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Everything posted by Stelios

  1. yea I like the idea if finishing in the top. And you should have around 60 days.
  2. [quote name='admin' timestamp='1331640451' post='2937560'] I'm not sure what I'm going to do with CN:TE at this point. With membership waning the last few rounds and concerns that CN:TE is actually a drain on CN:Standard I'm going to give it some time before deciding next steps. [/quote] I dont think it is a strain on SE, Just if there is a big war. SE is more focused on because there is no end game in that. I would like to ask you to continue TE, Believe me, the alliance leaders of TE and members in general are working on getting more members here. If there is anything we could do on out end. Let us know
  3. [quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1331396264' post='2936397'] [IMG]http://i44.tinypic.com/28gtgcj.jpg[/IMG] Yay nukes are fun [/quote] I like nukes.. Hope...Everyone is having a blast ...
  4. [quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1331361532' post='2936271'] Think we hit 800 nations next round? This wait (with very little information being given) can't be good. [/quote] We might hit 800 but we will probably stay around 600. It sucks when they do this. Takes away what small numbers we have
  5. Congrats! Glad you enjoyed your time
  6. [quote name='Minion Rouse' timestamp='1331170930' post='2935301'] MuskRats? Sounds fun [/quote] Whos a muskrat? [img]http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr261/scoopmachine11/i_dont_always_bump_a_thread_but_whe.jpg[/img]
  7. [quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1331085458' post='2934845'] well there will be more wars, more fun, more casualties and shuddup Stelios [/quote] NOU Cant wait for moar wars :3
  8. BB and I are going on a hunting trip for some MR soon
  9. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1331014618' post='2934485'] You don't remenber trying to roll LE with RE? That was one of the watershed moments of our now completely dysfunctional relationship. [/quote] When are we talking about. Because since I have been emperor. I have NOT done a war for anyone else. Just so we are clear Also. I demand Jarhead and ernie..... And JK of course... /me looks at BALAN
  10. [quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1331011962' post='2934454'] admin wanted to watch you squirm. [/quote] Thats the Official Statement so far.
  11. [quote name='KillerCruiser' timestamp='1330671279' post='2931832'] DL52M ended up getting first place in CN:TE, http://www.cybernations.net/tournament_winners.asp and won the prize of uploading a flag, instead he is going to sell that flag to the highest bidder, and the highest bidder will then be able to upload there flag into CyberNations. Right now the highest bid is from shirunei, who is in NSO, and he is offering 4999 tech. You can offer Donations, Tech, and/or money. Please post here how much your going to offer. [/quote] 2k Tech, a Dinner and a Movie with Big Brother
  12. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1330858563' post='2933139'] [center][img]http://cn-warriors.com/flags/warriors-standard-600px.jpg[/img] [b]A [u]real[/u] statement from the Warriors[/b][/center] This was just stupid, but people make mistakes, we forgive and then move on. The opening post was not an official announcement of the Warriors, merely a statement by one of our more eccentric members. While tW has no problems should an SE alliance choose to 'endorse' us and send nations our way, we have never and will never 'endorse' a SE alliance. Furthermore, endorsement or no endorsement, tW is, always has, and always will be an indepently operated entity. Nations from SE alliances that 'endorse' us will receive no preferential treatment, but rather they will receive only the same individual treatment that we extend to all our members, regardless of their affiliation in worlds we do not care about and which we are not concerned. Perhaps the most terrible of offenses committed in the opening post was the blatant mutilation of the tW flag. The tW flag [b]must[/b] be properly proportioned and presented in high-quality at all times, and lennybronx neglected to do either of these things. Those who have legitimate reason to utilize our flag are always welcomed to contact us for a version of our flag suitable to their needs. For future reference, tW reserves the right to utilize all tools available, up to and including nuclear weaponry, to discourage nations from using our flag in an improper fashion. [b][u]Signed for the Warriors[/u][/b] [b]Hetfield[/b] Warlord Elder So let it be written, so let it be done. [/quote] Can i use your flag improperly? And now i understand. Thanks for clearing this up. Am I evil?
  13. o/ NPO o/ TLR Congrats to both of you. Glad to see this happen
  14. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1330813527' post='2932696'] [img]http://r2.sgsr.us/imgs/250/b5316.gif[/img] [/quote] Im jealous
  15. [quote name='Jarhead' timestamp='1330667684' post='2931753'] Hmmm.... Offer me the position of [i]Grand Chancellor [/i] and I will join any alliance(s). [size="2"][i][font="Times New Roman"]LE. [/font][/i][/size] [/quote] All i have is boats full of wimminz
  16. [quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1330667365' post='2931746'] PS has been bored with TE.. so we thought we'd do something that gave us a ball the last time we played- a Civil War. We won't be using our regular names (hopefully) and we won't be using the PS name. As many of you know, we split into two teams, unknown to each other, find each other, and then destroy each other. How long will it last? Depends on how fast we find the other team. After we're done, we'll reform into PS (assuming it doesn't last the whole round) and be a normal AA. Just a word of warning and a bit of info on what we're doing. Enjoy next round. [/quote] you too, have fun
  17. [quote name='King Ernie' timestamp='1330667029' post='2931738'] [center][img]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k426/Erni3/LEflag2.jpg[/img] [font="Times New Roman"][size="4"]Good day Steve, I thought it best to let you all know that Lafayette Escadrille will [I]not[/I] be returning for round 21, we're taking a round off, the old girl we've called our Alliance Affiliation is finally getting her well-deserved rest. Round 20 was a good one, despite certain setbacks early on (including our activity levels), and I have no doubt we'll be back again later, just not for R21. With that, have a good one guys, blow stuff up! [/size][/font][/center] [font="Times New Roman"][size="4"][color="#4169E1"]Love, Lafayette Escadrille.[/color][/size][/font] [/quote] ... But Ernie
  18. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1330585595' post='2931093'] I'll be sure to keep the screenshot. Here's to the end of Round 20 and whomever wins! [/quote] I got this brah Also... Stelios needs more wars
  19. [quote name='dealmaster13' timestamp='1330559034' post='2930845'] lots of words [/quote] You aint got nothing on me
  20. [quote name='Ferrie' timestamp='1330539663' post='2930677'] Yeah, I can see how it'd be seen as funny. But being that I was out of town for the last 4 days, and came into the battle with enough time to get in one GA before he was too small to attack, it's pretty chicken****. Not saying I've never done it before. Just thought we were on better terms with tW. [/quote] Im sure it was nothing personal and wasnt even really thought about. Warriors war i guess
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