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Adam Suttler

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Everything posted by Adam Suttler

  1. What I meant was that religion and race has no place in discussions concerning the events surrounding [OOC]this game[/OOC]. Your nation's ethnic details usually don't play a large role in major political discussions, [OOC]besides in the RP forum[/OOC]. But yes, we can still be friends.
  2. I have always viewed NpO as a honorable and noble alliance, and this declaration is nothing short of that. Standing up for the little guy is extremely important in making this game what it is, and NpO does just that. I will look forward to the results, especially when Emperor Marx's nation becomes a veritable crater. Enjoy!
  3. I'm absolutely disgusted with the way this is turning out. MaGneT has a good point, with the morals of [OOC]the real world[/OOC] interfering with those of CN. Here, there are no skin colours, nor races, nor any real reference to things that happen within reality. Sure, alliances have themes and such, but that is really the extext of it. Now, attacking someone personally, [OOC]beyond the confines of this game[/OOC], is rather bad. However, I highly doubt that any comments made at anyone are truly malicious to the person themselves, as opposed to [OOC]their character that they portray. If this were to be a basis for conflict, this would be a very bad show for those utilizing this as a reason. It would truly show that we have all degraded into a bunch of schizophrenic, hypersensitive sheep, rather than individuals with our own morals and interpretations.
  4. I am extremely amazed at the outcry over this. For heaven's sake, this is the Internet; stuff gets said on a continual basis, that is usually not directed personally at someone. But no, there are those of you who are so serious that you take every comment as a personal attack on your own person, rather than on a character based in a political simulation. It's you people that are the cause of the schizophrenic society we live in now, with its so-called political correctness and general distrust of a fellow human being. Seriously, calm down, light a joint or something, and mellow out. \m/ is probably one of the most chill alliances I know in this game, and isn't out on a mission to offend and demean anyone personally. If any of you are taking anything that was said seriously, you're just ruining the vibe for everyone else.
  5. I like the cut of your jib, sir. I thank you for displaying the story, as I was not fully aware of the goings-on, and I would like to echo this statement.
  6. Time may be a distant factor, but the truth is that the guy isn't cut out for the job. To be quite honest, his many previous engagements and decisions have not gained him much support within the area of foreign affairs; there were several incidents where President Chris' sound judgment was lacking, blamed no doubt as a circumstantial romp of some kind that somehow went wrong. However, what's done is done, and our whining will not change the course of TGE's bearing to demise. I just hope TGE wakes up before the end.
  7. I'd like to answer this one as simply and as comprehensibly as possible, to save Ferdinand the embarrassment. Victoria has been in office for about 2-3 months, while is not a lot of time to do anything completely worthwhile. Although Victoria is a bright and very social person, I doubt she knew what she was getting into when K-Fred handed her the job. So, Chris had to help out. That much is fine. I would not be surprised if the truth is that Princess Victoria truly stepped down; it's a tough position, especially in a disarrayed alliance such as TGE. Naturally, Chris was there, foaming at the mouth for his chance to get the position. And he did. Is this the right course of action? In my opinion, as well as several others, no. President Chris is erratic, impulsive, and overly manipulative. He tends to hold personal vendettas against those who oppose him, lasting to the end of time, even within his own alliance. He will manipulate anyone and everyone to keep his position, to make sure no one threatens him, and to keep his nation's pixels intact, even if it means sacrificing those closest in order to save his own skin. Above all else, he is rude and ignorant, to the point of stubbornly arguing a moot point. Now, granted, he may not be the first to exhibit these degrading traits. However, should these be the characteristics of the leader of an alliance as noble and grand as TGE? Absolutely not. I've known President Chris; at one point, he was a good friend of mine. However, he turned his back on me and others for greater power. He tried to backstab me once before in order to get into the good books of Vlad Dracula, whose name shall remain in infamy. To be frank, President Chris is just not fitting for the job. Therefore, I send a message to TGE: get yourselves together, because your current leader won't do it for you.
  8. I believe you are referring to the late Rommelgrad, whose maxims and deeds were undoubtedly stolen by Chris. I have watched with intent at the structure of the empire, ever since its creation in June 2007. I have seen the empire united at its full potential, with adept leaders and councilors at its command. I have witnessed the golden age of prosperity when the government was at its finest. I've seen Lady Shurukian's fall from grace within the alliance, and I've seen that same alliance pick itself back up. But after nearly 3 years of observation, I see before me a ruin and a scrap pile of what was once a great alliance. A body of power-corrupted individuals is left to tend to the battered ruin, and its members follow and obey like sheep, as the period of sound judgment and reason have been washed away by the new pseudo-government. I say pseudo-government, because I do not recognize the majority as a true TGE government, one that respects and actively listens to the needs and desires of its people, rather than being shoved in a position of power for personal gain. I am thoroughly disgusted, disappointed, and moreover disturbed by this turn of events. I expected far greater from an alliance that was as honorable and driven as TGE once was. Instead, we are faced with this mutated and defaced aberration of an alliance, with relatively no drive to move forward. To be sincere, I cannot wish enough luck for the salvation of this dire situation. At this rate, the alliance's own 1918 approaches rather quickly.
