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Darth Elecian

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Everything posted by Darth Elecian

  1. Note Jack Diorno, I said Legion is one of the oldest alliances in the game, not the oldest. I knew that GATO and Pacifica are older than Legion but thanks for stopping by my humble blog with the friendly reminder anyways. If you say so, and I believe you look to be an honest and honorable Spartan Ketther, then you are right. However, it doesn't help your case when A) some of your fellow spartans fly this little propaganda banner as your sigs. Kindof struck a nerve as purplegate or as the rest of the CN world calls it, Legion disbandment crisis was a very painful event for us. And I will also quote hyperion321 making this comment on the OWF announcement clarifying the whole cluster$%&@ that was the clarification the the war was still on: Propaganda yes, and yes I know this is war but still sounds like a Spartan calling for our destruction.
  2. Howdy do fellow Legionnaire? I haven't seen you around the forums that much but still, nice to meet you. :)

  3. Hmmm, thanks for the constructive criticism Tautology. I read over this and think back and I realize that you are right. When I first set out to write it this morning, the title was my subject matter but I guess I drifted off to include other things and it really is just a collection of my thoughts rather than just an essay or story. And yeah it could be more intersting. Otherwise, the reason you stated is pretty much what can sum this short little blog entry and was part of the unstated goal I wanted to acheive. Wouldn't you feel the same for Ragnarok if it was in a similar situation? Whether I do go back and edit this, I still appreciate the civil feedback.
  4. Blog Entry number 4, day 11 of Legion's entry into the second Unjust War After four devastating wars against the forces of Sparta and their friends, the Legion nation of Dombleskygrad now sits in peace mode, recuperating from the devastating invasions and the six nukes dropped on the once massive and pristine futuristic cityscape of Dombleskygrad. Even as earie silence has replaced the sounds of war and the detonation of nuclear weapons, the citizens do not dare to crawl out of the underground bunks in fear of being irradiated by the nuclear radiation and winter that permeates the land. While worries about nuclear winter linger, they do not dominate the minds of the citizens or even me, Darth Elecian, Dark Lord of Dombleskygrad and the Legion's resident Sith Lord as much as the ongoing war against the hordes of Sparta. Even though my nation lies devastated, this does not change my resolve. Neither does the recent incident where the leaders of Sparta tried to jump the gun by faking my alliance's surrender via forged signatures when clearly the consulate or the rest of the Legion membership didn't agree to surrender so quickly when clearly after only several days of fighting does Sparta come to my leaders with offers of white peace. My alliance must be doing something right if they, the Spartans are that much in a hurry to get us off their tails. The taunting, flaming, and threats made from the Spartan trolls on the announcement made by Lord Finigolfin to clarify to Planet Bob that we are not exiting the war just yet only served to fuel the anger that will keep us going until victory or ZI. For while I was in basic training for the national guard, my thoughts and love for the legion were one of the things that kept me motivated and going. And while I am part of the game, I will not let any damned Spartan destroy my alliance via total and utter ZI, disbandment, or even a viceroy. Whether we win or not, even if this cluster$%&@ of a war turns into a march towards ZI, one thing is clear. The fact I am proud to call myself a Legionnaire and that I will fight till the end. I am proud to call myself a member of one of the oldest and greatest alliances to ever inhabit planet Bob. I have already placed my nation and infra on the line to defend my home and its allies in IRON, TOOL, and OMFG. Honor over infra to whoever is reading this, whether it be any one of my fellow Legionnaires, an ally of the Legion, or even those that are fighting us or would love to see us ZIed and disband. Besides, the Legion has faced destruction in GWIII, the Dove war, and even purplegate, and survived. Alliances can always rebuild their nations and I believe that this will be the case after the war is over and one day Legion will rise to reclaim its sanction and proper place in the world. But right now, Legion has sounded her alarms and I answer the call to arms. I stand by my alliance and its allies. That is why I fight for the Legion.
  5. I always knew that us and NATO were on both sides on the web treaty. This is also a pleasant surprise to see that we finally signed a treaty with NATO, a MDoAP at that too. Ave Legio! o/ NATO!
  6. Heh, don't cry all ye who didn't receive a medal. I didn't receive a medal either. After reading through the wall of text we've set up in honor of our fourth birthday, I can say that while it may be a wall of text, it is all very meaningful and I agree with alot of the sentiment. I can also say that I am proud to be a Legionnaire and that I can't wait for the next 4 milestone celebrations. Hoo-ray to both us and our allies.
  7. A bit late but better than never. Congrats on the name change and good luck with BAPS as your new protectors. They are awesome people and Legion allies so you guys are in good hands.
  8. Doesn't surprise me to see this announcement, albeit a bit disappointed but oh well, you guys have chosen your own path. Congrats ODN on joining CnG.
  9. Pretty awesome we finally start gaining again after several days of stagnation and declining score with the gaining of a new medium sized member and we pass Rok....again.
  10. Congrats to IRON and Krynn on the protectorate agreement!
  11. Congrats to our allies in NADC and to NATO on the upgrade to a MDP!
  12. Congrats on the new council members guys and to those that just retired! o/ IRON
  13. It was a plesent surprise to see this on the OWF, since this is pretty much a rekindling of old relationships between both our alliances. I don't know TOOL that well but I look forward to getting to know you guys and see our alliance relationships increase. Ave us and o/ TOOL!
  14. Sad to see this happen but I was expecting this announcement since you can't really have a block with two alliances. Good luck to all former parties in what was once Frostbyte, regardless of what side of the upcoming conflict we are all on.
  15. o/ Invicta and o/ Coincidental coalition! Have fun guys!
  16. Good luck IRON, it looks like we at the Legion won't be too far behind you. o/IRON Ave Legio!
  17. o/ M*A*S*H and the Coincidental coalition! Glad to see you guys on our side.
  18. Awesome, let's do this guys! Ave Legio and o/ to all our allies!
  19. Congrats to our allies at IRON and to the Sith at NSO. As a Legion ambassador to NSO, I am pleased to see this.
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