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Wu Tang Clan

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Everything posted by Wu Tang Clan

  1. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1326338039' post='2897819'] Why do birds, suddenly appear? [/quote] Why do fools fall in love? idk why, but that reminded me of that song...
  2. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1326335920' post='2897798'] I think prior to the war we would see a tie between Mjolnir and XX, as was attempted prior to this war. [/quote] I... what?
  3. [quote name='Hyperonic' timestamp='1323998586' post='2879346'] Oh, so locking the topic wasn't good enough to not be bigots. Gotcha. Put down the blunt for a second and consider that it's not regular practice for us to delete posts or make attempts to hide what actually happened. [/quote] So you admit your community is not attempting to hide bigotry?
  4. [quote name='Hyperonic' timestamp='1323997460' post='2879322'] For someone who is so interested in intelligent discourse, you aren't really bothering to remember what you actually posting. This quote clearly shows that the context of your demeanor. Like I said, you are intending to make the entire RIA out to be bigots because of the trading of insults between two parties in our membership. Could be a poor choice of words, but considering how vocal you are for someone who has only read one topic relevant to this discussion, obviously you are ankle biting. I submit that it's possible you are having memory problems from an illicit substance, though. Oh, and that includes the doe eyes. Those bloodshot doe eyes. [/quote] Again, the reference was the post in the diplomat application thread. Given, I should have said "makes some of your members intolerant," but I suppose a community is charged with the characteristics of the most prevalent... as it has always been. If the community were to say, delete said posts, perhaps that perception could be different, but given that they are still up in a public area speaks volumes.
  5. [quote name='Hyperonic' timestamp='1323996382' post='2879302'] Oh, please, put those doe eyes away. You are specifically saying that our alliance as a whole is bigoted because of this incident, don't dance around your own words with me. Even though you basically have no specific idea of what happened to cause this unfortunate event to go down, you have already concluded what happened and you are standing on a soapbox and preaching. Also, I love how you feel the need to decide what is and isn't relevant. If you'd actually read this topics, you would see, for us, a proactive mod team presence. Multiple topics were locked, and the OP essentially kept bringing the issue up no matter how many times someone would be clear that it was a bad idea. Rarely does anyone with Mod powers have to step in and take the trash out, because generally everyone in our community gets along even if they don't like each other. [b]By the way, the topic this entire thing is referencing is not in a public board.[/b] So, it's impossible you would have actually seen the conversations between our favorite Indian and Holy Ruler.[/quote] The only post I've referenced was the post in the OP's request for an embassy in which one of your members decided to use an expletive tied to Allah's name. Other than that, I've only used specific quotes from this thread... Again, how provocative the OP has been in the past has no bearing on anyone's decision to insult an entire religion. The old "two wrongs don't make a right" argument. Furthermore, I have not once insulted RIA, other than saying they were terrible for him because they obviously were insulting his religion... which I don't think is a stretch in any way. Other than that each of my posts have been directed at other people in this thread. Try again at making an intelligent argument.
  6. [quote name='Hyperonic' timestamp='1323988255' post='2879137'] Do you really think people in this topic are oblivious to the fact that you are just here to bite at our ankles? I'm just curious. Also, have you even tried to actually read his topics? I'm guessing you haven't. If you have, please let me know what your user account is. [/quote] I have read his topics. My user name is Wu Tang Clan, you will see I am a former RIA'er that was on today scanning various topics. While I find some of the things the OP has said on your forums to be off-putting and demeaning in their own right, that is relatively irrelevant to the topic of discussion here. The fact that someone has said something offensive in the past does not make it ok to insult an entire religion... in any circumstance. As I am sure you can find a member of every religion known to man (including atheism) that has said or done something offensive. Now, I understand you get your little rise out of trying to change the topics of discussion in arguments, something I have noted in the past. The question is: do you have anything to add that can be considered intelligent debate? I suspect the answer to be no... or a picture of Jeff Goldblum. And for the continued debate in this thread, Cheeky is spot on. The OP has insulted others' religions, I understand that and am in no way defending him. I am simply arguing on behalf of decency. I think he is as much at fault for this display of bigotry as anyone, but that doesn't make all the others less guilty.
  7. [quote name='Kevin McDonald' timestamp='1323986616' post='2879120'] Insulting Allah (or any God) does not make RIA terrible. Pandering to whiners like yourself would. [/quote] Insulting Allah (or any God) does make RIA intolerant and bigoted, and thus terrible to him.
  8. [quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' timestamp='1323966553' post='2878894'] In the bolded part lies your hypocrisy. You're giving special consideration because, in the Cybernations community, the OP's religion is in the minority, so you're granting him special protection. Atheists and Christians attack each other all the time and nobody makes a big deal of it. But Atheists are just as opposed to Muslims as they are to Christians, and Christians the same. They're all opposed to Judaism and vice-versa. What the people in this thread are saying is: we don't care what religion you are, somebody you're going to talk to is going to be opposed to it, [b]so you can just get used to it.[/b] [/quote] I'm not granting him any special protection. I'm saying if a person was a decent human being they wouldn't attack someone because of a difference in any aspect be it beliefs, characteristics, background or whatever. As for the bolded part, yeah, why try to change it? Why ask people to be decent and not bigoted? Good point.
