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Everything posted by Owned-You

  1. New Spain would observe these actions with benign interest. "Poor Spinoza was but a blip squeezed among giants."
  2. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1319733637' post='2833036'] Just as a note the HAE islands in the Caribbean should be marked as a New Spain protectorate, I also believe Owned annexed Baja California and the HAE territory directly north of it. [/quote] Confirming this. Additionally, I annexed all HAE lands in Central America.
  3. We hope to see the former Corporate Republic pick up the pieces in Guyana and rebuild that devastated landscape into a proper land once more. In regards to the Panama Canal, we feel it would make the most sense from a geographical perspective to be it's primary administrator given we're currently in the process of taking control of former HAE lands adjacent to it. We are however willing to administrate the area jointly with the aforementioned powers should they insist upon it. [i]-His Majesty the King of New Spain[/i] [i]Enrique Bourbon[/i]
  4. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1319407950' post='2831125'] You said TLR was playing RIA's games. RIA didn't request an apology - so what games are you talking about? [/quote] I wasn't making the implication that RIA requested this apology; if that's what your gathered from my statement that's your fault. I was however commenting on the fact that Delta posted a statement indicating his dissatisfaction with the incident at hand; implying he was deeply offended by it. I don't believe he truly was and said that he was playing a game by trying to portray the offense as something more then the harmless banter it turned out to be. Like I said though, I'm glad TLR made this announcement.
  5. This announcement brought a grin to my face. Congrats guys!
  6. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1319406910' post='2831113'] Unless there's something I don't know, TLR is offering this themselves. [/quote] That doesn't change anything I've previously said.
  7. It never ceases to amaze me what alliances will find offensive in order to try and use as leverage in some petty PR or morale play. I applaud TLR for playing your games RIA, however I cannot help but wonder how delicate your membership must be to be offended by this little incident. Then again recent events have hinted that your lot tends to take everything personal so I suppose I shouldn't be shocked!
  8. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1319405854' post='2831096'] Which ones? [/quote] Use your intuition to figure it out; the writing has been on the walls for months so to speak.
  9. It's good to know your still around Colossus & friends.
  10. Your one of the greats of CN Zog and I'll certainly add to the the legion of players who'll miss you. I still remember a picture of you from 2008 posted on some forum and I'll still maintain that your a either clone of Billy Bob Thorton or Billy himself. Best of luck on whatever course you may take in life.
  11. I read this topic under the faint impressions that it would somehow improve itself given enough time and posting...some of you should not be allowed near a computer again.
  12. The Kingdom of New Spain formally recognizes Greater Rhodesia. We wish you luck in the world and welcome you to send over a delegate to New Spain to formally establish relations between our nations. -Emilo Bourbon Lord Steward of New Spain
  13. [b]Private Message to the Athenian Federation[/b] [b] [/b] Dearest friend, We are deeply saddened and troubled by the untimely passing of our Cajun counterparts. We held amiable relations with them; though never in formal writing it was more or less an implied bond out of mutual friendship and interest. With that being said with their collapse we have viewed the speedy deployments of Athenian forces into the Caribbean with comfort. As for your request, New Spain would be happy to assist you in protecting these islands in conjunction with your forces. Sincerely, His Majesty the King of New Spain Enrique Bourbon [b]Classified[/b] 100,000 soldiers and 1000 tanks would be deployed into the Caribbean islands to aid in peace-keeping efforts.
  14. CNRP is just a TOP ruse used to fool us into becoming their slaves. You heard it here first.
  15. "We find the proposal to be an agreeable one..I've ordered government lands to be cleared in order to make the necessary space for these armament facilities. I have designated the following locations in Durango, Chihuahua, & Pachuca de Soto as ready for immediate building. Construction workers can begin building once factory blue-prints, materials, and staff arrive. " - [i]His Majesty the King of New Spain[/i] [i]Enrique Bourbon[/i]
  16. As a member of this fine establishment I feel it's inherent to our interests to [b][font="Georgia"]M[/font][/b]urder [b][font="Georgia"]E[/font][/b]very [b][font="Georgia"]A[/font][/b]lliance [b][font="Georgia"]T[/font][/b]aking our senate seats... We cannot settle for a mere two seats and be content with mediocrity...maybe alliances outside of MEAT on Maroon in the senate should consider joining it so as to join in on the meaty goodness.
