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Everything posted by Rudolph

  1. @Lynneth: 1-90 Success, 91-100, failure. 1st Roll: 39 - Success 2nd Roll: 86 - Success
  2. Public There comes a time when two nations and peoples meet and upon that meeting, relationships bloom as if an act of nature. This relationship between the two us was started on the common basis of being Abrahamic Brothers and it shall be cemented on that common basis, forever more tying the two nations together in harmony and peace. Thus, we are now Brothers of the Faith!
  3. Classified The Great Council of the Yugoslavian Kingdom would transmit (via classified and secure communication) information to the Alexandrian government, specifically in regards to treaty that was discussed a week ago during the scheduled meeting between the two governments in Beograd. "I trust the following treaty fits our discussion well, and should fly accordingly with all proper procedures." Respectfully, HM Kralj Dragojev Belojevic, Lord Protector of the Albanian and Romanian People
  4. Classified The Great Council of the Yugoslavian Kingdom would transmit the information to the Zapadnayan government, specifically in regards to the date of their arrival to the Sofia International Airport, and thanking the government for the provided transportation to the building where the meeting would be taking place.
  5. @Zoot: 1-90 Success, 91-100, failure. 1st Roll: 75 - Success 2nd Roll: 93 - Failure
  6. Considering the tiered cap proposal, I'd be entirely in favor of changing the wording to Hereno's proposal on soldier caps. That said, I do agree that the voting percentage should be lowered to a simple majority vote.
  7. Classified Addressed To the Foreign Ministry of the Bulgarian nation, and her President, Sr. General Vladimir Fedorovych Bogomolov "It pleases us tremendously to hear the words of an invitation to renew and resume our diplomatic relationship as brothers in the Peninsula. Seeing as we are neighbors, I and those willing will be visiting Sofia on an official capacity within two days and we're hoping for this to be the renewal of a gracious relationship. To that end, what area of Sofia should our delegation arrive in?" Respectfully, HM Kralj Dragojev Belojevic, Lord Protector of the Albanian and Romanian People
  8. Please provide the context of the logs.
  9. Because, like has been said and consistently repeated ad nauseum. There are procedures to this, procedures that you apparently give zero fucks to follow and actively discuss in favor of looking at poll numbers and say "I have support!". Follow the established procedures and things change, it's that simple.
  10. I agree with Tidy on this one. There's a distinct difference between voting and actual discussing.
  11. "I do believe that works well for everyone involved, Ambassador Antar," the Kralj indicated as he nodded, quite happy that his people would have fee-free trade coming from the Suez Canal. "The Mutual Defense should work in tandem with diplomacy to ensure the protection of the Mediterranean in any issue that may involve us or any dispute within the region only. Do note that mutual defense will only be enacted for the defense of each other with the cooperative diplomatic force being the main force to ensure that the Mediterranean can enjoy peace," Dragojev added and explained, wanting to make sure this would be simply between the two countries. "Apart from that I believe that our peoples will enjoy this new relationship between our countries."
  12. The Kralj nodded in return, quite happy to hear the dignitary's response. The Aidennic Church and faith was a recent and modern invention, based from a mixture of Christian and Muslim roots so it was a pleasant note to hear altogether. Dragojev cleared his throat, "As it stands, our policy is to ensure the freedom and independence from foreign countries for the Balkan Peninsula, and to clear out the Mafia that run rampant in the countryside," he elaborated for the foreign diplomat, "But I'm more than willing and happy to slightly alter our policy to assist Alexandria in its mission of securing the Mediterranean by way of treaties." "To that end, what would Alexandria ask for Canal fees to be waived altogether?" the Sovereign of Yugoslavia asked, all manners of trade possibilities blooming within his mind.
  13. Classified Addressed To the Foreign Ministry of the Bulgarian nation, and her President, Sr. General Vladimir Fedorovych Bogomolov "It is with great joy to be able to see the Bulgarians stand on their own after such a cataclysm, and we in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia are delighted to see brothers doing well enough so far. Both of our nations and its people share a long and storied history together, positive relations being the norm than negative ones. That being said, we simply request the opportunity to resume those relations and move forward as brothers once more. To that end, I ask if it is acceptable to schedule a visit to your country and personally re-establish our ties as brothers. I shall await your reply." Respectfully, HM Kralj Dragojev Belojevic, Lord Protector of the Albanian and Romanian People
  14. Two weeks without notice and three to four weeks with notice, imo. Knowing how utterly crazy RL can get for people (From all walks of life and that jazz), so I think that three to four weeks with notice should be good enough for the members of the community.
