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Everything posted by Stelios

  1. Have fun and good luck! Hope you guys grow more
  2. [quote name='Dr William Westcher' timestamp='1333900707' post='2949998'] Well... This was fun, but not really. Thanks for the anal fissures OP, but I think you have proven your point. You can successfully roll an alliance of TE newbs. [/quote] Lol you liked it dont lie.. Also if you want to learn about a reroll guide. Find me on IRC
  3. o/ Onwards to war brothers... Brother on Brother action.. :3 Have fun guys and goodluck all
  4. [quote name='Dr William Westcher' timestamp='1333748993' post='2949268'] Hehehehe. I was just thinking to myself a one round retirement looks pretty sweet what with my guts hanging out all over the place. But then I realized TE doesn't matter. Round 22 heR&Re we come. [/quote] The round just started.. Get a good reroll guide and you will be fine..
  5. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1333427775' post='2947679'] Go away Trotsky and keep your plague on Bob :> [/quote] What he said
  6. [quote name='xR1 Fatal Instinct' timestamp='1333483049' post='2947958'] The RE guys attacking me can barely pull off a blitz. In fact, they screwed it all up multiple times. [/quote] My body is ready... http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000121 I should have figured xr1 would be the first one to start with the bad mouthing
  7. [quote name='xR1 Fatal Instinct' timestamp='1333346275' post='2947205'] I think you mean 76 [/quote] no 86. You guys like holding over ten members on pending.. I already brought it up to govt. I think you guys are using it as fodder maybe? Im not sure. When they are pending for over 5 days... they are members [quote name='KillerCruiser' timestamp='1333347731' post='2947211'] lol Looks like right now after 1 hour and 30 mins since the war started, there has been a total of 96 wars... our guys declared 50 wars so far, while you only declared 46 wars on us... lol you guys didn't expect this much of a counter attack did you o/ SUN [/quote] Thats ok.. Like I talked about last night.. It aint over, till its over big guy Im also getting these rumors about a spy and it would make sense to why you were ready.. Good ole SUN
  8. Goodluck to all! Hope you all have fun This will be a good learning experience for NDO
  9. I thought it would go back to the previous if you did that.. Im not 100% tho. Also you might want to edit your TE info on your profile
  10. [quote name='Commander Sheperd' timestamp='1332746423' post='2943254'] okay this is a post for me and a few other members the post doesnt make sence because the part u need to make sence i sent them in game [/quote] Then why are you posting it here on the OWF if no one knows what it means.. Also edit your TE info..
  11. Needs more DoW.. Welcome back!
  12. Lol what is going on here! Sign Paul up for 2!
  13. [quote name='Dr William Westcher' timestamp='1332566829' post='2942522'] Thats the thing. People go into Tournament Edition with the mindset that they can just attack whoever because it doesn't' matter (which it technically doesn't) But in that same vein, Standard Edition doesn't matter either. Yes, the round is very short. Yes, things get chaotic. But that doesn't mean that a certain amount of short-term foresight can't come into play. I look forward to the aforementioned teamwork. [/quote] Best of luck to you all. Hope you guys stick around and learn. Things really dont get chaotic until the end of the round. Or a massive down declare happens. Wars arent fought here like SE. And question, how many rounds have you played TE? EDIT: also, with TE wars.. You wont see them coming. There really arent reasons for wars.. other than stats line up Double Edit: I echo what paul said.. RE hits whoever it wants whenever it wants.
  14. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1332627774' post='2942720'] NOU welcome back RE, now give us Eumirbago [/quote] Do you really trust him
  15. [center][img]http://i904.photobucket.com/albums/ac241/ADude_01/RE2-1.png[/img][/center] [center]Yup, you know what it is.. Rome is back. Ready to tear this place up again IRC Channel #Re-te Stelios Emperor Jraenar Praetor of War ColonelBrick Praetor of Affairs Lets go![/center]
  16. I dont believe there is a Standard Edition one around anymore. I believe the last one was The Last of the Romans, and they merged into Oceania
  17. [quote name='Hoosierbud' timestamp='1332481097' post='2942059'] think you are giving Admins another reason to dicontinue, why not just flippen finish half azzzzz. [/quote] The players of Synergy will still be here. However, they dont have the time to hold an active member base and run an alliance effectively.. Syn isnt dead.. its sleeping
  18. Best of Luck, hope you guys grow.
  19. Stelios


    Goodluck my brothers!
  20. [quote name='admin' timestamp='1331899610' post='2938850'] Ok, you've convinced me. CN:TE is coming back. I'll post updates on the TE forums and in CN:SE on a specific date of return. (Probably over the coming weekend) [/quote] You're awesome. If there is anything we can do, let us know. o/ Thanks Admin
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