  9. I cannot offer any more than the biggest "Good Luck" I've ever given. Interesting move, TGE. I will watch how things unfold very intently.
  10. I stand behind Tygaland's noble cause. This emoticon has poisoned the minds of our society, and I support its utter destruction.
  11. Thought the first line was incredibly blunt and mean, but congrats. Dead weight will be dead weight.
  12. Rather fair terms, given TPF's war record. I approve of \m/, Athens, etc's offer.
  13. It truly is a shame. I have yet to see TPF's allies honor their treaties with their own DoWs.
  14. No one is more ronin than Toku. But as it was said before, most people will overlook these honest facts, simply because they are encased within their own bubble of conflict and scheming. Alas, that's the way the world goes 'round.
  15. Marx, we may have a history of mutual hate for one another, but this is pure awesome.
  16. I await a statement from TheAUT.
  17. If you've read my previous entry, you'll note that one of my greatest resentments is toward stupid and ignorant people. I've recently read an article over the Internet that described a series of events that exposed the true colors of the United States of America and its judicial system. To be clear, I carry no dislike for the States; I plan on applying to college there, and have no intention of slandering the nation itself. However, there are just some things about the people that run the nation that are simply appalling. When you hear the words, "United States of America," you tend to associate it with the timeless descriptions that the nation is given: "Freedom", "Peace", "Happiness", and countless other such attributes. However, is it possible to compare and relate the nation with that of the Soviet Union, the Third Reich, or perhaps the Khmer Rouge movement in Cambodia? For those of you that are extreme patriots of your nation, who would defend it to the last man for the preservation of your "freedom", this concept is nigh impossible. If your love for your country is truly stronger that your thirst for truth, overwhelming your ability for logical and analytical thinking, I suggest you read no further in this article, if you wish to retain the image that the United States is the world's last bastion for freedom. Otherwise, continue on. The truth is that the United States of America is not what it used to be, or should be, according to the ideals that people associate with the nation. The attributes of peace, happiness and freedom are very dim in the reality of the nation, attending to only a select few as true and evident descriptions. The majority of the country, especially during this era of economical and social hardship, can seldom apply these words to reality. Since the formation of the United States of America as a nation, every generation of Americans are involved in a military conflict, regardless of it being overseas or on the home front. The War on Terrorism has been the longest recorded war that America has and is participating in, started some 8 years ago. There is not a generation of Americans who has not in some fashion been affected by a military conflict. Peace is not an attribute that should be associated with the United States. Happiness can be applied very roughly to its people. At this current moment, it is the only well-industrialized nation that does not offer socialized health care to its citizens, preferring to "see the money" before attending to those that require attention. If anything, this is an execution of torture upon the American people, when the system is able to deny a request of aid based simply on their personal monetary concern, and whether they'll get a large paycheck in the mail. America is killing itself from the inside, and the worst part is that those running the system are fully aware of the implications that their actions cause to the population. And they persist. Those privileged will exploit every loophole and cut every corner just to squeeze out those extra few pennies to satisfy their own greed, while those that are in need of services but cannot afford them because of this one-ended money vacuum are ignored. The economic crisis at this point is not being dealt with as it should be. Remember that large bail-out that the Obama government gave out during his first few weeks in office. Yeah? Remember what the corporations did with that money? They handed out upwards of $100 million in bonuses to their CEOs and other executives; the very same people that caused the problem that their companies are facing are being rewarded. That's like showing your parents your latest math mark of 23%, and getting a car as a reward for your effort. Wanna know the best part? That money that was paid to these CEOs came from your tax dollars; you have, albeit indirectly, paid the CEOs of major corporations a $100 million as a bonus for bankrupting their company, laying off thousands of employees, and stripping investors of any money they had put in the company. Congratulations. The government of the United States is said to be independent, and should be those who strive for the betterment of the country. However, the government has no real power anymore. Who is behind the government? The corporations. Without their endorsements and donations, the government would lose a large portion of their vote. The government is nothing else but a puppet for corporations to get their way, so that the rich can get richer. President Barack Obama does as the corporations ask of him; that is the reason for him giving them their bailout. Is the economy any better? Not really; it's managed to stabilize a bit, but it's still in a rut. What happened to the government working for the people? Well, not anymore, it seems. But the thing that caused me to write all this is not those attributes, but that one word that seems to be synonymous with the United States: Freedom. This word has been used time and time again as the sole description of what the United States of America is, and what it stands for. Yet recently, nothing can be further from the