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Razgriz 2K9

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Everything posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. We wish to establish close ties with the Haruhiist Empire, it was actually on the agenda of Prime Minister Catherine Reznov before the assassination attempt that put her in a coma. We still wish for ties with the Empire. But on foriegn relations with many of our friends and allied countries, it has not changed, but we hope to find support for our friends and allies. Truthfully, I do not know yet. The Military Strength of the Eagles of Dawn, formerly known as the Pan-Asian Party, is unknown but is constantly growing with each day. Our military is doing the best we can but, I don't know how long this war will drag on. Still, we welcome any support anyone is willing to offer us.
  2. OOC: I lol over the fact that none of these have anything to do with the civil war, but still...... IC: Antartica has become what most people call the "Last Frontier on Earth." There may be supplies in there that is not found elsewhere. That's why they are after the proverbial White gold mines of Antartica. Secondly, The Yuktobanian government is always actively seeking out allies, we were close allies with the Hanseatic Commonwealth, but now we are leaning towards an alliance with Buryatia and Diadochoi. Lastly, The nation of Kitex is the only indigenous nation in Antartica proper. Though many Yuktobanians do not know about this wonderous country, we believe that they are the one true Antartican regional power. Unlike many nations, we are tolerable of countries that have a different government than us, unlike many countries in Europe that are afraid of fascism. Though we have no qualms against the type of government, there will be problems if a nation endangered the national sovreignty of another, for example, Dranagg's recent invasion of the Netherlands. Therefore, we approve of the MDP between the Kreig and the CAU. OOC: Though it would help to know where the CAU is......
  3. OOC: This is an awesome read. Good job both of you!
  4. Yuktobania is highly supportive of Asian Unity, and we are willing to join such a treaty, however, due to pressing circumstances, Yuktobania will delay its joining of the bloc until our internal affairs have been settled.
  5. OOC: Due to the ending of Part 1, this will be a press conference reviewing the events of Part 1 and will set the stage for part 2. IC: General Zhukov II stood up on a podium, looking out to the crowd of reporters from many different nations. As far as safety is concerned. The Yuke Army and Air Forces is keeping any potential threats in check. "I am ready to answer any questions you give me." Zhukov said confidently.
  6. The Tu-114 carrying Catherine Reznov landed at Cruik Fortress. She would recuperate within its walls for the time being. Gagarin believed for now, she was safe. Meanwhile, Zhukov mobilized his forces already in the Jilachi Desert, where a strategic oil depot and 2 seperate air bases were located. Any attack coing from the front would be crushed almost immediately. Other military units were tasked to guard the capital city from attack. --------------------------------------- A prison riot broke out between the PAP supported inmates and the guards. During the fiasco, several rockets were launched from a helicopter, destroying the gates, the guards main building, darn near everything in the camp. Many of the prisoners went into the PAP's helo's while others hijacked their late warden's helicopter. Those that died helped others escape. Now Makarov has enough men and equipment to launch his bold offensives. --------------------------------------- "Sir," The Cruik Fortress XO, Lt. Col Boris Reynek, said to Gen. Zhukov. "A video tape was found in the ruins of the capital building during our investigation, you may want to look at it. "Alright Colonel," Zhukov said, before popping the tape into the VCR player. On the TV screen appeared Victor Makarov, the man he saw left the government building. "You?" Zhukov said, surprised. Makarov began speaking, "Hello gentlemen, to those who survived. We are the Pan-Asian Party, or we were at one point." The Lt. Col. said, "Pan-Asian Party? The forces who try to keep the last president in power in Buryatia?" The video continued playing, "Our Buryatian brothers were been forced to damnation because of those corrupt Buryatian military dogs, who convicted us because they believe us to have a role in the Queen's assassination. Our Yuktobanian brothers are forced into political prison camps because of our ideals of a Great Yuktobania. For us, the PAP is dead. But out of the ashes rise a new power, we are the Eagles of Dawn, and we will not rest until the twin governments of Yuktobania and Buryatia crumble before our power." Zhukov paused the tape. He should have known something like this would happen. The situation at hand would require assistance with the Buryatians. Zhukov removed the tape and said to his XO, this is a grave situation, and I think Buryatia needs to know the situation. OOC: This is where this RP ends, stayed tuned for part 2 of this upcoming insurgency.