  9. I don't know whether "shocked" or "disgusted" or some combination of both best applies to my response to the comments in this thread. While it is certainly impossible to shelter every person's opinions and ensure they are never offended, that doesn't mean that it's ok that they are. Religion is a personal opinion and one that is (and quite frankly [i]should be[/i]) a very powerful one. To say that someone should simply "grow a thicker skin" or "quit being childish" when faced with religious intolerance is simply disgusting. There's a difference between sheltering someone and just being decent human beings. No one should be faced with intolerance and cruelty simply because they are different, and the greater community as a whole should not support that. I thought as a mass population we grew beyond bigotry, by reactions in this thread we are far from it. I am thoroughly disappointed and disgusted.
  10. Oh the irony of this situation... Good luck in your new alliance.
  11. [quote name='Saniiro Matsudaira' timestamp='1323926644' post='2878486'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VsO7P.png[/img] [/quote] No one tell him.
  12. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1323917660' post='2878293'] I was looking for a new sig to update this one.. thanks! [/quote] Personally I liked your old sig better. The guy that made that one was straight awesome. Also, this needs to be in here, despite not being war related: [img]http://i491.photobucket.com/albums/rr280/Redemption007/Untitled.png[/img]
  13. [quote name='Goose' timestamp='1323906059' post='2878122'] At this point it seems to mostly just be Mesteut on his holy crusade to win a PR campaign. When nearly the whole world is in agreement that a side is the most terrible alliance on Bob, there's not much point in trying to win little PR points as the beatdown is coming and witty snippets trying to point out where the other side is bad isn't going to change that. [/quote] You know, it needs to be said that your composure and pure tact have gained massive respect points in my book. Kudos to you for being respectful and professional. And even though we don't agree and probably never will on whether or not we were "justified" in our attacks, I truly wish you and yours nothing but the best in recovering from this war once it's all said and done.
  14. [quote name='Raider' timestamp='1323844213' post='2877519'] Fixed. [/quote] Oh I wasn't complaining. But thanks. Your work on this is appreciated.
  15. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1323843928' post='2877511'] Considering the choices GOD had, I'm sure they were happy to agree to this. /sarcasm [/quote] I don't think that's for you to decide. Look, I'm all for taking shots at GOD, and I'm not VE's biggest fan either. But this is beyond ridiculous. Anyone claiming to know the inner workings of the GOD-VE relationship despite what either party is saying here is either an idiot or just stretching for something. Personally, I don't care, I don't have a horse in this race. But at least be intelligent. Hate GOD or VE for something legitimate... not for not coming to the defense of the other after they had both decided to their respective course of action. It happens to at least 10 alliances every war... hell, RoK had to do it to FARK this war. You're not going to agree with your allies 100% of the time, you're not going to always be on the same side of wars... it happens. But if your treaty is worth anything that won't matter and the relationship will stand against all trials and you can move out of a mess together. If VE and GOD's relationship is stained from all of this none of us know yet... so don't claim you do. Don't claim to speak for GOD's grievances, you're not their spokesperson. (Unless of course, you are.) And, end rant.
  16. RoK's gain is in red. We should be a green speck in a sea of red...
  17. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1323843105' post='2877487'] Well, as Wu Tang has graciously shown a few posts above, the treaty essentially gives both of us the discretion to work with the other in order to work to the best of our abilities with mutual understanding of the other's position. In essence you can call it an MoAoDP as sometimes the best way to help the other may not necessarily be militarily but other means. [b]To emphasize, both VE and GOD are cool with it and have been talking throughout this conflict.[/b] [/quote] Bolded part is all that really matters. Move along people, nothing to see here.
  18. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323842016' post='2877436'] Since you didn't bother to write anything to accompany this quote, am I to assume that you are saying that VE is honoring this treaty by "supporting" GOD by hand-picking which alliances can rip GOD to pieces? And is that assertion supposed to make this look better? Hah! [/quote] The above section pretty clearly states that the Balkan Entente is little more than an oDoAP in which the signatories (GOD and VE) can choose when and what course of action to take depending on the circumstances. Just covering their bases, pretty much. The discussion over whether they were right or wrong in not defending GOD is another matter, and one I won't dwell in to. But they weren't obligated to was my point. As I said, good luck to both parties. Pretend I also said what Jyrinx said.
  19. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323841708' post='2877425'] http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Balkan_Entente [i]In the understanding that we live in dangerous times, full of intrigue, betrayal and opportunism, the three signatories hereby reaffirm their commitment to the defense of one another and their respective dominions against any foreign aggression.[/i] GOD is on the defensive side of this conflict, there's no non-chaining language apparent, the treaty pre-dates the appearance of non-chaining in treaties. Add to that that VE was active in the planning of GOD's destruction, and I think we can call it a day and ask you to please spare us all the agony of watching [i]the [/i]WarriorConcept defend this spinelessness, betrayal, and base survivalism. [/quote] Article 4: The undersigned candidly acknowledge that it is the sovereign right of every alliance to make war on its peers. That the good judgment of the undersigned governments in making war on its peers is an unquestionable virtue held by each signatory, we hereby affirm our commitment to support one another in any such action, in any way we deem fit.
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