  15. Dragojev shook his head, "I understand very well the concern, so no need to apologize, Ambassador," he said as he smiled politely at the foreign dignitary. "That said, the Kingdom would not be adverse to such a creation as long as there is an appropriately sized...I guess 'congregation' would fit for the lack of a better word," he answered without issue. "As long as that follows, the Kingdom would have no issue with the Aidennic religion. We simply ask that the practitioners follow the laws and decrees of the state."
  16. As a current GM, I'm backing the ruling in an effort to move things. From this point onward, discussion on time length and rules about said length should be started immediately to further cement proper policy.
  17. Classified: "I'd also like to thank you for visiting us, Mr. Antar. Most do not come to us so it is a pleasant surprise for one of the middle eastern countries, albeit one with religious ancestry tying us together to approach with open arms as it were," the Kralj started with as he simply sat, his hands steepled on the room's table. "As to the stance of the Kingdom on the Aidennic religion, while the country may be predominantly Eastern orthodox, I'm afraid we do not let missionaries preach in the street. Religion is kept strictly within their churches or mosques, no where else," he answered the diplomat's first question. "If that is an issue with Alexandria, I'm sure we can come to an accords of some sort down the road concerning the Aidennic religion."
  18. Public In response to the attempted assassination of one of the kingdom's most beloved workers and defender of its safety, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia has temporarily closed on its end the crossing between itself and Hungary as the Kingdom seeks to investigate the matter more thoroughly. A massive investigation between the Kingdom's local and national governmental agencies has been established by decree of the Kralj, echoing of a united kingdom in this almost tragic moment in these trying times. More details of this investigation will be brought to light as soon as it is available. Classified "Petar, I know this must be hard time for you and your family knowing that your son was almost assassinated but rest assured that I and everyone else are doing their best to make sure we find the culprits of this heinous attempt. The hospital where he is has been reinforced by a regiment to ensure the safety of you and yours as the investigation continues. I will release this detail to you but it looks like the Hungarian military might be involved in this situation. Like I said, the investigation is still ongoing but you know that I'm doing all I can. I won't let you or your boy down, Petar." Respectfully, HM Kralj Dragojev Belojevic
  19. Classified: "The Kingdom of Yugoslavia sends many well wishes to the good people of Alexandria as well as a pardon on the tardiness of the response. The prior embassy of the sadly defunct Red Sea Republic has be reallocated for the use of the state of Alexandria and its diplomats, the embassy is located in the Red district of Beograd. Do note however, that the district is a normal district and not one where services of the carnal nature can be sought out as some may think. With that being elaborated upon, we shall await your arrival and hope that mutual cooperation and good relations can flourish." Sincerely, HM Kralj Dragojev Belojevic
  20. I removed your voice because you were not helping the situation when all I requested for you to keep the peace was a simple answer, not engaging with Zoot. It's your prerogative if you want to take it that way.
  21. With regards to the current shenanigans and situation that occurred in the Asian region of CNRP2, it has come to light for the community as a whole to discuss the situation, analyze it and come with a solution the current 'crisis' in that particular region. This thread should be used as a guiding stick and should it come down to it, to a poll for what the community as a whole will do with the GM's enforcing that decision.
  22. Polite pleasantries and handshakes were exchanged as the Kralj and his entourage entered the lobby of their designated embassy, the group of the Republic's dignitaries and the group from Yugoslavia swiftly heading towards the meeting room. As they entered Dragojev Belojevic, the Kralj of the Kraljevina Jugoslavija smiled politely at the President of the Red Sea Republic, Abd al-Malik Iqbal El-Amin. The Kralj then did something most did not expect of him to do as a Sovereign, he bowed towards the President before returning to his original position. "As-salamu alaykum, President El-Amin. It's a pleasure to finally be able to meet you and on this grand occasion," he stated in greetings towards his Abrahamic brother-in-faith, "I must say, things have quite obviously occurred rapidly across the world as it were," he hinted ominously as he raised a hand, a folder filled with documents in his grasp. "I believe you'll know what I am talking about soon enough."
  23. "The Kingdom of Yugoslavia is very displeased to see such blatant over-reach by the Franco-Italians with regards to the Mediterranean sea, a sea that borders many a country and opens trade to international waters must not be hindered in such a fashion. It is disgraceful and the good people of Yugoslavia joins the condemnation of such an act." Sincerely, HM Kralj Dragojev Belojevic
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