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Razgriz 2K9

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Everything posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. Yuktobania is grateful to see that two closely-tied nations are uniting with each other.
  2. OOC: Well, we have no idea what the heck you guys are doing, so of course we all assume that you're invading Australia.....you never say anything.....
  3. OOC: I'm impressed that Dranagg is using this to try and bring opinion against Hansa. But putting it in the same thread as the invasion....not so much a good idea. IC: As the video hit Yuktobanian Airwaves, most of the citizens passed this off as the Hansa reclaiming Queensland forces from Queenslandish forces, only military and certain political officials were in the loop as to what is going on. The Yuktobanian Cabinet and Military knew that they don't want to view their old allies as a potential threat. Especially since they knew that Dranagg was the group who started it.
  4. OOC: The Dos Equis man....I'm a fan myself. IC: Is it true that you beat Chuck Norris in every event you took part with him?
  5. OOC: I have a bad feeling about this. Who's side are you really on anyway Tashir?
  6. When PM Catherine Zakhev heard of the return of the Hanseatic Commonweatlth, she was surprised. Simply enough, a former General would become the leader of the most famed nation on Earth. Zakhev took a peace of parchment paper and started to write on it.
  7. OOC: ....this isn't good, I want in!!! Funnyness aside, you and Dranagg are going to break up Quensland? If so? Can I join?
  8. OOC: The Return of the King? (All Puns Intended)
  9. OOC: You really like to take the fun out of things, do you Sargun?
  10. OOC: and so ends the glorious tale of the secretary.... So, now that you are convinced you have an ally in Promised land, and you scared aformentioned Secretary poopless, I'm afraid to ask, what's gonna happen now?
  11. OOC: I like the drama these recent stories bring. I hope Sarah gets what she wants.....
  12. OOC: You know, this has become rediculous. To tell you the truth, I hate to be Angela when she comes to see this. Makes me feel bad I was even a part of it.
  13. OOC: @ Silhouette: I'll wait till Subtle responds before I do anything.
  14. Be careful Junio. Molakia is not known to take these words lightly, though you may have already known that. OOC: Btw, I like the poster.
  15. Okay, we will respect your wishes. Good luck out there.
  16. Yuktobania will offer both non-military support,, and if the time so requires to do so, military action in reestablishing their nation.
  17. OOC: I'm just waiting for someone to declare war. Cause I'll feel like an idiot if I have to do it. IC: We echo the statements stated by President Uberstein.
  18. OOC: As soon as I get back from vacation on Sunday I will be doing things that I hope that no country and no person will ever hope to do. IC: East Anglica...The Yuktobanian government will not allow this colonialism to stand, I refuse to accept the takeover of Queensland by New Anglica. Especially when you stated that you would only persue relations with your immediate neighbors. (New England, Pravus Ingruo et. al,)
  19. OOC: Sorry, but that last statement was just full of utter win.
  20. Just because this nation does not support Fascism, doesn't mean that we are against it. We would only go against Fascism is there is enough reason for us to do so.
  21. I'm saying, that Molakia is being paranoid, as usual (OOC: ) IF they did build a nuke, it still would not justify a war, the only explicit way to justify such a war is if they use a Nuclear weapon in an offensive (key word: ATTACKING) manner.
  22. OOC: I think that's kind of stating the obvious there. IC: Molakia, there is no need to actually destabilize Europe over the fact that Italy is enriching Uranium. They do not have the technology to build a Nuclear bomb.
  23. OOC: So? I like being a moron! IC: I agree with GLS's question. Why would Pravus Ingruo continue to trade with someone they know would use imperialism for their own ends. EDIT: Omit IC statement
  24. It's sad really, nations like Pravus Ingruo, who do not support imperialism in America, supports American Imperialism elsewhere. Where is your reason in this?
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