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Razgriz 2K9

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Everything posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. To you maybe, but that is what the people of the world will know. ----------------------- Classified: The rouge bodyguard said, "Why don't you go f$%# yourself, nimrod!!! ----------------------- Classified: 30,000 troops have been prepped for the defense of Bastok Fortress.
  2. It is always said that victory is always written by the victors. Catherine Reznov was attacked by our security forces and their homeland security just...f&%$ing...watched. OOC: Sorry, MW2 moment.
  3. If your soldiers dare set foot on Yuktobanian soil, then we will ensure that you will drown in your own pool of blood. -Demitri Petrenko Yuktobanian Border Defense Forces have been put to DEFCON 1. The Yuktobanian coastal borders have been sealed off to any and all trade. All other Yuke forces have been put to DEFCON 2.
  4. OOC: And to think, I would be having more fun on this RP rhan me playing Modern Warfare 2 IC: Due to an assassination attempt on the Prime Minister, caused by two treacherous guards now in custody by the Great Lakes State, Demetri Petrenko, the Deputy Prime Minister of Yuktobania, assumed the Prime Minister spot. He demanded in his speech that the GLS is spreading lies about the spying and the 10 Billion Dollars in damages and demands that all Yuktobanians held in GLS territory, including Alex and the Prime Minister, to be sent back to Yuktobania for treatment or for justice.
  5. OOC: I hope you have this recorded, else you probably won't have any moral ground. IC: The guards were shot and wounded by the driver's pistol, crawling out into the streets, the guards were surrounded by police. They dropped their weapons and surrendered.
  6. After Ludmilla left the castle, she headed back to the inn to rest for the night. When she walked in to the room a piece of paper was put on her bed. Picking it up, she saw a advertisement for travel to the Eggman Empire. Taped to it was 1,000 marks "The Eggman Empire, hm?" Ludmilla thought. "Do you think someone might have put that there?" Valkyria said in her mind. Ludmilla shruged saying, "Whoever put this here must really want us to go there." "I think it may be a trap." Valkyria said, "If so, probably would make sense to spring that trap then." Ludmilla decided to head off in the morning, where there will be plenty of time to investigate. Until then, she laid on her bed and drifted to sleep.
  7. "Alright then, I believe that everything should be....." Before Catherine could say anything she heard a gunshot and felt a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, she looked down to her chest and saw blood coming out of it. She then turned to her guard and said, "Why?" The 2 guards then turned their guns towards the GLS President and fired at him.
  8. OOC: Okay....*deep breath* here we go. IC: "Alright, now that that is settled, we will still pay the reparations and this whole issue should boil over, correct?" Catherine Reznov said. The guards, convinced that the Prime Minister is going to sell out their employer, took off safety on their weapons without anyone noticing.
  9. I believe we could share whatever files that the YKGB used for the past two days of the operation. Though it will require that it will be investigated under joint investigation. OOC: Do you want me to do the deed or do you?
  10. "We will make sure he will not refuse." Catherine said sternly, she would ensure that justice would be done in the sake of peace.
  11. "I don't blame you on that Mr. Swater." Catherine said, "If the Deputy Minister has nothing to fear, then he should not be afraid to answer to your justice system. As for Alex, you may do with him as you please." The guards started to get a bit nervous, if Dimitri does try to answer for his crimes, it would surely mean the end for them.
  12. As Catherine was watching the video, she winced over the fact that a spy did all this damage. After watching she said, "I think he may be telling the truth, despite what you believe. The Yuktobanian spy organization only takes orders from me or the vice minister. Dimitri has been playing against me ever since the major budget cuts to the nation's military, but I never would have thought he'd go this far." After a few moments of silence, Catherine then said, "Still, I must do what's right to ensure peace between our two nations, right?"
  13. Catherine and her guard entered the vehicle and closed the door behind her. "So tell me what this spy has done to this country."
  14. OOC: I hope it doesn't involve giving you $10B IG. Catherine and her guard walked up to the GLS President and extended her hand. "Good afternoon, Mr. Swater, I rather have this grim business taken care of ASAP with the minimal amount of bloodshed.
  15. Alright, I will see you ASAP. 12 Hours Later, A Tu-144 landed in New City's International Airport. Catherine stepped out of the plane with 2 armed guards. She was not in a happy mood, instead it was actually more so grim business.
  16. Alright, it's only fitting that we meet in GLS, give me a meeting place and I will be there immediately. -Catherine Reznov
  17. what about the "Shadow in the Valley of Death" quote? Anyway, good luck I hope your war doesn't suck, for mine probably will.
  18. Dimitri is the Deputy Prime Minister of Yuktobania, he sent me here to steal GLS weapons databases, so he could use these to initiate a coup against the current regime.
  19. "I was given the papers directly from Dimitri Petrenko, he sent me here." The spy said.
  20. "My real name, is Alexandr Isakov." He paused,m then said, "At least this interrogator does it right."
  21. Alex quickly came to the cream soup and tasted it. It wasn't good, but anything is better than nothing. He quickly ate his meal and awaited interrogation, after 24 hours of torture like that he realized it wasn't worth saving the Deputy Prime Minister's skin.
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