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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. I lol'd. Consequently, this is the first thing in this particular publication that I have actually liked.
  2. This is clearly a cleaver ruse by NSO to acquire more publicity, as it has been out of the news for a while.
  3. Da comrades, da. SCM approves of this bloc, and looks forward to seeing many great things lulz coming from it.
  4. Congratulations to all those people there who I know And the rest.
  5. I must say, I am extremely disappoint with FoB and Athens. I mean really, what the hell is wrong with you =/ Is your policy now "Do onto others as the Hegemony did onto you" ?
  6. How much aid is being offered to KoFN for this unjust war?
  7. I have a guy in my alliance with gold and rubber who's been wanting to get into a circle for ages, I could put him in touch with you guys if you want.
  8. I haven't been around lately, but congrats to INT and NEAT
  9. Funny, I recall fighting for Elysium and staying in it until it's end.
  10. Who are you again? As for Troy, I would advice them to be careful with those Spartans
  11. How the hell have I never seen this - it's the greatest propaganda ever made!
  12. I thought you might actually be serious (or if you were, then your opinion important) - but then I realised you're in NSO. have a bad day.
  13. As I recall, the league had more nukes than the initiative. If nothing else, it would sure have made us all feel better B)
  14. GW2, tell the League to nuke the !@#$ out of TI
  15. Do you realise that this way of thinking - doing whatever it takes to get on top - has grown obsolete in CN? Why do you think your alliance, practising old ideologies in a new world, will be successful?
  16. Or maybe....it was both? Either way, given it was the only answer given, I am forced to assume it is correct. If you want to provide a different answer, which does not involve you deflecting from the matter at hand, nor making hypocritical accusations, I invite you to do so.
  17. Interestingly enough this doesn't seem relevant to my question? Unless you mean treat all non-allies as enemies or something.
  18. Finally, an honest and clear answer, instead of silly NSO members trying to hopelessly deflect the question and making hypocritical claims.
  19. We don't even allow raiding, please get your story straight. To NSO, it was a simple question. The actions which I referred to, were waging two wars (excluding Karma War conflicts) which many would claim were unjustified, as well as recruiting from neutral alliances. I am not entirely sure why there would be any ambiguity as to what I was referring to. So to re-iterate, is NSO going to continue committing acts of unwarranted aggression against other alliances?
  20. Will you continue your trend of bullying smaller and/or politically weaker alliances while hiding behind Frostbite like cowards? Or have you realised that not even Frostbite will stop you from getting rolled if you persist with your present course of actions?
  21. I have two key comments. First of all, if you look over history, I think NPO would be the clear winner, they cancelled countless treaties to be on top. Their treaties were worth nothing. Second of all, several alliances were practically forced to sign certain treaties, or be curb-stomped.
  22. Hey, I noticed some mistakes - so I fixed your little speech for you PS. I don't believe I shall sidetrack this discussion with you, so enjoy talking to yourself from now on, unless of course you want to stop your silliness and recognise the actual reason for this cancellation.
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