  17. [quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1317084497' post='2809245'] Cheer up, Owned. We'll always have those good times we had fighting MCXA in Karma. Or the other good times we had fighting Sparta in that last war. Or the other other good times we had fighting Invicta. Or the other other other good times we had fighting in every other war we fought in. Good times, man. Good times. [/quote] The best of times, I'll admit my personal favorites were during the BLEU era...although not too many are fond of NV from that time. See you on the DT forums.
  18. [quote name='Space Monkey' timestamp='1317083365' post='2809230'] I would have to disagree. NV was a generic alliance with no originality or thought put into it. Just a cliche alliance, whose only claim to fame is being a good pawns for other alliances. There is a reason NV disbanded and a reason why you abandoned and joined MK. [/quote] I'm wounded, really I am. I cannot sleep knowing that I've failed to live up to the expectations of the vaunted Space Monkey...your numberless achievements and boundless renown matching only that of your alliance. I'm crushed!
  19. As the founder and original Emperor of Nueva Vida I feel a variety of emotions from this topic. Initially, remorse and regret towards things that could have been, should have been, would have been had we only done things differently at varying points in our history. Knowing deep down that when I sat forth from the disasters of GWIII with the idea of a groundbreaking alliance founded on the ideals that were at the time unheard of in CN (honoring one's debts and agreements and forgiving any applicants faults). How at our zenith we were on the cusp of greatness nearly reaching sanctioned status in 2008-2009. How we were one of the first large-scale tech-selling alliances in CN and managed to run a reliable market matrix system before other alliances could even coordinate aid...all of this potential culminating with our triumphs in CN. It pains me to know that we had a platform for much more but we could never realize it fully...I will admit that I somewhat felt begrudgingly towards the chains that at one end helped propel us into this position and at the other end encumbered us into inaction; our morale code. I cannot recall the times I would feel nothing more then frustration when trying to expand our visions onto subjects only to be slowly told "No" by the collective membership who eventually fell into a dogmatic mindset following this code to zealous fault...In the same token I can at the same time point out to various times in my 3 years with NV where that same code fostered the greatest of relationships with alliances & players throughout CN. I suppose I am a victim of my self-standards which where admittedly high to an unrealistic degree for most of my time in NV. I suppose I'm saying this here and now as it'll be the last time to ever really say it. With all of that said, I cannot help but feel honored to have served with many of these members for as long as I did. While I certainly wasn't as familiar with the newer generations of Vidians; I will always fondly remember the names Kommadant Black, Aun Vre, Nelchael, Raasaa, Prince Aruthra, Biff Hooper, and countless others. To all the allies and friends I had a distinction of serving alongside of it was beyond a pleasure. I can say that judging by the responses of this thread expressing remorse at our passing that for all the faults in my own head we evidently did something right along the way and I can proudly say I was a part of it. Forever Forward Vidians. :sexface: (PS. LSF your banter leaves me somewhat incredulous...considering your far from a functioning alliance and simply existing content with inadequacy. A fate that we could not bear as evident by this announcement...nor brag about but I suppose it's your choice to do so.)
