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Razgriz 2K9

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Everything posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. Well, I was planning on doing that to Mudd to spite him and take my chance of getting Alaska.....and wait, aren't you still recovering from the beating JEDCJT gave you?
  2. Name: Catherine Reznov Title: Prime Minister of the Union of Yuktobanian Republics Age: 30 Gender: Female DOB: 04/02/1979 Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Weight: N/A Height: 5'6" Affiliation: United Yuktobania (formerly Yuktobanian Liberation Front) Birthplace: Cinigrad, Northern Empire (now Yuktobania) Short Bio: The daughter of merchant parents who lived in the outskirts of the city. Went to college shortly after the Yuktobanian Democratic Republic was founded. She joined Imran Zakhev's YLF due to atrocities found in the YDR government, serving as a political leader and a part time combat medic. Served as prime minister for the 1 year following Zakhev's death and has served for at least 2 terms, she is still able to qualify for reelection in February) Picture Not Available Name: Ludmilla Gorbachin Title: None, (Currently the Host of Razgriz) Age: 25 Gender: Female DOB: 11/01/1984 Eye Color: Blue (Red when Razgriz is in possession) Hair Color: Black Weight: N/A Height: 5'8" Affiliation: Varyag Guard Brigade, 13th Airborne Battalion, Fox Company Short Bio: Little is known about her personal life, except that her brother took part in operations during the Yuktobanian Civil War during classified operations in the Battle of Glubina. Ludmilla joined the Yuke Military after High School and due to exceeded expectations, joined the Varyag, an all-female SpecOps Unit, at the request of her commanders. Is a nice, helpful person, but is tough and relentless.
  3. Without having to invade anyone, I prefer defensive wars, since my military has been cut back to a fraction of it's former self.
  4. *Takes a seat* I finally ran out of ideas and I need someone to invade me....suggestions?
  5. Eh, I was hoping that I'd be a run in for Frendliest Nation.......oh well there's always next year...when I make a promise to be the most influential is Asian Affairs, muhahahaha >:] In-Character Nation Categories Friendliest Nation Australia (Sarah Tingtayl/Subtleknifeweilder) Most Hostile Nation Molakia (Comrade) Best Diplomatic Nation New England (JEDCJT) Best Economically Oriented Nation Austria (Lynneth) Best Military, with numbers --- Best Military, without numbers --- Scariest Nation Tahoe (Emperor Mudd) Honorable Mention: Holy American Empire Best Nation Growth (stability, maturity, etc.) Australia Best Rookie Nation (under six months old) Scilian Empire Most Honorable Nation New England Most Active Nations (three will win) Australia Finland (Baron Uberstein) New England Player likely to achieve Greatness in 2010: Myself....(That is my goal)
  6. The Yuke Prime Minister, Catherine Reznov arrived via Private Jet to Brisbane to celebrate the Hansa's one year anniversary. She wore an extravagant crimson dress, wearing a flow symbolizing peace in Yuktobania. She made her way to where the celebration would be held, in the Floating Ballroom. There she greeted the various Australian leaders and such. She did want to meet Sarah again, the last time they've really talked was when she ruled the Hanseatic Commonwealth.
  7. Ludmilla woke up the next morning, pondering about her dream last night. She then said, "It's probably just a dream." However, the voice of Valkyria seemed to echo through your mind, "I don't understnad much about this world, or about what's going on, but I am able to at least see what you see and hear what you hear." Ludmilla said, "Yeah, I suppose people would think I'm crazy." She then put on her robe and walked to her small bokcase. "Maybe you shouldn't talk to me while you're awake." Looking through her set of books, she found an old book, though still in mint condition. The book was titled "A Blue Dove for the Princess." Although it was nothing more but a fairy tale, it might reveal clues as to who Razgriz might be. OOC: Sorry for short post, next one will be up tomorrow.
