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Razgriz 2K9

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Everything posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. "I agree." said Ms. Reznov. "Is their anything else you would like to discuss, such as the situation with the Haruhiist Empire?" OOC: Although I already know Elrich had renamed the country.
  2. IC: <<A Message to the Government of the People's Republic of China>> I request a meeting between myself, The Prime Minister of Yuktobania and a representative of the PRC. I wish to discuss the situation in Borneo, a potential treaty, and other matters pertaining to the stability of Eastern Asia. I hope to hear your response, and best wishes. Sincerely, Catherine Reznov Prime Minister of the Union of Yuktobanian Republics.
  3. We request a meeting between the Union of Yuktobanian Republics and the People's Republic of China. We wish to discuss about the situation in Borneo (among others) as well as other things.
  4. "A great speech for the Italian people. Perfect indeed."
  5. We will continue to recognize Korean sovereignty.
  6. It's all yours Mr. Takeo. As for the Trade Agreement, we should be able to agree to free trade with no tariffs for goods between our countries.
  7. OOC: You do realize the palace is in lockdown, you probably couldn't escape even if you wanted too.
  8. "But how do you expect these terrorists to stop trusting in each other?" Dimitri Petrenko said, "It's not as easy as you think it is. Mr. Harlem."
  9. OOC: Since Biohazard went who knows where, i may as well continue this story. IC: After the talks with Furon's leader, Reznov was driven back to the airport from a Furon motorcade and immediately went to the Boeing 747 on route back to Cinigrad. She never did understand what this so called "Spirit of Dragonisia" meant, Reznov also wondered who sent the medallion and why.
  10. OOC: *Bummed out* You guys always get the cool toys.......
  11. When Reznov woke up from her nap, Malestrom, at least who she thought was Malestrom disappeared. The attendant said, "We are 30 minutes from Tokyo." Fixing herself up, she was ready to meet with Mr. Takeo, the Furon Representative." OOC: The next post will come on the trip back from Tokyo.
  12. "Then everyone's lives are in danger." Dimitri said. he had come across a terror attack before, barely surviving a rocket attack on the Capital Builiding that killed many Cabinet Members. He then said in response to terrorism, "I'm happy you feel that way, none of us negotiate with terrorists, and I'm more than willing to help you in your efforts to stamp them out of this palace."
  13. OOC: I can't help but :lol: IC: That's very incriminating evidence you have, are you certain that this is true?
  14. "Don't worry" Reznov said to Takeo, "I understand your concerns and I am taking that into consideration, we would support an ODP with Furon for the time being with the possibility of enhancing it at a later date. A Trade Agreement will also work in our favor. Hopefully Yuktobania may be able to stay in one piece long enough to do so."
  15. "Thank you for the honor Mr. Takeo." Reznov said, "I understand that our countries have been isolated in recent months, and I do believe that a treaty is in order. Therefore, I want to ask, What treaty do you propose?"
  16. Dimitri was standing next to the entryway. Haruhi's decision to lock down the palace might work for her or against her, depending on if any more enemies escaped or not. Looking around the halls, he would need to recall on his past knowledge as a mercenary and use it to find a way to stop these so called 'Fists of Harmony.' "The problem with terrorists is that they never demoralize, and they never give up." Dimitri said to Vice Empresses, "Your lives may still be in danger."
  17. Although a couple of the cabin members believed that the Prime Minister may be sick. One of the members dismissed as some cruel joke. Meanwhile, Catherine Reznov was talking to, or believed she was talking to, Malestrom, the former Emperor of the Dragon Empire. Among the thing they've talked about was how he was still alive, still talking to her, even after reports came in that he died long ago.
  18. We wish Buryatia luck in solving this political crisis.
  19. "I would suggest you hold your tongue, it is dangerous to speak like that..."
  20. We greatly appreciate the Help of Furon in our time of need.
  21. A Yuktobanian Tu-144 landed in Tokyo's International Airport. Catherine Reznov stepped out of the plane and is taken to a Furon motorcade.
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