  20. It's good to see CnG growing again. Congrats guys!
  21. "We find this solution to be the best possible one in regards to Antarctica. It is a land devoid of any real stewardship which has played a large hand towards it's ecological destruction. It is our hope under the RDLL it may be restored. Thus, we support the establishment of this preserve." -His Majesty the King of New Spain Enrique Bourbon
  22. [b]Private[/b] [b]Somewhere Deep in the mountains of New Spain[/b] Lord Henri Garcia stood at a podium inside the Stratego a complex buried deep in the mountains west of the capital. It served housing the nations military network and stood as the central hub for military matters within the nation. It stood buried deep within the mountains and was reinforced with a number of structural improvements of the latest designs...tonight the usually docile complex was full of activity. A myriad of senior military officials from all branches of the military had convened this evening for an emergency briefing but what exactly, could not be said...not yet at least. Henri stood tall as the last of the men gathered to their positions waiting on his permission to sit. "Gentlemen, please take your seats." He paused allowing them to sit at attention. "Now, no doubt your wondering why I've gathered you here today. Well to put it in the most serene fashion; we have steadily been monitoring intelligence via our various networks that have revealed a number of things to us. Chief among them our concerns with the falling state of our neighbors in the south have been confirmed...the rumors of civil war tearing apart the Holy American Empire are no longer simply rumors but truths. The whole of the Holy American Empire has been ravaged by this conflict between two factions vying for control of the nation. We have reports that there have been massive casualties from this conflict and entire cities have been leveled by it...we will not know for sure how bad things are down there until we land boots on the ground...which is why where gathered here today" Henri paused before pulling up his milcom PDA device and sent his war-plans to respective departments. The room soon lit up to LED screens and grew silent for a brief moment before Henri began again. "As you'll see Operation Atlas-01 calls for a two-pronged invasion of HAE lands in order to secure them for New Spain; Operation Atlas-0 is the pacifying of Holy American Empire lands west of New Spain in Southern California, Baja, and the islands near and surrounding the Gulf of California; Command will be given to the 5th Army under General Hector Hernado. Operation Atlas -1 will be our efforts to secure Holy American Empire lands in Central America stopping on the northern coast of the Panama Canal; Command is given to Army Group A under General Ignacio de Valencia. See that your respective orders are carried through to the fullest. A note concerning Operation A-0 we have confirmed reports that Novarian assets have began to trickle in through the northern border in an attempt to secure these lands. Ignore them, Foreign affairs will order them to cease and desist from their efforts; should they fail too we will launch the full might of our forces onto their heads. Until that time arrives however; do keep your men in line. That will be all gentlemen, godspeed." Within minutes the cadre of military officers and officials began to stream out of the room and began to make the necessary orders to their respective command posts. ===== [b]Classified[/b] Due to the country being mobilized earlier in the month the military was already fully equipped and prepared for the Operation orders would be distributed and in effect within 6 hours. Within 12 hours the entirety of Operation Atlas-01 would be underway. The 5th Army would comprise of 4 corps given their respective orders.1st -4th Assault Corps would be equipped with a mobile rocket batteries, M-1 Cerberus tanks, MICFV's, engineers, and their respective infantry divisions. The 1st corps would be assigned to make way west through the westernmost border of Baja and make their way south through the Baja coast to secure population centers and dispose of any resistance. 2nd corps would follow a supporting role with elements of it being air-lifted to the surrounding islands to secure the lands. The 3rd corps would be assigned a similar route diverging at the Baja border and making their way North West into Southern California with primary goals being to secure Los Angeles, San Diego, and surrounding population centers in the North-east of the land. 4th corps would follow in a supplemental route and secure lands in the North west. Paratrooper elements would be deployed alongside air-lift elements in conjunction with each corp first numbering 10,000 per corp. Army Group A would be dived into 4 Armies each with their respective assault composition and given their individual tasks to secure the land. 1st Army would make their way through the southern border of New Spain and making their way south through the snaky Yucatan Peninsula to secure the entirety of Mexico proper. 2nd Army would be tasked with securing Guatemala & Honduras. 