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Everything posted by Amossio

  1. I've never read any charter in my entire time on bob
  2. was only a matter of time, congratulations to everyone involved, not auctor though, he deserves nothing.
  3. Now he's just somebody you used to know!! the whole dod/nor shabang can be described in a similar sense, I remember not too long ago when we were all destroying SF. Nor should take peace, even if they have to bite the bullet. Gives them something to look forward too/build up/make new friends over, it's not like dod would shy away from a fight either.
  4. Why don't you just create your thread so you can get the daily dosage of attention you crave?? congrats on peace guys, hard fought by some of yoos, Now NoR just needs to see some sense and peace out, who cares that DoD is their former membership, I remember a few years ago having a good chinwag with the lot of them together. Get peace, harbour your grudge and take it out on dod next war, Im sure they wouldn't mind, not like DoD will enter pm to avoid their tech buyers, I mean banks to avoid war or anything. Plus allows the reich to stay active and have a real objective for next time :)
  5. indeed, it's also a club for the old girls hehe neo, you granny :P .
  6. Well since I have no idea who you even are, I'm not exactly going to take you seriously, especially as to what you're saying is assumption, obsessed, now that's cute. Talking about cute, my statement wasn't cute, just an observation based on your alliances great activity levels.....On a serious note, how is it we're not letting NPO "thing" go?? Could you clarify what you mean by thing as well?? Please also describe how and who we're using to our heavy lifting as per your other idiotic statement??
  7. hahaha I agree, all us, we're the masterminds behind everything! I think the general consensus around our membership for the terms are disbandment, all leaders are to retire from public faces into GPA. Please be aware part of the terms will also apply to TLR, except in terms of disbanding I'm sure you lads can do that all by yourselves, say hi to rush, I still love him.
  8. wow, mogar sure knows how to bring the try-hards to his yard.
  9. oh that useless lad, I thought he was history by now, guess not.
  10. NG also expects an apology, the tears that have been shed is also down to TOP, you horrible bastards
  11. doubt gloin even cares as I hardly hear him mention NG, neither from any ex deinos on our forum. If anything, the butthurt that's flowing comes from you lads, from stevie b crying after big bad methax created havoc with the sanctions, to durrwood wanting the attention by providing quality would read again leaks. But please, I hope your membership carries on entertaining us, next time give us a heads up so we can say much worse and ensure you lads post it. otherwise 10/10 would read again
  12. I was going to say the exact same thing, also, your sig, haha it's great
  13. This thread is great, started by a newcomer who wanted to do peace talks.... peace will come when it comes, for the time being enjoy the one time of the year we can actually enjoy life on bob. afterwards NpO/NPO/NSO can disband and make a super order for all of us to hate, maybe that's the secret plan all along, one world order conspiracy!
  14. Mate, you're a funny lad. Read my comment again. I'd love to see war all day every day for the rest of the year, but now that you mention reps, if it was up to me I wouldn't mind seeing brehon pzi and cifica disbanded, see now you have my personal opinion on reps. !@#$@#$ stooge
  15. That's not a penalty, that's just war But hopefully the war will go on for as long as it needs to go on for, unless of course we all hire MisterBlack to mediate.
  16. I wouldn't say he's trouble, it's not like he's actually doing any harm, but would be better off for him to fight/be part of an alliance that actually accepts him lol.
  17. He wants to join umbrella but we keep on saying no, no, noo!
  18. oh for fuck sake, who gives a flying fuck, nuke each other and get over your hypocritical selves, tio is shit, top are decent, berbers is a massive cunt.
  19. I don't think it's a secret, I just think it's funny how you bang on about respect/honour, yet hardly anyone would think you have either of those "qualities", tbh though anyone who preaches about honour is full of shit. Yeah! I think it's cool too :), mr alliance pending, is that an insult or an observation? Oh don't you worry son, I don't have to force anything, methax was merely giving a gentle push in the direction that nor is heading.
  20. we are at war with your "alliance" anyway, the argument over the sanctions is more driven towards use of sanctions during war rather than anything else. Plus anything that helps NoR disband is welcome, methax is a hero. haha rota banging on about honour and respect, doubt anyone can even define the two, let alone claim someone is honourable for simply using the war mechanics, another cry for attention mate??
  21. whaaaaaaat, top has you and bobilly now!! And you're rolling tpf, I think we need to merge :P
  22. I'm not here as a rep for umbrella, I'm here because your shit stinks and you're trying to point out other peoples shit stinks too, I used to be LoSS for a long time, stuck with them when everyone abandoned them, when Loss defended their allies when the likes of gato were getting early peace. I was there when LoSS got sent to pink, fought when given the choice not too, and, seeing allies forcefully disbanded. I find your hypocrisy laughable, I don't care, I'll admit my alliance has not been loyal to some in the past, I'll admit I've done and said stupid things in the past, but I don't go round pointing fingers when my own shit stinks. So true :)
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