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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. Alliance Categories Friendliest Alliance Bel Air Most Hostile Alliance Viridian Entente Best Diplomatic Team Bel Air Best Economic System Aircastle Best Military Poison Clan Best Recruiting Staff Bel Air Best Propaganda Staff Sparta Scariest Alliance The Order of the Paradox Best Alliance Growth (Jan 1st - Present) Bel Air Best Rookie Alliance (under 4 months old) Bel Air Most Honorable Alliance The Grämlins Most Active Alliance Bel Air Best Flag Bel Air Best War Flag Bel Air Best Forums Bel Air Most entertaining IRC Channel #belair Most Powerful Alliance TOP Alliance of the Year Bel Air Alliance most likely to succeed in 2010 Bel Air Player Categories Most Powerful Player King Xander the Only Best Alliance Leader King Xander the Only Most controversial Player King Xander the Only Funniest Player King Xander the Only Most Active Player King Xander the Only Player of the Year King Xander the Only Player most likely to achieve greatness in 2010 King Xander the Only Political, Forum, and Game Categories Most Powerful Alliance Bloc NOIR, clearly Best OWF Topic Zhadum reveals NPO information: organized logs Best Water Cooler Topic No such thing as a good water cooler thread Best Declaration of War Poison clan on TPF Best Treaty Announcement NOIR Best Game addition/change Increase of inactivity limit to 25 days Best Wall of Text The one where that GGA guy claims there's no need for GGA to have WRCs. Best player Avatar King Xander the Only Best player Sig They are all terrible Best Player Quote (IRC or Forum) treygreen13: Citizens of Niger, please. Best CN Meme “___ is immoral, put this in your sig if you're down” Funniest Event Poison Clan simultaneously canceling their NAP with TPF and declaring war on them. Best OWF/AP Forum Poster King Xander the Only Best OOC Forum Area Poster King Xander the Only Biggest Controversy NPO's reps & surrender terms
  2. Why is the GRL so bad anyway - that many rogues?
  3. I think you are more arguing about the way friendships are formed rather than defending and helping one's friends - which hopefully will never cease.
  4. Don't know (or care) about the rest of those people, but IMO the morality of actions of alliances in blocs matters a lot more than size. Couldn't care less about size really - as has been shown time and time again, it means squat all. Hahaha See - that is precisely what your doctrine should have said.
  5. 1. Always wanted to play the game as though there were no treaties or alliances helping other alliances 2. Always wanted to fight an even war 3. Always wanted to stick up for the weaker alliance getting unjustly attacked
  6. NSO for never using the Moldavi Doctrine. C&G for slowly changing into what the Hegemony was. Everyone else for being generally immoral. )):
  7. I'm just going to casually agree with this chap.
  8. You are not fun What's the point of announcing such matters when the most interesting part is left out.
  9. This treaty is immoral, reply to this announcement if you agree.
  10. That's a pretty stupid thing to say, VE was quite fair, and cancelled their treaty with NpO as a result of that incident. Please learn history before making uneducated remarks. I don't have anything against anyone (except NSO - for their rampant immorality). Everyone is free to an opinion, and if you think the poll is biased - then it may well be from your perspective. When I was making it, I truly thought it was not - but alas, I don't claim to be perfect.
  11. I really don't understand - why all the silliness in the OP? The Mafia did a bad, cowardly move, so just call them out and declare war. No need to include nonsense in all this.
  12. That's to do with image compression however, is it not? The best way to fake a screenshot is simply to edit the html, which bears no affect on the graphical aspect of the screenshot.
  13. So let me get it straight, when someone from your alliance (a government member I might add) acts like a complete jerk it's me getting my feelings hurt, but when I hit back it's my fault for trashing your alliance. Right, gotcha.
  14. I find this quite humorous, as it was actually you who brought this up right here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=2004160 I believe this debate ends here.
  15. Completely different, and if you can't see that, then I have nothing more to say to you - because it is perhaps beyond stupidity to claim that the two wars are similar. And you do not dictate what I say, so shut up yourself, alright?
  16. If I was not met with such hostility by VE - or more specifically Impero, I highly doubt that I would be as hostile. I don't know why people tick you off and then wonder why you dislike them. Furthermore, as much as I used to like VE in the past, that is no reason to overlook any current grievances.
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