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Everything posted by Hereno

  1. what if who became powerful wasn't based on knowledge of tech ooc what if who won wars wasn't based on experience with warring what if we based our rp outcomes on what would actually happen and stop solving disputes via "whoever can war the best wins the war" what if this was actually a rp lol
  2. we've been operating under the non-involvement bit for months now it even cost me an entire fucking storyline i had spent months creating if we go back on it now i'm going to be less than pleased
  3. The tech race garbage will be fixed as soon as we make custom tech optional. The stuff about having ridiculous amounts of armaments seems like a moderation issue. If someone has "ridiculous" amounts of something and they haven't put in substantial prior, realistic RP, then they shouldn't be able to have it.
  4. yet another problem caused by tying our stats to our in-game stats but no! i'm literally evil for thinking that it's stupid for people to get a seniority advantage they get the RP they want they want CN stats they want ridiculous tech they want the OOC to be another battleground for the IC well, here you have it, and you all !@#$@#$ hate it
  5. in complete agreement with voodoo/kevin/tbm $%&@ custom tech if you want it, figure it out yourselves with the other people you'll be warring with and yes that includes missiles and everything else KISS
  6. A message was sent to the nation of Antonia, specifically addressed to Darth Unah, offering them membership status in the New Sith Order.
  7. +50,000 so much this it's like what i've been thinking the entire time but apparently nobody said it before now
  8. as a person who is now like 52k NS or some shit, i am against banning myself from the RP then again, the RP would probably be better off without me and i better off without it commence the bans!
  9. i actually agree with this, but from a punitive perspective i !@#$@#$ kept telling you guys to NOT elect the people who are ALREADY in the damn conflict but no! instead you elect two people on the same side of the same war and leave all of the work to voodoo well actually, maybe, we shouldn't punish voodoo for being the only GM who can rule on !@#$ from that perspective i'll support it but i really wish you'd all just deal with the consequences of your actions, which are that one person is making all of the decisions without having anybody else who can rule on anything alongside him good job
  10. "you're a dick!" "no, you're a dick!" actually you're all pretty much the same... it's just that you're dicks in different ways triyun and cent, for example, will argue !@#$%^&* in the gm thread just to see if they can get it over on someone but then triyun was actually pretty pleasant to talk to in query when we were fighting, even though i was flipping out on him and cent let me roll into italy as naples when nobody else would even let me in the RP and mogar has allowed me to roll in places (see: borneo) even when i basically told him i wanted to roll him and yet him and several others of you actually think that there are people here intentionally trying to break the RP i guess what i'm trying to say is i wish you all were a little bit more tolerant of each other given most of your faults are pretty similar it's a lot easier for me to just RP my nation as it is and doing the !@#$ it would be doing, given that i'm just sort of used to how you all act and realize that none of it is personal so much as just giving way too much of a !@#$ about your nations
  11. i don't want to roll into it i want to take it as naples
  12. over the entirety of them, or just over africa? i want israel is what i'm trying to say here
  13. we don't want him to get burned out or to vote in someone who will not be able to do all of his duties and still rp and have a life that said, cnrp40 is dead, and cnrp is basically dead cent does a good job with the map and i'm fine with him doing it edit: there's a poll - does mogar WANT to do the map for cnrp2?
  14. Evidently, Voodoo doesn't think there is a lock affecting Yeru or the Great Lakes Republic. Unless Rudolph can come up with proof to the contrary, I think the best course of action would be to get started on a new nomination and voting process. Yeru will be back with us on Monday, and if the nomination process is interrupted... oh well - it would mean that we can just keep things the same. Alternatively, I'd support a measure for dotCom to become a temporary GM if this was agreed on by both "sides" of the conflict. But what I don't support is rushing through things. Every time we rush through things and ignore procedures it bites us in the ass later. Let's not let that happen.
  15. we've went and PMed people and shit before removing them from the map before. don't be dicks to yeru i don't think it's an actual rule about ruling on wars, but frankly, it seems obvious as fuck that you can't sit and shill for yourself in the gm office
  16. would be sweet for there to be a bit of cleanup of #cnrp2 in regard to op status
  17. http://s11.postimg.org/5yqxm9l9v/naples.png naples still has too much territory also, gm list needs to be updated
  18. "This is quite an interesting offer" he said, smiling pleasantly. "I'll have to consult with my colleagues, however, before making any decisions on such a topic. Not least, of course, because I am not a military man." He then excused himself, heading toward the nearest rest area to urinate and make a phone call back home.
  19. Wanting to get down to business, the diplomat made no effort to stem the tide. "By all means, continue." He sipped purple drank from an unlabeled thermos, listening to the words of the Secretary-General closely.
  20. Director Romagnoli looked over the treaty. Satisfied, he signed it on behalf of the Directorate.
  21. :/ that hurts for a second i thought you were saying that foch is doing the map and many emotions happened
  22. two things 1. roll eva 2. i feel left out
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