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Razgriz 2K9

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Everything posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. "We are honored to be friends with the Hansa, and I know it will continue as Australia now." Catherine said. After hearing what the Lillian had to say about 'Raging Nostrum', she said as she received the blue vial from Valeria. "Ah, so it is an adrenaline booster. It is very interesting how science has gotten to the point it is now." She smiled at Valeria, "Our elite forces will surely use the Hansa's gift to our advantage in the defense of the Yuktobanian nation. I wish to give my thanks to the Queen of Australia, and I will wish her the best of luck."
  2. Catherine Reznov looked at the tall woman. She recognized the white coats from her last visit to Australia when the lands were still divided. They were of Lillian, the Hansa's elite guard. She shook Valeria's hand, saying "Alright then Mrs. Sangral, lead the way." This was concerning the project that the Queen was talking about earlier, and she wanted to know personally what it is.
  3. OOC: Must....resist....cussing out Rhodesia. IC: Yuktobania welcomes Rhodesia to the world.
  4. Catherine said, "Well, I hope so." She finally said, "I pray to your success Mr. Harlem and I hope to see you again soon." She then moved on to enjoy the festivities some more, after which she would go ahead and meet with Sarah about a project she wanted her to see.
  5. OOC: Oh snap Does Subtle know what you are doing?
  6. "I suppose." Catherine chuckled with Anthony Harlem. She then said, "I've heard from many other people that you look similar to Uberstein. While I've never met with Uberstein, I would like to find out myself when I do get a chance to meet. He seemed to be a nice enough person, his accent hinted that he was from the former Promised Land, so at least she could understand. "I do know what your position is, and I hope to increase relations with Australia, now that it is united once again."
  7. After meeting with the newly crowned Queen, Catherine decided to meet the new Grand Duke of Australia. Passing through the large crowds and multiple nobles, political and business leaders and other citizens. She finally came across the Grand Duke. Extending her hand, she said, "It is a pleasure to see you. But I don't think we have met, my name is Catherine Reznov, Prime Minister of Yuktobania, and you are?"
  8. "Alright, your majesty." Catherine said, "In the meantime, have fun, you are queen of a wonderful country and I hope that you will enjoy yourself on this glorious day my friend."
  9. The Yuktobanian Prime Minister was decked out in a fancy crimson dress made by the finest dressmakers in Cinigrad. She wanted to personally congratulate the new Queen of Australia. She saw Hannah from a distance, and said "Queen Asgeirsson, it is a pleasure to see you again." She smiled, then continued, "Times sure have changed, haven't they?"
  10. Private Message to l'Reppublica Italica The Yuktobanian government wishes to open diplomatic relations with the Italian government. We wish to discuss this further at a location of your choosing. Sincerely -Catherine Reznov Prime Minister of the Union of Yuktobanian Republics. OOC: I wish I could speak Italian....
  11. OOC: Another coup? No wonder why the Far East is unstablizied.
  12. The Yuktobanian Union supports will continue to support the Queendom of Australia as we had with its former constiuent states. OOC: Also saves the matter of ambassadors, which I need to recheck.....again.... EDIT: PM Reznov will be there, I'll make an appearance at the cathedral later on.
  13. OOC: Candicornicopia? *sighs* I don't even wanna know, go ahead, Carry on. I'll just watch the show.
  14. OOC: Something like conspiracy theories (ala Assassin's Creed or such) and terrorism and all that jazz?
  15. OOC: I have a question? Will this involve a war by any chance?
  16. OOC: I'll treaty the winner. I just need to call that.
  17. OOC: Holy S#$@ Hold on, I'm gonna need a change of underwear.... IC: Prime Minister Reznov will attend the wedding.
  18. Witold bowed down to King Phillipe of France. He said, "Your Majesty, the King of Poland wanted me to give you this message." He got on one knee and handed the King the letter written by Ladislas. It read as follows...
  19. OOC: I get the feeling that you're setting yourself up for war with Slavorussia. IC: We congratulate Vaulo-Buryatia on their recent successes.
  20. OOC: Okay, I'm lost after the invasion plans, I want a list of people who are attacking England...because this is confusing o_O
  21. After 3 months of sailing through the rough waters of the Baltic and Atlantic, the Księżyc finally reached the French port city of Nantes. Witold disembarked and sought to travel eastward towards Paris to make an audience with the king. Heading towards a stable, he payed the stablekeep with what little gold pieces he has (about 10 gold coins) and bought a horse to take with him to the French capital. OOC: In case you forgot Sarah....
  22. Reznov said, "We are pleased to work with someone who is familiar with the former Northern Empire. We were friends with the Empire before it collapsed, some nations have said that Yuktobania is the successor state, though we always say that the claims are false." She paused for a bit, then said, "Let's move on. We've heard of the recent situation going on in Europe, with what Germany and the Holy Roman Empire going at it. At this point, it is a daunting situation, especially since they have come close to war, if not going outright to conflict. I ask, What are you planning to do to ensure peace in the region?"
  23. OOC: IA, wtf man.... AGAIN?!? IC: Yuktobania will not release an official statement at this time.
  24. OOC: Some of us do suck at title making, like me IC: King Vadislas actually expected something like a English-Scottish War to happen, he just did not anticipated it to happen so soon.
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