself caught, that's your own problem. My guess is you have built up your name to the point where you would rather keep coming to the boards for attention than actually play this game. Electron Sponge, you're my second favorite player in the game but dude, really? You used to end entire alliances for good and now you are fighting EZI for someone? Are we really supposed to believe that the timing of your fall from leading NpO and discovering a brand new moral identity is just a coincidence? I don't think EZI is that big of a deal considering how easy it is to reroll. Here's a hint, JB. Don't tell anyone its you (if you can manage that)...
  9. I don't believe for one minute that anyone knows how the game was "intended to be played." That said, JB would have no issue rerolling if he could stay off IRC for more than a day. Even further, I have a hard time believing that the game was intended to be played with IRC to begin with and if a player can only use his IRL name for his ruler, that's his own issue. JB has always been one of those internet lawyer types to begin with that probably feel like they know more than other people but just sound really annoying in their attempts to get out of situations. For example, in his logs with the IRON member, he keeps trying to frame IRON's position on things as if he's going to use the logs against them in the future anyways. JB, I know you can read this so maybe you should consider using a little finesse in your day to day instead of arguing your way out of everything.
  10. I didn't see a gag order so forgive me for posting. That said, I'm not ghosting. I don't even really know what that term means.
  11. Considering your history, I really doubt that.
  12. The pack mentality in this thread is disturbing. GGA is awful, we get it. They have been awful for years. Is this a shocker to anyone?
  13. That's not necessary, we can just agree to disagree. As the old saying goes, perception is reality.
  14. Forgive the derail here but many top tier GPA members left before they were crushed in that war.. As far as no ultimatum, you should consider checking the facts.
  15. That's because the drums of war scared a lot of their infra-happy nations away before the actual attack... probably a strategic move by the NPO/allies to hurt GPA before the first declaration. Either way, the GPA was ahead of NPO for a stint there and it wasn't until the public ultimatum that this changed. Who's the revisionist now?
  16. Ok I agree, you guys are organized and talented but have you actually won a war besides the WAPA one where you jumped them 5:1 with STA? Didn't think so. You can talk all day long about how inferior the NPO is or how great you are but the facts are facts, man. You are one of my favorite posters here but you are so full of self love that you can't see the forest for the trees. This is coming from someone who has aided MK and, after a period of really disliking MK, has become a big fan.
  17. So Doitzel let me get this straight... Because the NPO hasn't caused all of Vox to delete their nations and go away, you are winning the war? Interesting standards for war I must say. Congratulations, you are able to sign into your nations, collect and pay bills. Other than that, you have caused no real damage to the NPO aside from a brief stint in the Red Senate.
  18. Admin's nation is the island from LOST
  19. The cold hard facts are that Roma was once a large nation and has been able to keep his military wonders (especially that pesky MP) and probably had a pretty decent warchest. There is no way on earth even 6 small NPO nations would be able to put up a fight with him. An NPO member with the same wonders and nuclear capabilities, however, would bring Roma to ZI very quickly. If you need to draw yourself a graph or something, go right ahead but the math is still the same. Sorry I don't have a great memory which is why I qualified the statement with "by my count." My count is obviously wrong I suppose. Either way, the sentiment stands. MK has surrendered to NPO.
  20. Keeping nuclear restraints on an alliance for 11 months may not be civil behavior but it certainly doesn't equate to genocide.
  21. If Arcades or Crohl sold their infrastructure to get down to his level, sorry, but my money is on NPO. I admit to not knowing the history of the wars at play here but fransjosef was the original architect of this sort of fighting with an all level 9 airforce against level 1s and 2s. Its basic math man.
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