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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. And your previous experiences, and those of others make this okey? I for one believe we live in a world different to the past, and I do not think it is at all acceptable to treat people like that. We dislike the NSO, however in all our private discussions with them, even after being threatened with an ultimatum, I was very police - which is more than I can say for certain other people. We have never insulted them or talked down on them, and thus when it comes to serious government discussions, I believe this kind of behavior is not only inappropriate, but damaging to the diplomatic efforts. AirMe, this is quite disrespectful Of course we have collaborated with our allies and have obtained their opinion on the matter. We are however not hiding behind anyone, and in fact I would vouch to say that if NSO declares war on us, we will not ask for anyone's assistance, but simply let them assist us if they consider it appropriate.
  2. I was merely pointing out that he thought it was funny to attempt to make fun of us for such an incident which dates a while back. This is only one of the things Youwish did that day, and does in general. Yes, and people claim we are undiplomatic warmongers, hell bent on provoking a war
  3. Just earlier that day, youwish was bragging to me how he cheated our alliance of 180mill when he pulled Soldier towards TPF for the lulz. So I have, and thus, I stand by the accusation.
  4. I already addressed this - in our opinion issuing threats and ultimatums is much worse than anything we did. OOC?: Criminal? The act was not criminal. There is no way we are going to apologise for something we clearly did not do - especially if we are to do so due to a threat, as opposed to our own will. I said this a million times, and I will say it a million times more. We never threatened NSO. The statement about NSO's destruction is a joke. This is obvious to the intelligent amongst us, who know what that statement was a parody of. To the rest I kindly say, stop spewing your nonsense in the hopes it will become reality. Even so, I fail to understand how something which is clearly an opinion, ie of the form "I think something and such" could be perceived as a threat. If you read the OP, I was not on the imageboard, but was informed about it by another person, who is completely unrelated to me or DF. You best be joking.
  5. Without amazing foresight, we did not believe the announcement would cause such drama as it has. I'm so sorry I was naive to collaborate with your ally in order to prevent the fallout from a rogue attack on us, and to ensure it does not impact negatively on the larger issues at hand. How immoral of me.
  6. As I said, at that time I asked Corinan to clarify what it is he wants me to apologise about, and he ended the discussion. Really, I think we are going in circles here. Here is the thing, I do not believe I or my alliance did anything wrong. I generally would prefer to solve issues in order for it to not lead to war, but I am rather concerned about betraying what I believe is right in order to do so. Furthermore, our alliance believes NSO is the aggressor here, and as a leader it is my job to represent my alliance. I am sorry that we do not agree with your point of view, but seriously...get over it. That's very interesting, so you are at least willing to limit your accusation of me being undiplomatic to only specific decisions we have made regarding this issue, but not others?
  7. It was an alliance announcement, we discussed it before it was posted. Of course it was my idea, so I don't mind being the subject of your blame game. Basically you're implying that I was standoffish and undiplomatic because of the obvious fact that our allies don't abandon us at the first glimpse of trouble... This is false for several reasons. One, I always prefer a peaceful resolution. Two, I care deeply about our allies and do not want to bring them unnecessary war. And three, because you are implying I was undiplomatic )): They seem related to me. In one you imply I was not diplomatic, in another someone says I was too diplomatic (at least that is the implication).
  8. If you want to be very specific, it was suggested by 1-2 people. Obviously it's a silly idea. The reason I mentioned it to Tyga, was to convey our feelings and why we believe we have been unjustly treated by NSO in this incident.
  9. I said we didn't. Thank you for attempting to understand the issue.
  10. I stand with my alliance, if they do not believe the proposed actions are acceptable. This is rather insulting....but then again, more or less anything you say is. I also believe Daggarz is rather exaggerating. ^ I just thought the contrast of those two posts was funny.
  11. Again, the problem is everything that he said to me and Daikos before this. I can see that we simply have a different interpretation of the events surrounding this whole situation, and it is very unlikely that we will be able to reconcile them. I hope that both sides can agree to disagree and put this silly business behind them.