  8. As Ludmilla slept, she started to have weird dreams. She found herself walking in the middle of a frozen field, wearing nothing but her normal Varyag combat gear. Surprisingly did not feel cold. She couldn't see very far as their was a snowstorm blocking her view. As Ludmilla continued to walk she eventually saw a silhouette of a person. Walking towards the silhouette, Ludmilla saw the person more clearly. She was awed by the majestic black armor, almost Norse in origin. The person's helmet was as black as the armor, but it had wings on the sides of it, almost norse like. Ludmilla began to approach the woman, saying, "Who..who are you?" The woman turned around and looked at the Varyag Sargeant. The Valkyrie had the same facial features as Ludmilla, red hair, pale face and everything. Ludmilla was surprised when she saw the Valkyrie's face. However the Valkyrie, answered Ludmilla question by saying, "I....I don't really know." This made Ludmilla wonder about the woman, "How is that so?" "I cannot say. The last thing I remember was being surrounded by darkness, and the darkness transporting me to this world. The only other thing I remember was a name." Ludmilla felt sorry for the young woman, irony indeed, she is a special forces soldier who shouldn't even give a thought for remorse. "Might I ask what that name is?" The Valkyrie finally said in a calm manner, "Razgriz..." Ludmilla remembered the book that she had in a mini library that actually mentioned her name. She told the Valkyrie, "Maybe, I could help you remember." The Valkyrie reswponded, "You would do that...for me?" Ludmilla placed her hand on the Valkyrie's shoulder, "Yes, I would do it." The Valkyrie smiled then nodded, "Thank you." The SpecOps soldier extended her hand, smiling, "My name is Ludmilla Gorbackin." The Valkyrie didn't know what Ludmilla went when she extended her hand, "I...don't know what to call myself." Ludmilla retracted her hand, thought for a bit, then said, "I'll call you Valkyria." The Valkyrie responded, "Valkyria?" "A few females in the land I'm from is named as such." The Valkyrie smiled, "All right Ludmilla, Valkyria it is." Valkyria put her hand on Ludmilla shoulder, and almost immediately, the Special Forces soldier felt herself change, as if someone elses, emotions, ideals and whatever memories she had was being impressed onto her.
  9. "But if I do that, the jig's up! And where's the fun in that? Besides, it's quite a thrill giving you shrieking crows a bad name while screwing with mortals at the same time." Razgriz exclaimed to Loki with anger in her eyes, “You have no right to do such a thing; you will right what you made wrong!” "You know, I was going to spare you, but the second I figured out your one of Idun's carrion...well, I just remembered how much she cares for her 'flock'. She would be devastated if one of her servants disappeared without a trace, no sign of an honorable fight or death. It would eat at her, for certain." As soon as Razgriz turned around, she was choked by Loki, who was wearing a weird set of clothing and carrying a walking stick of sorts. Razgriz tried using all her strength to swing her sword at the God, but Loki knocked it away with his cane. "You know, I've been working on a new spell recently. I'm not even sure of what it does." For the first time in her long life, Razgriz felt the one thing she never felt before, fear. Loki created a blackish orb of energy in his hand. "Let’s find out shall we!" Loki tossed Razgriz across the Great Hall, being thrown to the ice wall. As she was about to get up she saw the orb strike her. She could not move or even think straight. All she could do was scream as she disappeared into darkness….. Present Day Okchabursk, Union of Yuktobanian Republics Sergeant Ludmilla Gorbakhin had just come back from her little uneventful stint in Australia. Due to the service of the 13th Varyag Airborne, the Fox Brigade, a unit of at least 150 women, including Ludmilla, was given a paid leave so they could return to their families. When she received her leave, she left the Varyag’s Eastern Base in Krylo and rode a bus to her current hometown of Okchabursk. Okchabursk is Yuktobania’s second largest city, behind Cinigrad, the capital. The city was at one point the capital city when Yuktobania was still a part of Mykep’s Northern Empire. Now it is an important city with many buildings dating back to the days of Imperial Russia. Ludmilla lived in a small apartment with an amazing view of the Okcha River, overlooking the Phobeda Plains. The Varyag military base was located in Krylo, a small town not far from Okchabursk; it was there that she was trained to be a Varyag. The Varyag was an all-female Special Forces division, a counterbalance to the mostly-male Yuktobanian Spetsnaz Guard Brigade. Its training was a cross between the Special Air Service of the British Isles, and Australia’s Lillian Special Forces. The moment Ludmilla returned to her apartment, she was too tired to even think. Tomorrow would begin her vacation of sorts, a time where she can relax, yet get a chance to practice her skills so she would not get rusty. She headed into her bedroom and landed onto her bed. Ludmilla would then sink into a blissful sleep.
  10. I doubt I'm even a power, am I? IMO, Australia, Tahoe and EU are the superpowers of CNRP currently
  11. "Well, well...what do we have here? A wayward servant of the Goddess of eternal youth. Tell me little one, what causes you to stray so far from your Mistress' wing?" Razgriz heard the voice coming behind her, spinning around only to find nothing but shadow. "Maybe because I've humiliated her, perhaps?" The voice chuckled, Razgriz was not amused with his tone. She spoke in a serious tone, hoping to intimidate the god, "Loki, you will fix the damage you caused to this land." Razgriz spun around again, hoping to avoid being caught off guard. "Come out and face me, Trickster!"
