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Everything posted by Sardonic

  1. Yes because I have a moral obligation to strike NPL after your government's pathetic insults? Get over yourselves.
  2. I more than welcome CoJ to "come at us, bro" as some people say.
  3. GOONS hereby declares war on Anarchy Inc pursuant to our treaties with Umbrella. To those who wait for us in the shadows, and only now find the courage to strike us: Have at us. You will get nothing from us but nukes. I and the rest of GOONS will enjoy crushing your revenge fantasies. Signed: Sardonic, GOONS Pilot KenMorningstar GOONS Co-Pilot PS: On a personal note, Timberland, you have my apologies for making you fight your former comrades.
  4. You speak of the sword but all I see is the pen.
  5. Yes because NSO are the problem here, how dare they ask you to pay what they rightly are owed.
  6. [quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1358976107' post='3084240'] Meanwhile, the first NATO nation I hit already offered to surrender. [/quote] This is glorious, and yet everything I expected.
  7. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1358879736' post='3083831'] What if NPO is hit by MK? Makes you think.... [/quote] What if NPO hit themselves? The plot thickens... VVVV I wish NPO would hit this guy VVVV
  8. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1358874898' post='3083777'] Sorry, this is CN and everyone knows that any complaint is whining. [/quote] You really beleive this don't you? I guess it helps explain how insufferable you are.
  9. [quote name='Do Not Fear Jazz' timestamp='1358872858' post='3083752'] You're my new favorite poster. How is anyone crying? By that regard you guys were crybabies before when you spouted off the same stuff. [/quote] In Doc's mind anything other than full fledged praise of his side of an argument is crying and whining. He's been saying as such for years. Don't give it second thought.
  10. [quote name='ericdred' timestamp='1358859675' post='3083625'] GOONS are an irreplaceable part of planet Bob's ecosystem. [/quote] I've been saying this for years!
  11. [quote name='Krashnaia' timestamp='1358865863' post='3083672'] Fungicide 2013 is finally here. [/quote] For about 20 minutes, sure.
  12. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1358836075' post='3083334'] I'm not sure if this is a joke or not, but it isn't like our alliance done anything your allies in GOONS done to CSN. [/quote] Oh no, the horrors of a few ground attacks and an apology afterwards. Truly we are the monsters everyone always said we were.
  13. Pretty rich to see a blanket dec retracted and hastily rewritten. Also pretty rich to see RoK and GOD on the same side.
  14. [quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1358833405' post='3083217'] they are the new GOONS its already been decided. [/quote] Well that's perfectly fine, the world could use more GOONSes. And less people who make sophomoric statements about how they are defeating a much bigger alliance by chewing at its' feet.
  15. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1358826187' post='3082850'] In the karma war the whole alliance entered peace mode and perfected a strategy that made them well known for their battle tactics. [/quote] Congrats on still caring about Karma, I guess. VVVVVV: This is such a laughable statement VVVVVV
  16. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1358824317' post='3082827'] Then why did you continue to call Valhalla "peace mode warriors" and "cowards" when they used the said strategy? [/quote] Christ your ignorance is amazing, Valhalla didn't even fight in DH/NPO, the only major conflict we have criticized people for using peace mode (to escape war and reduce damages).
  17. [quote name='Vorenus' timestamp='1358750381' post='3081924'] Holton may be a terrible poster, but he has a point. Your alliance exists solely as a collection of pretentious, holier-than-thou windbags who preach to no end about the evils of whoever happens to have most recently committed the cardinal sin of establishing and enjoying a dominant position. Assuming AI and co are victorious, and this !@#$e game exists a year from now, you and Schat will be spouting the same tired argument about them. So yes, we in TOP are indeed your superiors; we are better than you. Even the pseudo-moralist scum fighting us are comparatively an entire species above you, and the only reason they show your ilk any respect is because your party lines match perfectly. At least your dear leader has some verbosity about him, you're merely a two-bit knockoff of a cheap relic. [/quote] I'm late, but I'm going to have to second the hell out of this post.
  18. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1358784981' post='3082346'] Your strategy isn't to limit damage to your nations? Does that mean your trying to increase damage to your nations? I don't think you guys thought this through all the way. That's ok, Ai and Co. just want a fun war, Im sure they'll let you see some of the war guide or something. [/quote] It seems you can't grasp the true form of MK's attacks.
  19. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1358780779' post='3082265'] Everyone knows it's a strategy, it's been a strategy we've all used. MK uses the "Cowards" comment every time someone uses the said strategy. You would know that if you could speak English. [/quote] Yeah, no. When what we're doing is part of a strategy to win, what the other side did previously was to limit damage.
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