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Razgriz 2K9

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Everything posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. I think you're too late on that.....before we even got to this discussion....
  2. off the top of mind is Australia, other than that, I wouldn't put it past anyone else to help me in this matter.
  3. OOC: Yeah, KingChris, I think that was a bad idea.... IC: A wreath made of Siberian Pine was sent to St. Paul City Wasteland from Yuktobania, all Yuke flags are lowered to half staff for the occasion.
  4. Seriously?!? !@#$, I don't have the resources to take on all of America, that is tatamount to suicide. Forget that, I'm sticking to idling......
  5. there is a small port there, I'll have to check google to find it again, but it is the moderately (as in lightest) defended part of the fortifications. Also, do you have an ally? I don't wanna kick your $@! that bad, (if I kick your $@! at all)
  6. all right, but I doubt it would be any major resistance since the northern half is mainly fortified.
  7. Ludmilla, having bought her tickets for an overnight commerical airplane trip to Dinsmark, Detuschland sat in her seat at row 16A. She looked out the window to see the Boeing 757 taxi to the runway and eventually take off of Cinigrad-Zakhev International Airport. To pass the time, Ludmilla put on some headphones and started listening to a wide vareity of music, from R&B to Orchestra to even Hip-Hop music. It was going to be a very long trip to Europe after all.
  8. "Well I'm glad. I had to make sure I do the same thing with all my prior appointments just so I could come. My First Minister said he will take care of " Catherine said, they continued waltzing under the moonlit sky.
  9. Russian Far East.....well unless he has an ally in either Procintia, Tahoe or Vinland, or has a big enough fleet to traverse the Arctic....I don't see it being practical.
  10. okay, well if so, then HHAYD should bring an ally of his own, I don't want this to be an unfair fight.
  11. Yeah, I think that's a good idea, and I've already set up a fall guy, my not so oft-used First Minister, Dimitri Petrenko.
  12. wow I must really suck at spying...
  13. OOC: Gebiv? But you disappeared many moons ago.....and I'm stupid that I didn't realize till recent that Junio is banned, I wonder what happened?
  14. OOC: wait....what? I thought that someone would annex the area, not plum take over and name it of all places Mordor......
  15. Catherine spoke as their dance continued, "What are your plans this evening, are you planning to continue our lovely dance or do you have somewhere to attend to?" She asked this question, wondering since the Duke is an important player in Australian politics.
  16. "I agree. old habits die hard." Catherine chuckled as she said that, especially since she felt the same way after her assassination attempt, she still never brought much security, always leaving them to guard the private aircraft and such. Catherine continued to dance with the Duke of Adelaide, for the first time in a long while, she was actually starting to have fun, she felt like she was dancing the night away with an angel.
  17. Because (and I admit it) he's the only one standing in the way between me and Alaska.
  18. After reading the story book with Valkyria, she said, "I think I remember something." Ludmilla responded, holding her head, "What do you remember?" "I remember having to go to a stone castle near a lake, I was healing the land make it able to bear fruit, villagers came to thank me, but I departed to the sky." Valkyria paused to think about how a mortal was able to know about the story, she asked Ludmilla, "Do you know where the book was written?" Ludmilla looked to the front page and saw that the story was written in Belka. "Belka, though the country dissolved at the end of the First Nordic War, most of the territory is a part of Detuschland now. "So do you think that this will put a halt on finding ut who Razgriz is?" Putting the book on the bookcase, she felt her hand on it's stained treated wooden board saying,"What I'm saying is, It gives me an excuse to actually make travel arrangements." Heading to the computer she logged in and checked various satellite images (OOC: Hail Google ) of the castle that Valkyria was reffering to, the castle was near a lake, lake Edelwasser to be exact, and at one point served as the Capital of the Principality of Belka during the days before the First Nordic War. "Steir Castle, formerly the seat of power of the House of Rald." Valkyria said in Ludmilla's mind, "That's the castle, but how are we going to get there?" "Let me worry about that." Ludmilla started to pack her things for her trip to Europe, her pay in the Special Forces, (in addition for the 2 days compensation for the uneventful deployment to Australia) should help to cover her expenses, she also had plenty of money in hand. With everything packed she took her stuff to her car, a blue Toyota Camry, and started driving to the airport, ready to go to Europe.
  19. The only ones who will remember me is Subtle and Sarah, I might run in for that category myself.
  20. OOC: I hope you like the music selection I chose IC: "I'd be delighted to." Catherine said as she took Daniel's hand and led him to the center of the ballroom. The song was a nice orchestral piece titled Waltz of the Moon played by a small orchestral group. Catherine started to waltz with the Duke, telling him, "This song is very beautiful isn't it?"
  21. Well I'll go with your idea, but I'm probably gonna need to figure out how to fail in spying.
  22. OOC: ....Receive and give thanks....or something to that effect. IC: Catherine shook the Duke's hand, "I am Catherine Reznov, Prime Minister of Yuktobania. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiled as she paused to think of what to say, finally she said, "Twelve happy months since Sarah came into the Public view and changed the world, it's hard to believe that it has been so long. Still, Brisbane remains the crown jewel of all Australia, doesn't it, Mr. Jackson?
  23. I know, Sarah Palin will hand me my a** on a silver platter the moment I set foot there anyway. Okay, any other ideas (before I settle down on HHAYD's idea)
  24. Catherine Reznov didn't want to dance, rather she stayed one corner of the ballroom with her hands tied, watching as other people dance the night away, it wasn't as if she couldn't dance, but that she did not want to. She saw two people discussing something from across the room (Sammyace and Kat) and she also saw the guest of honor and the Queen. Catherine believed the night went by well, looking up to the sky she saw the clear night sky. "It feels good to be back in Brisbane." She said to herself. OOC: I need someone to talk to....
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