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Everything posted by Hereno

  1. This should not be a global RP, and rolling in as unified France should not be allowed. When I say firearms, I'm thinking like, the highest tech is matchlock (1400/1500) and they're just coming into use and are not widely adopted for standard infantry use.
  2. They wouldn't even let me bring characters from my own previous nations back who hadn't been killed, captured, or injured in any way. It's a bunch of bullshit if you ask me, but then again, I agree that if a character dies they ought to be dead.
  3. Where does Belarus go? I can only put on the map information that is provided to me. :)
  4. I decided to start making a little war flow chart... If you see errors, let me know and I will correct them.
  5. As participation [b]wanes[/b]*... In truth, this is the RP I wish we were getting when Uber made his non-modern RP. I do agree that we ought to use a real-world map, but I'd be more than okay with completely divorcing it from RL otherwise (ie. no valid CBs of "we owned this years and years ago"). I also agree that it might be better to fast-forward into the age of gunpowder. Have it where guns are arms for elite soldiers in the best-equipped armies, and require the majority of persons to fight with bows/arrows/spears/horses/etc. Small states would get a relative advantage in that a larger number of their soldiers would have guns, whereas larger states could still easily overwhelm them with sheer manpower.
  6. [12:51:48] <Centurius> Mainland Italy is still available Hereno http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/124510-directorate-of-naples/
  7. The Directorate of Naples At long last, the peoples of central-southern Italy have been united under one Republic, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Styled on the Partenopian Republic of old, and drawing from both the original government of the American Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the administration of the Swiss Confederacy, the 700-person Senate has elected a seven-member Directorate from its ranks to rule on behalf of the people. Executive Director Simona Belmonte, the head of state, head of government, and commander-in-chief of the armed forces was sworn in before a large crowd outside the capital city of Naples. Government estimates place the numbers at almost one million persons, while several tabloids have placed them anywhere between 20,000 and 4,000,000. Maps around the region were quickly being updated with the new political borders.
  8. fizzydog, delete some old PMs so I can PM you
  9. The problem with having one time scale is that some of you want to go way too fast because you have nothing better to do. So it ends up with the fast players being bored and the busy players lagging way behind.
  10. It was more of a joke than anything else. If I can, though, I'll happily fight you for my freedom. Not sure what the rules are.
  11. you also missed greenland cunt
  12. This is what happens when the OOC becomes a battleground for the IC.
  13. No, I don't think you guys get what I'm saying. Obviously nobody should be compelled to give up their colored land to anyone unless they want to. That's a no-brainer, and most people won't even ask for colored land (when I asked for Eva's colored land, it was by accident). What I'm saying is that allowing people to hold large swathes of protectorate land that they can approve or deny people on is a way of using the in-game soldiers and such guarding that white space as a moderation tool. That is dumb. If someone is rolling in just to be a troll or a !@#$head, then we have a GM team who are more than capable of identifying that and going "hey, look, stop it" and retconning the RP or even removing the player from the RP entirely according to the procedures we have. In other words, this is how I think we should handle it: Step 1: I want to roll into Ukraine next to Eva. Step 2: I immediately become ridiculously hostile and invade without any real provocation, trying to kill off her characters and generally be a !@#$head. Step 3: Eva appeals to the GM team saying I'm being a !@#$head. Step 4: My RP is retconned because I am trolling. Step 5: I am removed from the RP by vote for repeated attempts at trolling without serious RP. See how much nicer that is than making it a personal thing every time someone wants to roll into white space? I think so. And it makes it so that we don't have everybody holding large amounts of white space as protectorates and creating needless bureaucracy. If you want to control land, make it your color. If not, let it alone. Or make it a protectorate, but a protectorate that is independent of moderation and only applicable to other nations in the actual RP. What I'm saying is that we should not be forced to act a certain way IC because we can't trust people OOC. THAT is what is breaking this RP.
  14. Stop looking in the mirror and you won't be seeing an ass looking back at you. I do not ragequit. Nor do I quit in protest. That I decide to give commentary on the state of affairs that is honest and cutting does not mean I am angry. It would do you well to learn the difference, because you do exactly what you accuse me of. I'm glad you're cognizant of it, but it's time to move on. Now, to the point: trolling is not a problem to be solved by individual players. It is a moderation issue. Protectorates, nor IC actions, are tools to stop trolling. By using them as such, you are all breaking the IC/OOC divide. By giving individual players power over anything other than their nations, you are all breaking the IC/OOC divide. And by having it in the ruleset that the IC/OOC divide may not be broken, you engender dishonesty and mistrust. That is the real reason none of you get along: because you do not trust each other to act in good faith. And, in truth, you're all correct about each other, except for the few people who tend to sit on the sidelines and do their own RP outside of the OOC-driven main political game. But what does any of that have to do with me? Nothing. It has nothing to do with it. You're just a big baby who wanted to grandstand against grandstanding. Bra-fucking-vo.
  15. I disagree entirely with this. The most responsible use of a protectorate is as a strategic tool against other in-game nations. The anti-colonial protectorates, for example, are good. They keep land from being divided up by bored/disinterested current nations that could be used by new people rolling in, and function strictly as a way of denying a landing platform to others who would use it as a place to launch an invasion of your mainland territories. But that isn't how they are used. How they are used is exactly what you said: to pick and choose who is allowed to RP near you. I think that is preposterous and against the spirit of good RP. A good RPer is willing to do what Mogar did: allow a threat to roll in near him anyway, even though it might fuck him over in the long run, because the health of the RP is more important than his individual nation's success.
  16. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/123601-gruenreich-news-events-and-information/#entry3317710 ^ To get this conversation out of my thread... 1. No, Grünreich has no lands in Germany. It is a Saxon nation that is in Greenland. 2. No, I am not asking permission to be in a RP. My request can be implied by my having wanted to roll in, and Lynneth's denial of it can be implied by his having said "that is my protectorate" rather than adding me to the map. 3. No, this is not some call-out against him or anyone else, but yeah, I really think protectorates are dumb. Sue me.
  17. [OOC: Nowhere, because Lynneth isn't letting me roll back in. But it was Greenland.]
  18. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/123601-gruenreich-news-events-and-information/ I'm back, baby.
  19. [Public] After a long radio silence, the Grünreich has returned and announced its presence to the world.
  20. Whether or not I'd be okay with it would depend on who happened to come in 4th place, which is why I think we should do a vote.
  21. This is also a protectorate. Everything is. Welcome to CNRP2. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  22. I get why you want him and all, but that's our rabonnobar and you can keep your paws off him. :P --- Congrats on the stuff; especially on those allies of yours. ;)
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