  12. I'm not saying that you personally escalated it. I said people did. Freedom is speech is an important right, as is to bring evidence and opinions to light. Whether the accused committed the alleged act is a matter of opinion. I can see things from your point of view and respect that, but I find that the same is not reciprocated to us. I also made it clear that we are not actually demanding anything. I was merely pointing out that NSO's threat against us has cost us money, and it would seem rather unfair to us to let it go and still apologise in light of the way they approached us and conducted themselves diplomatically, which we felt was absolutely unacceptable. Had they approached me personally and properly in a more diplomatic manner, without making threats and demands - things may have turned out differently, but alas that is not how NSO chose to act. That's funny, in my opinion the opposite is true, and that Corinan was unwilling to get anything less than what he demanded. I was told that the demand for reparations was dropped not most immediately, but over an hour after we started discussing things, and much longer since Daikos was contacted with the same demands. Then I wanted to further clarify things and our discussion ended there (and not by me). Nor was the personal apology offer made by Corinan. If he did ask for only just that, from me, from the beginning - then as I said, things might have turned out differently. Edit: Re-reading logs, etc.
  13. I have no problem of people making fun of it, I am happy that I bring them laughter. What I don't understand is the necessity to escalate the situation if those people do indeed find it funny. I am not leaving that out, I stated clearly in the OP that we cannot prove it. Just because we have no conclusive proof, does not mean that we should not post about something which we believe is a certainty. You may think otherwise, and that's okey - but I hardly think our difference of opinion warrants a conflict. It is hard to explain our view on the situation and why we strongly suspect the named individual, but we did our best. I knew there would be skepticism, and honestly, because we are not really doing anything about it - I don't think it matters, as I believe we had enough evidence to at least bring it to the attention of others. I was hoping that people would read the announcement and make up their own minds. I don't hold it against anyone if they disagree. When we were talking earlier, it certainly seemed like it.
  14. Our accusation of a specific individual was quite serious, but clearly we do not take the attack to be an offense which warrants any (military) action, because in general we are against using OOC events as reasons to attack someone. I genuinely believe the announcement was funny, and many people told me it was as well. I'm sorry we don't see eye to eye on this, but frankly this is expected. I hope that you can get over it.
  15. If you wish to interpret our actions as such, then it is well within your rights. Note however that in our announcement, we were clearly trying to have some fun, and were not threatening anyone. I believe it is better to conduct politics with laugher than threats and demands.
  16. I think you are not kept up to date. One of those nations is not a rogue, but was tricked by the other to declare war. NSO requested we peace out and we agreed. Long story short, only one of those raiders is a rogue. I think we've already argued enough about this, you know our position. Coming to us demanding reparations and giving ultimatums is not an acceptable way to conduct politics in our opinion.
  17. No, I just think that your attitude isn't really helping to solve this diplomatically.
  18. Actually I said it was a joke/parody much much earlier, around page 3 I believe. I also made sure to mention this to NSO when I was discussing it with them. I've just been ignoring the discussion since last night, as there has been very little of value in it.
  19. I believe the proper comparison is every announcement. I had a plan to do this for future announcements, but I must say that people misinterpreted that parody very badly
  20. I will state again, that line is a parody of what someone said, it does not mean we wish to declare war on NSO.
  21. Hello there I'm a bit of a "nazi" about IPs so I wanted to ask this. I have a static IP, which I always use for CN. However when I visit my parents for instance (who have a dynamic IP), would it be safe to log onto my nation from their Internet connection? Or if by chance their connection gets assigned an IP which was used recently by someone who plays CN and uses the same ISP, would that be a problem for me? Thanks.
  22. I don't know how anyone could possibly* think that this is a declaration of war. Those people probably need a break from politics.
  23. Allow me to educate you about such matters. All opinions stated around these parts - just as any other, are done so by a small yet vocal minority.
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