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Everything posted by sethb

  1. I may be mistaken so correct me if I'm wrong, I heard they are in some sort of war?
  2. Congrats to our awesome protectors in the Fellowship, and Roman Empire.
  3. You can find me in #ov Moo. Also, at no point in those talks did I state that Karma wasn't interested in peace.
  4. I looked at it. Am I going to be ZI'd and expelled from my alliance for looking at a screenie from your boards?
  5. The cyberverse will more than likely be multi-polar with three main power groups in Superfriends, Citadel, and CnG.
  6. Is there something funny about our council, besides the fact that Dani_C had a short stint in Poison Clan?
  7. Yeah I should have worded it better.
  8. Ordo Verde has recently made some changes to our government in light of some of our members having to put CN on the backburner due to RL. I am sad to announce that Rayvon our former Minister of Foreign Operations is no longer with us. On a brighter note I am pleased to present you with the new government of Ordo Verde. Council Minister of Internal Affairs-MrDuffy Minister of Defense-Dani_C Minister of Foreign Operations-Sethb Deputies and Ministers Minister of Recruitment- Sugarbutt Minister of Finance- Eric Hutchins Deputy Minister of Defense- Petar the 5th Headmaster of OV University and Minister of Trades- Grossman Feel free to stop by #ov on coldfront to say hi and share a Verde Brew or three with us.
  9. As someone mentioned earlier, Babyjesus is pretty funny.
  10. Salparadise ,hizzy and stumpy.
  11. This is good to see GGA. Good luck on your new path. If you guys need anything you know where to find me.
  12. Great read Sooner, you are one of my favorite players and you have taught me a lot of what I know while I was still a noob learning about being in gov in USA. Ordo Verde will always stand by you and VE. o/ Viridia o/ Sooner
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