  7. Despite losing the Yuke Prime Minister again, Darina fell to the PAP extremists. The situation in Cinigrad was not much different. Due to the back-to-back terrror attacks that threw the government into chaos, The Yuktobanian military began to take control of the federal government and is placed under the command of Khmer War veteran, General Georgy Zhukov II, who established martial law, and a curfew for Yuke citizens in the country. For safety reasons, he had his military gov't run from the impregnable Cruik Fortress, to the east of Cinigrad. ---------------------------------- <<Glubina National Park>> <<The Next Day>> The PAP and Mafia forces were able to capture the city, and made plans to release Military Prisoners from the Glubina Maximum Security Center in the center of Glubina National Park. Using 2 ptured Mi-8 Hip helicopters, the PAP forces, led by Sergei Aramov, launched a direct assault on the Glubina Prison Camp. They managed to avoid patrols from loyalist Yuke Air Force pilots, and with the help of Yuke pilots on the Mafiya's payroll, disabled the camp's AA weapons before hand. A force of 20 PAP soldiers, landed at the center of the camp near the central building. A few of them snuck in to the warden's office and killed him without a sound. The rest began releasing prisoners and arming them with a cache of weapons. The time has come to start a prison riot against the guards....
  8. <<Darina Hospital>> Catherine's condition has stabilized since yesterday's assasination attempt, but she has not awoken for the past 24 hours. Gagarin, the Education Minister feared that she would never wake up. It seemed hope was headed for an all time low. ------------------------------------------- <<6 Hours Later>> <<in a dirt road on the outskirts of Cinigrad>> Glebov and a few PAP soldiers (about 30 of them) drove the SCUD atop a large hill, away from the view of bystanders. The Tactical Missile was aimed towards the capital building in the direct center of the city. Makarov on the other hand was just leaving the capital building. All of the ministers, (except for the foriegn, finance, trade and education ministers) worked in the building alongside the Deputy Prime Minister, and today was no different. Makarov wanted to ensure that the ministers would remain there for their "final curtain call." Makarov said to Glebov on his cell, "All of the pieces are in place for my end. Now give me one hell of a show!" Glebov said, "Then lets start this party." Glebov puts in the targeting system, aiming it at the Yuke Capital Building. "All right gentlemen, everybody clear the area, once we launch this thing we need to dissapear fast." At this point the countdown began, 10...9...8...7...The Rockets start to fire....6...5...4...3...2...1...The missile launched from the SCUD Missile, before clearing out into the forests. The Missile continued straight on course for the Capitol Building, many civillians saw the missile in flight, scaring them, fearing that another terror attack like the one in Darina would happen again here. By the time The Deputy Prime Minister knew what was happening, it was too late. The missile hit its intended target, severely damaging the building and killing 132 people, including many ministers. Another 70 people were wounded, including Petrenko, in what is considered to be the worst terror attack in Yuktobanian history. ------------------------------------------ <<Back in Darina>> The remaining PAP extremists not involved in the attack on Cinigrad took part in a plan to take over Darina with the assistance of the Yuke Mafiya, and kill the Prime Minister. Due to the recent attack, the PM was guarded by the Yuktobanian Army and would be difficult to get at. At 5:30, the operation began, Mafiya forces in armed technicals and SUV's gun down Yuktobanian troops at multiple checkpoints. A few helicopters, mainly modified MD-530's and Mi-8 Hip's took care of enemy IFV's attacking the PAP. The situation was made worse when Yuke Army personnel, bribed by the mob, showed their true colors and betrayed many of their officers. It would appear that soon the government will fall. ------------------------------------------ It was at the time of the attack that Education minister Gagarin began to take the initiative and begin to take the Prime Minister out of Darina. Guarded by 2 Spetsnaz members, they took the Prime Minister to a chopper on the roof of the hospital. After the Prime Minister's body was moved to the chopper they sped off towards the airport on the north end of the city. Despite gunfire from PAP forces, the chopper made it to the airport, where Gagarin took Reznov's body to a chartered Tu-114 plane. Gagarin told the pilot to immediately take off while he tried to get in contact with the Buryatian ambassador to Yuktobania. OOC: *whew* well, looks like I get to do my civil war plans after all...