  12. Europe, Midgard Near Modern Germany It had been long time since Razgriz returned to Midgard, the lands were pristine, covered in snow. While it is not as beautiful as Asgard, it was truly a magnificent sight to behold. But Razgriz was not here to see the sights; she was on a mission of great importance. Loki, posing as a Valkyrie destroyed several villages and brought death upon this very land. It would be up to Razgriz to prevent this from happening. Riding on the steed of her horse, she rode across the flat, snowy fields of Midgard. Searching everywhere where Razgriz thought Loki would be hiding. After what seemed to be days of tireless search, she found a large, ice castle in the vicinity. It was there that she felt a supernatural presence resonate from within that castle, meaning that it had to be Loki within the castle itself. Coming off her horse, Razgriz draws her Long Sword and enters the castle to confront the Trickster God.
  13. OOC: Holy Mother of god that's freaking giant IC: Yuktobania congratulates the new Holy American Empire on it's union.
  14. Yuktobania is willing to accept and all German refugees. they will be granted Yuke citizenship and protection.
  15. "How long will it take to complete the investigation?" -Catherine Reznov Prime Minister of Yuktobania
  16. OOC: Well that was.....short lived.... IC: All troopers would be transported home to Yuktobania, most of them unhappy that they did not take part in an actual operation... ( )
  17. The Yuke Air Force transports after hearing the coordinates of their objective location, changed direction towards the Mercenary HQ in Mercenary Island. The escorts (2 pairs of F-16's) flew forward towards the Island, tasked with the objective of destroying all Anti-Air equipment missed from the Eggman Empire's Strategic Missile Strikes. The Yuke Squad leader, Gorizont 1 said to his squadron, "All fighters, arm your HARM and Aphid Missiles, we're going into a hot zone soon. The Yuktobanian planes commenced their operation. From standoff range, the F-16's launched their HARM Missiles. Scrreching at Mach 2 from over 60 miles away, the Anti-Radiation Missiles homed in on the SAM's onboard radar system, destroying the SAM sites and relieving the airborne to engage the Black Ravens on the ground, or even underground.
  18. Understood, I'll relay the orders right away -Catherine Reznov 6 Hours after last coded message. 5 Yuktobanian C-5B Galaxy Transports were flying over the Coral Sea, they had already traversed down the Pacific Ocean, careful to avoid flying over the airspace of any nations, and the soldiers in the transports, part of the 13th Varyag Airborne Battalion, were calm and collected, and ready for battle. One such soldier was Sgt. Ludmilla Gorbackin, a recruit who had passed selection several months ago. She was fair skinned, almost pale for a 24 year old. She was not too tall, not to short, and very skinny. Ludmilla was a redhead who was all too familiar with the Yuktobanian military. Her brother, Toscha, served as tank commander during the Yuktobanian Civil War. She would be one of 1500 troops sent from Yuktobania to assist her ally in Australia. Their destination would be the Australian port city of Brisbane, a city all to familiar to Yuktobania, every time the Hansa had a situation in Australia, the first place Yuktobanian military commanders would go to would be Brisbane, the heart of the Hansa in Australia and a major cultural center. The commander of the 13th Varyag Airborne, Major Mikhail Petrov, was a gruff man, but a competent soldier and a bold leader. He told his men and women. “Today, we are called to assist our closest ally in the defense of their nation from terrorists. We will show them that anyone who mess with Australia, mess with the Wolves of Yuktobania, and there isn’t a d%$#ed soul who dare mess with the Wolves.” The soldiers responded by saying in unison, “Sir, yes sir.” It would be some time before the Yuktobanian forces will arrive at the objective area. OOC: Has Kevs already attacked Brisbane or are we still waiting?
  19. .....I had to fall into your trap didn't I?
  20. OOC: Oh yeah, Political action is ALWAYS at its finest [/sarcasm]
  21. *Classified to the Queendom of Australia.* The Yuktobanian Air Force and Varyag Special Forces are currently being mobilized to counter the terrorists. We are willing to support your forces if you wish to allow it. Catherine Reznov -Prime Minister of Yuktobania
  22. OOC: Kevz, I can't believe I'm saying this, but that was a very d%#$ move you've pulled.... IC: The Yuktobanian government moves to DEFCON 1, all military forces are being mobilized to combat these foreign terrorists from invading an allied country.
  23. OOC: FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU---- Well there goes my designs for Alaska.... Thanks a lot....
  24. OOC: Aw, sweet, I loved that song. I think I have it as my national anthem, though I'm not sure... EDIT: Actually, it's another one, but it's the same singer.
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