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Razgriz 2K9

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Everything posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. Signed for Yuktobania Demitri Petrenko, Deputy Prime Minister I have no qualms with the Haruhiist administrating South Kamchatka.
  2. The Allied forces in Sonza were within sight of the enemy tank brigade. Because the enemy was in holding position, they had better range than the Yuke Army. Therefore, they had to rely on Yuke F-16's and MiG-29's to provide air support. This led to dogfights between the old generation (F-4's and MiG-21's) and the new generation (F-16's and MiG-29's). While the enemy began shooting at the allied tank brigade, Despite reaching the range, they lacked accuracy, which proved to be costly. Only 10 tanks were destroyed by the time the allies got in range of the EoD forces. From there, it'll become a slaughter.....
  3. Seeing as this is an important matter, The Deputy Prime Minister, Demitri Petrenko boarded a C-130 Hercules protected by 2 MiG-29 fighter aircraft. Petrenko had a slight smile on his face, he had consulted the Haruhii before and will be a primary propornent in how to deal with the senario. Arriving at the destination, he came off the plane tired and seemingly worn out, telling the envoys that "Civil War'll do that to you."
  4. OOC: While I'm waiting for Kitex, I'll begin the battle for Sonza Plains IC: General Voychek began the offensive the smaller Haruhiist and Yuke forces brgan their advance towards Murska Air base. The EoD military was expecting the Yuke army and had set up defense positions on the opposite side of the Pass, supported with F-4 and MiG-21bis aircraft. The battle of Sonza was about to begin.
  5. Due to a pressing situation, it is unfortunate news to tell you that Dimitri Petrenko will not be available at this time. However we will schedule a meeting at a later date with the Prime Minister, Catherine Reznov.
  6. He will be arrving by a chartered plane.
  7. OOC: COngrats, now IA turned Lord of the Rings into Lord of the Smackdown.
  8. A Haruhii Limo drove Peterenko to the Palace and waited to be led to the location of the Coronation Ceremony.
  9. OOC: A Question: Is Mordor the lands formerly known as Diadochoi, and if so why wasn't I invited?
  10. OOC: Can you point to your Evil overlord list, I may try a few things from it....
  11. OOC: I probably should've consulted Google Maps before updating my beattle map. How stupid of me....
  12. <<News from the Yuke Provisional Government>> We are pleased and happy to annouance that Prime Minister Catherine Reznov has come out of her coma and is recovering remarkably well. Once she is cleared of medical leave and is brought up to speed of the current situation, all presidential powers will be shared with between Reznov and the military provisional government for the duration of the Civil War.
  13. Deputy Prime Minister Petrenko will attend.
  14. OOC: Congrats on revealing your bisexual relationship IC. I would try doing this IC, but I don't really know how to word it without making it an insult.
  15. Demitri's plane quickly landed at Haruhiigrad International Airport with a group of 2 secret service agents. In order to avoid the debacle that put Prime Minister Catherine Reznov in a coma (in which she came out of it a day before the Southeastern Yuktobania Campaign.) They hoped to ensure that the city was being well protected.
  16. With troops from the Haruhiist and Zargathian forces helping Yuke forces engage the enemy in the southern front. Yuke and Kitex forces continue with their momentum and engage the enemy at Glubina, where the old prison yards has been converted into a fortress. Glubina, a cold desolate place seperate from Siberia. It was a place where Yuke Prisoners, usually POW's were held. When the EoD launched their attack on the camp 2 weeks ago, they were able to gain more troops to their cause. Now, a special forces team, one, a Yuke Spetsnaz team, the other a Kitex special forces unit, entered the area in 2 seperate C-130's. Their objective was to capture the Field Command in the field of operations. The EoD, suffering from their losses, transferred a part of their air force to Darina International Airport. As far as they were concerned, it was imperative to hold on to their territory until they can mount a counterattack. ------------------- Another objective took place in the Northern Sonza Pass, near lake Dama, the battle would be between the EoD, and a Yuke-Haruhiist alliance with the objective of recapturing Murska Air Force Base. In order to get to Murska, ground forces must go through the treacherous Sonza Pass, however, apart from the treacherous mountainious terrain the EoD had set up a large force consisting of 150 vehicles, almost half their entire armored force, and 15,000 men. The allied battlegroup was to be dually led by the Haruhiist Army Commander (of which Elrich will post as to whom his/her identity is)and Gen. Voychek, and is in command of 10,000 men, but only 75 vehicles. ------------------------ Zargathia will launch a decisive attack on the Yuke Port city of Beringovsky, capturing it would force the EoD into a 2 front position. Due to the fact that the tanks are guarding the front line, with little expectation of conflict from the coast, the town is lightly defended, with only 4,000 men defending the village and the castle. OOC: Whew, that's a lot of typing.
  17. <<Classified Message to Zargathia High Command>> We approve of your plan. Be careful, Murska is their primary air base in the region, and they will be very dangerous. The allied forces will engage them from the Lake Lyibar Defense Line.
  18. OOC: Now that the soldiers are now being RP'd, It is safe to say that I can speed up the process a little. Victory in the southern part of the desert will lead to focus on the Northern Front. IC: Yuke Tanks encircled the EoD brigade and trapped the military forces of Captain Lomav. In the open desert, it made target aquisition much easier, as all of the enemy tanks were destroyed in short order. Lomav was killed by a stray bullet from a Yuke Army's AK-74, and his XO, Lt. Fujiara (A soldier emigrated from the Japanese Islands during the days of Yamato.) carried out the surrender delegations. Victory was delcared at 1300 hrs. <Private Message to the Haruhiist Empire.>> We want you to disembark at Tiger Naval Port. We have already sent in 200 Humvees to transport your forces eastward. (Towards Sonza's Manufacturing Plant.) We need your forces to assist in defending the area. The Yuke Air Force is able to assist you.
  19. We are thankful for the assistance. EoD Northern Battlegroup: The Battlegroup engaged the PT-76's, dropped by the Yuke Army, moments later, Mi-24 Hind Choppers had also entered the fray. Despite the curageous skill of the soldiers, the EoD didn't stand half a chance. By the time the Air force came, all of the light tanks were destroyed, but being hounded by choppers cut the offensive capability of the Battlegroup to 30% from the initial force. By the time the exhausted battlegroup arrived at the airfield, they were encountered by Yuke Air Force pilots, Yuke Army Tanks and Kitexian soldiers. OOC: Kitex, I give you permission to RP your forces against the EoD army. EoD Southern Battlegroup: Despite the Air raid, The EoD battlegroup was still capable of attacking the Oil Field, defended completely by Yuktobanian Military Forces. The Tanks opened fire on the larger enemy forces, and was able to defeat a quarter of their tanks. It would be perceived that the EoD would secure a victory, until the Chuda-class Corvette YNS Dub appeared along the coast of the Semyna River, launching a broadside on enemy forces on their left. With attacks coming from the front, the sides and over their heads, the EoD was battered to the point that it was time to retreat. The retreat was dreadful, as they were being pursued relentlessly by the Yuke military. EoD North: 15 tanks, <2000 men EoD South (retreating): 4 tanks, <300 men Yuke Military: 90 tanks, 7000 men Kitex Military: 6000 troops
  20. OOC: They have not been committed yet, I was going to use them for the defense of the oil fields and Air Base.
  21. OOC: I'm not going to bet this time, (since I lost the last bet), but I predict that the president will win.
  22. from the Provisional Yuke Government: The Yuktobanian Government congratulates New England on this achievement. Private (from the Eagles of Dawn): "&$%# this." Followed by gunfire that destroyed yet another TV.
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