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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. We stated that we strongly believe a particular member of NSO - most likely youwish, attempted to get our forums spammed with porn/gore by requesting it on a popular imageboard and bumping the request with pornography. I believe so No, we have provided all the evidence there is in our announcement. Not that I know of, no. Awww, then why did I bother with this
  2. I am afraid you are going to have to make more sense to get a reply for that question.
  3. Moldavi, I can only laugh at you and your pathetic attempts to cover up Corinan's mess.
  4. 1. NSO makes demands of us 2. NSO threatens us with an escalation 3. NSO gives us an ultimatum 4. NSO does nothing We are bullies who won't declare? Right...
  5. I didn't say it amounts to a DoW, I said it was a threat, and it was clearly an ultimatum by the very definition of the term. If he did not see to escalate this with war, then how else? By faking an apology?
  6. Okey, maybe just a personal apology from you? Sorry, I don't think we have the guts to go through with our threat And I'm glad you see it was a threat.
  7. I would like to take this opportunity to demand 500 tech in reparations and demand that you apologize for posting your fake apology, without providing concrete evidence of it. You have until update.
  8. Hello there Although I am glad NSO considers this issue resolved, I believe some things require some clarification. 1. An apology from Dark Fist must contain the signatures of me and Daikos at minimum to be legitimate 2. No such apology was made 3. At no time did me or Daikos converse with Ivan Moldavi, hence no apology could have possibly been made to him. Perhaps Ivan Moldavi is slightly mistaken in his reasoning. But so long as NSO considers this issue resolved, it's all good - yeh? PS. I would like to re-affirm that we are unapologetic about the creation of the announcement which has resulted in this incident.
  9. I'm not entirely sure to what you are referring to, but I am glad that this was resolved
  10. Congratulations on this treaty This has been a particularly good day for Menotah I see.
  11. I have already explained this statement numerous times as a joke and a parody. Rest assured we are not afraid of whatever destruction you would bring upon us. Furthermore, I disagree with your views on this matter entirely, but that should not come as a surprise. Much discussion has taken place here, and I feel very little remains to be said which has not been said already. If the New Sith Order decides it still wants to pursue this issue, they can contact myself or Daikos.
  12. We did not and do [/b]not[/b] wish to incite any conflict. I do take responsibility for it. We did not think at all that NSO would consider it a legitimate reason for war. Unfortunately because of the way NSO approached us in regards to the issue, we are able to do little to appease them. NSO should have been more diplomatic. You are welcome to complain, but do you not believe that 40 pages would suffice? This is quite a flawed assessment - NSO escalated the issue, not us. Is interjecting in matters a CB-worthy offense in the eyes of the NSO? If not, then why were we slapped with demands and an ultimatum with threats to escalate the issue? We were not. Does NSO consider the issue resolved or not?
  13. Maybe you are missing the fact that my alliance is one of which was threatened?
  14. 1. You are implying that the "baseless allegation", which we disagree is baseless is a legitimate CB - which it is not. It is entirely immoral to go to war for such a reason. 2. I have spoken with all willing NSO/FB individuals attempting to explain our point of view and clear up any misconceptions they may have. 3. I have made it abundantly clear that we do not want war. 4. We have been very understanding with NSO in regards to their rogue issue, and let them take back a member of theirs who quite frankly attacked us because another person in NSO told him to. As far as we are concerned, this issue is over and done with. It is only being perpetuated by NSO and FB constantly throwing insults and allegations our way (and guess what, we haven't threatened you for it!) in this discussion, thus I am led to believe that it is in fact you lot who want war.
  15. No, it's more like this - Corinan stupidly threatened two alliances with war in two days, and did nothing to follow those threats up. We have been working very hard to ensure this would not lead to war.... Just because we didn't bend over to your threats don't invalidate our efforts. If the OP is crying, what is the other 50 pages of NSO and FB? I think you lot "cried" more than anyone. How can I volunteer for something when I did not know you want it? After I woke up yesterday, the very first thing that was made apparent to me was NSO's demands and threats, and thus any apology from that point would have been downright immoral, as it would only come as a result of a threat. I've pretty much covered my position already, but we did not ask for reps for mobilization costs.
  16. I don't think the term coalition is appropriate here. I also think Daikos replied to your comment quite well, when threatened with war - we are not going to sit with our thumbs up our butts. If we wanted war, we could have easily not given NSO their nation back, which allegedly followed the orders of a rogue. I don't think many would disagree with such an action, but we are and will cooperate as necessary with NSO to solve this issue - however this does not involve caving to threats and forced apologies.
  17. To convey the feelings of certain people in my alliance....as I already said.
  18. Because I agree with you that it would otherwise seem that way, I specifically made sure to clarify that it was not a request.
  19. Actually it was less than 3 minutes after the exchange you quoted, I would ask you to check yourself. Call me crazy, but I somewhat care what members of my alliance think. I think you missed the point, so I won't persist with this.
  20. No, I was simply providing one instance where he has done something insulting with the intent to cause OOC harm. Bringing that up had no IC meaning, he was simply trying to upset us. I'm not entirely sure to what you are referring to here.
  21. May I ask as to why you continue to bring this up, again and again, as though we haven't already been over this? I like how you left out this from the logs;
  22. Agreed. I don't believe I have asked any uninvolved parties for support, I and Daikos have only contacted alliances with which we hold a treaty, to see where they stand and what their opinion is of this incident. Those alliances probably contacted alliances which we have no formal relations with - but this is hardly my fault. I think I have the right to discuss an issue of this magnitude with my allies, do you not? Quite possible, but if you want to look at it like that, then two wrongs don't make a right.
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