truth. Since the September 11th attack on America, the concept known as Habeas Corpus, the self-defense against unlawful or unprecedented detainment, has been suspended to fight terrorism. Granted, this method may have had several positive effects on the effort against terrorism, but in turn, it has allowed the development of extreme racism and prejudice to occur, harming the American people from the inside, rather than defeating an enemy. Normal and everyday Americans, who contribute to society to their capabilities, have been deemed unsafe and un-American, and some go as far as to remark them as terrorists; since Habeas Corpus is suspended, they may be arrested, tried, and convicted without any precedent as to conclusive evidence. It seems that the American people have less rights and freedoms than ever. Freedom of speech or expression? Are you kidding? At the present moment, it's possible to be labeled a terrorist for producing a piece of art that is contrary to the beliefs of American politics, as is the case of artist Steve Kurtz. In fact, it seems that the label of terrorist is being thrown around quite a lot lately. For example, take the case of Tamara Freeman, who in 2006 spanked her two kids on a plane when they wouldn’t stop arguing over the window seat and, in their agitation, spilled a can of tomato juice on their mother. When a flight attendant responded to the commotion, Freeman loudly employed profane language and threw her half-spilled can of juice to the floor. She was arrested and charged under the Patriot Act with committing an act of terrorism, because commotions on airplanes can now be prosecuted as terroristic activities. She was jailed pending trial for three months before, at the urging of her public defender, she pled guilty to the terror charge. She eventually lost custody of her children since, as a term of her probation, she is not allowed to leave Oklahoma, and as a convicted terrorist, she can’t fly home to Maui where her presence was required at a series of custody hearings. Based upon this, Tamara Freeman might as well be labeled as a member of Al'Qaeda, as she will be treated as one for the rest of her life, all for a bit of anger caused by her two children. The next time someone yells profanities at you, report them to the local police as an act of terrorism; don't be surprised if the accusal is taken seriously. However, there is another case that may also boggle your mind. There's last week's case of 17-year-old Michigan State University student, Zack Aslam. Zack, it seems, is a frighteningly average college freshman with an interest in skydiving. He apparently got upset after a heated discussion with another student and began to talk !@#$. Campus police haven’t released the specifics of what the 17-year-old supposedly said to his friends, but they charged him with, according to the MSU student paper, “threatening terrorism and communicating that threat to another person.” He was talking !@#$. Did I mention he was 17? Police later went to his dorm room and impounded all of his belongings. This kid’s now a terrorist. Terrorism aside, the judicial system of America will always find some way to quell difference and individuality. Remember watching the Disney channel, and they had small commercials and series that encouraged individuality and uniqueness among people? If you try and apply this knowledge to reality, the government will put you down. In their eyes, anything that is different than the vast majority is dangerous and wrong. Such is the unfortunate case in Boulder, Colorado. Every Halloween, a group of citizens in the town gather for what is known as the Naked Pumpkin run; it's exactly what you think it is. It's a run through town butt naked, while having a carved pumpkin on your head. As public nudity is perfectly legal in Boulder, no one said they couldn't do it. However, a group of elder folk decided that they didn't like it. So they called the police in to disband the event. The cause was underlined as "indecent exposure". So complete nudity is fine, but having a pumpkin on your head isn't? It just doesn't add up. The sequel to this story: next year, the old folks called in the SWAT team to arrest the participants. In case you don't understand the stupidity of the situation, the SWAT team is usually called in when there is a dangerous armed threat in the area; these people are butt naked. Of course they have a concealed weapon! Perhaps they shoved it up their $@! for later use! To top that off, anyone participating in this event in the future is charged with committing a sexual offense, and is on a black list as a sex offender. This is a complete abuse of power by the judicial district, by all accounts. This is not the free democracy that it is supposed to be. Instead, The United States of America has equated themselves with the police states of the early Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Fascist Italy. They do not outright block your rights from existing; they simply institute more and more "laws" to limit your ability to function outside the prescribed box that the government provides you with. Ladies and Gentlemen, the founding ideals of the United States of America may have been peace, happiness and freedom, but these ideals are not the foundations of modern American society. They are nothing more than perjury, corruption, greed, and totalitarianism. This is the true foundation of what America really is. Additional Reading: http://artvoice.com/issues/v8n45/naked_pumpkins http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2009/1...e-cult-of-self/ I seriously recommend that you watch this presentation by Chris Hedges; it opens your eyes on the real world, and what it is.
  18. World war and genocide, perhaps not. However, for the most part, Bush fit the crazy leader category, and the nation is in somewhat of a totalitarian state.
  19. lolVlad o/ TSI o/ Myself, as always o/ Scorpion Cake
  20. Congrats to both parties! That's one less channel I have to lurk.
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