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Everything posted by sethb

  1. We thank you for showing mercy in our beaten state.
  2. No more Pacifican attacks on OV? I really am dissapointed you guys never managed to ZI me
  3. I fried that little !@#$%^& up and ate it.
  4. Yuengling is simply the greatest thing in the world.
  5. #ov can get pretty freaky when Drhairyballz riffers and Dani_C and me after I've been drinking are there.
  6. But how did your allies get that information, and did you not look at screenshots from OV's board?
  7. How do you know so much about Sparta's plans? You don't so please stop acting like you know anything about them.
  8. Yeah! We started the war, I'm glad I finally know the truth after thinking otherwise for so long. Thank you NPO for opening my eyes.
  9. This is to go along with Melchior's suggestion, I'm not nominating my own flag.
  10. Wow, I never knew you could see the future. But seriously, stop pretending you actually have a clue as to what you are talking about.
  11. Nope, no point in having it if it takes up space. We don't need an embassy to communicate, and as you said we use other means such as IRC. We still <3 GOD embassy or not.
  12. An Announcement from the Minister of Foreign Operations I got tired of all the old embassies lying around collecting dust so I decided it's time to get rid of a few. If the following embassies aren't posted in within a week they will be deleted: CCC o7 1TF Assassin Order Dark Templar Genesis GOD Greenland Republic IRON Mushroom Kingdom Molon Labe NADC Nueva Vida OPA OTF RIA Valhalla Sparta Monos Archein Poison Clan TOOL So come by and reclaim them before it's too late! We're located at http://ordoverde.mattluria.com/index.php
  13. What reeks of idiocy is the fact you think whining on the OWF is going to help your cause any.
  14. Wentworth summed up my thoughts pretty well.
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