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Everything posted by Californian

  1. Yes, if the majority of people here would prefer Optional Aggression we can do that as well.
  2. All foreign dignitaries were greeted at Norden International Airport and driven to the conference building in the usual ambassador limousine. ------ Due to the fairly large turnout, the meeting will progress. We understand foreign officials may have been delayed so they are more than welcome to appear during the conference, so long as they do not interrupt the proceedings. Forseti Ty Eyvindsson walked up to the podium, adjusted the microphone, and began reading his speech. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to this conference, and I apologize most heartily for subjecting you to the name of our capital, though it has been rather funny to hear it pronounced on the international news stations." "I come before you today to propose the creation of a military cooperative organization, preliminarily called NATO for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. I know many of you are hesitant over the idea of a new military bloc with the memories of the USA and GNR, two conglomerates which recently caused much international strife and commotion. However, I can assure you that this will only be used for good, to ensure no more evil or war exists in the world. I propose in this NATO to contain a MDAP pact amongst its members. I'm sure we can all agree on mutual defense, however naysayers will question mutual aggression. And to those I reply, preemptive strikes often are the best course of action to prevent war, death, and tragedy. We should recall the recent war caused by the GNR. We all knew they did not have the worlds best interests in hand, and I'm sure we can all agree their existence practically ensured war. Yet we did nothing. We let them grow, we let them declare war, we even let them fire nuclear and biological weapons. So many nations, individually weak, yet able to come together and unite before the losses piled even higher. But what if some group had stood up to the GNR, fought and removed them before they could detonate nuclear weapons? That my friends, is mutual aggression. Some of you recall the World Congress. It has a worthy goal and it DID condemn the GNR. But it is like a grandmother, it is weak, it is only talk, and it has no teeth. A bad grandmother might I add, for it doesn't even bake us fresh cookies. We need an organization willing to take on the bullies, and I am committed to making one. Justice is peace, and we are committed to both." "You may wonder why you have been called to this meeting. Firstly, geographical disposition plays a large part. We are all close to the north Atlantic, meaning we can easily defend each other. Secondly, we can all count on each other. Each nation invited here has been reviewed carefully and is line with our ideals of freedom, justice, and peace. If I could not personally vouch for a nation they would not be here." "Again, I call before you to support this new NATO. I suggest we outline certain proposals and I myself will briefly describe a few characteristics I wish to see in this organization. First, mutual defense will be key. An emphasis must be placed that an attack on one is an attack on all. Mutual defense may not be called upon, it must be expected and received immediately. I also think all mutual aggression to preemptively take out threats must not be a simple majority decision, but must require consent of all nations in the organization. Second, free use of ports and oceans. All NATO nations should be freely allowed to roam the north Atlantic and dock in NATO ports. We must accommodate both coastal and landlocked nations. Thirdly, the creation of a special NATO military and governmental structure. Each member nation should be willing to commit troops and resources to this organization. The troops will be used to immediately intervene on the behalf of resolutions passed by the NATO council. I believe a Supreme Allied Commander to oversee NATO and member nation troop cohesion be appointed. I believe all nations should have equal representation and power. Also a Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General should be appointed to act as moderators in discussions and voice the agreements reached in our chambers. Finally, I propose this be invitation only. If any nation other than the ones listed wish to join, they may petition for an invitation however we do not have to admit them. We should only admit nations we trust with our nations security. What are your ideas on this?"
  3. OOC: Will be gone this weekend for 2 days so expect to continue then. There's a long list of people yet to arrive, so it gives them some time anyways.
  4. We congratulate the people of Pennsylvania on being successfully incorporated into New England and hope your nation prospers.
  5. An error has been made. Tahoe Republic and the Holy Imperium of Man both own land in the northern Atlantic and have therefore been given invitations as well. We apologize for this inconvenience. OOC: Typo
  6. The FRG wishes to apply for membership.
  7. We welcome this new nation.
  8. Groenlandia-Nordheim MDP Groenlandia-Drakoria MDoAP Thanks
  9. Elections Elections have been held in all provinces of the former Slavic Empire controlled by the FRG. The overwhelming majority have voted for annexation into the FRG while being able to suceed should a suitable local government arise. The Senatus has approved of the incorporation of the following provinces into the FRG: Orenburg, Bashkortostan, Aktobe, Akmola, Almaty, Kostanay, and Pavlodar. A census is currently under way in these new provinces to determine how the 750 seat Senatus should be split. Kray Canal Construction of the canal is approximately 33% complete. Drakorian and Groenlandian crews are working diligently to ensure the completion of this canal. Arkhangelsk Due to the recent collapse of the Slavic Empire and after reviewing the Arkhangelsk Accords, the city and port of Arkhangelsk is now being solely run by the FRG. The military garrison of 500 troops has been put on high alert however there has been no rioting, most citizens are uneasy with the collapse of the Slavic Empire. The city's police and port authority have maintained control and the local government is continuing normal operations.
  10. We congratulate both nations on the peaceful transaction of land.
  11. You can unlock me I will be using my moms iPhone thanks
  12. http://g.imagehost.org/view/0805/CNRPMap1_2 -croatia -RA-cochin prot Note: Sumeragi wants to do all the Chinese updates so I'm not going to bother Note 2: I will be gone for 15 days so someone else will have to step up with the map.
  13. Name: Californian Nation: Grøenlandia Duration: Saturday, June 20th - July 6th Going to Mexico for a week then going on a roadtrip to Mt. Rushmore
  14. http://g.imagehost.org/view/0384/CNRPMap1_1 -Brazil -Pacific Islands
  15. Should there be excessive violence or civil war, potentially leading to anarchy, Grøenlandian troops may be forced to intervene.
  16. Collapse of Slavic Empire! Yesterday, after much of the fighting in Europe had subsided, the Slavic Empire collapsed and fell into anarchy. Rumors are abound, stating that the leader of the Slavic Empire actually killed a diplomat at a peace conference, however this has not been independently confirmed at this time. As a result of the sudden collapse, Groenlandian troops have been called in to secure lands bordering the Atyrau province of Groenlandia. The population has received the troops warmly, and basic public services such as sanitation, water, and hospitals have been kept operational. Aid is also being moved in. Hans Morgenthau, Minister of Security, stated the move "was non-confrontational" and only meant to "help the people of the former Slavic Empire and Groenlandia." The True European Coalition (TEC), one of the main forces fighting in the recent Nordlandic War, claimed the upper portion of the former Empire however it remains to be seen if troops will actually be dispatched to helped the people and ensure security. Election will be held in three days to determine the fate of the newly held territory. The provinces will be allowed to join Groenlandia or another nation, join the TEC protectorate, or refuse all help. The most popular opinion at this time is to become part of Groenlandia with the ability to branch off into another nation should a strong local government rise. In related news, the Arkhangelsk Accords have been terminated and the city and port of Arkhangelsk, located in the northern part of the former Slavic Empire, is now under the control of Groenlandia. The Groenlandian garrison of 500 troops and the local police are maintaining order, and trade in the port should not be disrupted. While in control of Groenlandia at this time, the city council is actively looking to forge an agreement with any nation that lays claim to land surrounding Arkhangelsk. **CLASSIFIED** Security Department Memo RE: Slavic Empire Southern part of Slavic Empire has been secured. The spread of TEC has hopefully stopped.
  17. OOC: LVN is a loving individual full of empathy who enjoys helping other RPers... obviously.
  18. Grøenlandia is fairly concerned about these antics from a close by nation and will keep a close eye on events that occur in the Fourth Reich.
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