3rd Army would be assigned Nicaragua & Costa Rica. 4th Army given the task of securing Panama and the Panama Canal. 1st-4th Aerial Supremacy Wing would be tasked with securing the air over Baja & Southern California and providing support to the 5th Army. With a full compliment of F-99's, AWAC's, UAV's, EWAC's, and a compliment of other support craft. While the 5th-9th Aerial Supremacy Wings would be tasked with providing cover and ground-support for Army Group A. 384 craft would be involved in all divided into 48 craft per wing. CJTF-1 would be assigned with providing naval support in the Gulf of California and surrounding islands with a compliment of Battleships, Frigates, Cruisers, Destroyers, providing support to the Carrier Air-Group HMN-Supremacy. CJTF-2 would be assigned the same role in the Gulf of Mexico going south into the Carribean Sea on the Eastern Side of the Panama Canal. CJTF-3 would be assigned a complimentary role on the North Pacific Ocean on the western side of the Panama Canal. Each Task Force would hold a myriad of vessels providing complimentary support for the carriers in each. Task Unit HK-1 would be assigned to hunt down any enemy submarines in support of CJTF-1, each CJTF would have a task unit of Hunter killer submarines assigned the same support tasks. In all over 800,000 men would be deployed into action. 200,000 being in the 5th Army divided between it's 4 Corps composed of 50,000 each. While Army Group A would be comprised of 800,000 men divided between it's 4 armies divided between 200,000 a piece. ===== [b]Public[/b] [b] [/b][center][font="Georgia"][size="5"]Official Announcement from New Spain[/size][/font][/center][center][img]http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj47/Phoenix-Owned/NewSpainFlag.jpg[/img][/center] Today, New Spain has embarked on an effort to pacify and secure all lands within the Holy American Empire excluding the entirety of the South American continent & Caribbean Islands. That is to say we have dispatched forces to secure all lands north of Columbia in an effort to restore order in these lands where chaos has reigned supreme over these many months. As we speak over 800,000 men and women are being deployed into theaters throughout Central America, California, & Baja with compliments of aerial and naval support. We will be providing humanitarian aid to any Holy American Empire citizens within these battered lands. It is our intent to restore order and reunify these cultural heritages under the banner of the Kingdom of New Spain. We have also received word of a Noverian military elements swarming into Southern California & Baja. We demand Noveria retract these elements and desist from interfering with our sphere of influence. Should they persist New Spain is poised to defend her rights to the sovereignty of these lands so as to protect them from Noverian expansionist tendencies. [i]Signed[/i] [i]His Majesty the King of New Spain[/i] [i]Enrique Bourbon[/i]
  23. (OOC - I'm contesting this movement JED. You can't just waltz into Baja...especially considering Shadow asked in another thread to finish his "Downfall" before we began posting our movements. I decide to honor the request and now it seems his land is being gifted off...No no, I won't be having that.)
  24. Enrique sat down alongside his brother and nodded to Michelle. "You make keen observations Michelle, that is precisely my intent with coming here today." Enrique paused briefly collecting his thoughts before beginning. "Now it goes without saying that New Spain & The Cajun Federation share a rather unique relationship in comparison to most other countries. For one the Bourbon-Broussard lineages have significant ties going back centuries. But beyond those we also share cultures whose regional focus lay with and around the Gulf of Mexico...that is to say it's vital to both of our nations to ensure it's security. We have watched with interest over the last few months how the Cajun Federation has taken a proactive approach to securing the gulf and we feel because of it the desire to formalize relations with you in a more concrete manner. Knowing that our combined prowess could usher in unparalleled security for our region; if not also serving as a force for good in the whole of the Americas. With your recent acquisitions of Texas we felt it to be even more prudent to discuss such ideas with you. Given these facts it would be remiss that both our powers have no real ties to set the guide-stones towards our nations cooperative efforts." Emilo sat idle as his brother spoke to Michelle, glancing over some figures he wished to interject to support his brothers statements. Pausing a brief moment after his brothers last words he spoke up. "Not to mention there are inherit economic reasons for a formalization of our relations through the fostering of greater trade opportunities for our nations. Both our nations stand to make much more money working together on an economic standpoint supporting one another then if we're simply stood alone. Open borders agreements would increase the flow of revenues for our nations and allow Cajun goods better placement in New Spain and vice-versa our crafts in Cajun markets.
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