  9. Yuktobania recognizes the Kingdom of Portugal as a sovereign state. Due to our current situation, we cannot ask to exchange embassies.
  10. Glebov was in the middle of his nap back at the slums when he heard his cellphone ring. Grumbling over this, he reached for his cellphone and answered it. "Yes?" He said. On the other line was Makarov, who had just arrived in Cinigrad a few hours ago. "You know the backup plan if the Prime Minister is still alive, right?" This put a dear old smile in Glebov's face, the one thing he liked was blowing stuff up, he loved it, when he destroyed the Darina Fuel Depot. Makarov's backup plan called for much, much more..."Of course, when do you want me to implement my biggest explosion yet?" "Soon" Makarov replied, before hanging up the phone. Glebov headed to the garage, and looked into what would be his instrument of destruction.
  11. <<A Public Statement from Deputy Prime Minister Dimitri Petrenko concerning the attack on Darina Port>> We have just confirmed that our Prime Minister, Catherine Reznov is in critical condition and is currently resting in the ICU at Darina General Hospital. We are currently investigating the group responsible for the attempt assaination and terrorist attack in an attempt to bring the perpatrators to justice. -------------------------------------- "Choryt!!!" Makarov said, "I TOLD THAT BUMBLING IDIOT TO KILL THAT B****" The man screamed to the top of his lungs when he heard of Reznov's survival. "Josef, Sergei, pack your things, we're going to Cinigrad. We'll contact Vlad once we arrive.
  12. OOC: In this order Stephen Colbert Hank Hill (from King of the Hill) Some....third guy (from I assume Sealab 2021?) Shoot, I'm placing all my support on Stefan.
  13. OOC: Yes the attack is known. The perps well they are not. But if you think that is horrible, the worse...has yet to come. This RP is gonna see a bunch of Yuktobanians and ex-PAP Buryatians almost literally watch the Russian Far East burn
  14. OOC: I think we should invade his country just for stupidity. I vote no.....again.
  15. OOC: Now that I am officially cleared by IA to continue, I will do as such. IC: The Prime Minister had just arrived at Darina Public School. Reznov seemed happy though. Yuktobania was living forward in in terms of education. The Minister of Education and Technology, Alexi Gagarin, also arrived to commenorate the moment. Gagarin walked up to the Prime Minister's luxury Mercedes-Benz as the PM's aide opened the door for her. Gagarin said, "Good afternoon, Prime Minister. I think we have achieved another victory for our next generation." "I KNOW" Reznov corrected him, "I know we have achieved a victory for the children here. "So, are you ready to make your speech, Ms. Reznov? "I am. Let us see our countrymen smile once more." Reznov walked towards the podium, situated in front of the school's front doors. ----------------------------------------- As this was going on, a sniper located on a building on the other side of the street, took point and aimed his M21 Sniper Rifle downrange, aiming above the Prime Minister's podium where Reznov's chest would be. He was ordered by Makarov to wait for the signal. His scond in command, Vlad Glebov was charged with striking at a Yuktobanian fuel depot once the signal was given. This challenge proved simple enough, Glebov's group was well armed (mainly through sales with the Yuktobanian Mafiya.) and carried remote detonators. Half an hour prior to Reznov's arrival, Glebov ordered his men to set up remote detonators on most of the fuel tanks and fuel trucks in the area. Now he was waiting on Makarov's signal to detonate them. Makarov was watching what would unfold on the TV. The moment that Reznov stepped onto the podium, and turned to face her crowd, Makarov said, "Commence operation" ----------------------------------------- "People of Yuktobania, The time has come to start thinking of what to become of the next generation of Yuktobanian ctizens, in the past, we never had the opprotunity of public education, and many citizens could never afford the private tuitions to teach us how to read write and practice arithmetics. During the campaign, I vowed to continue my path towards giving the people better education, more competivite economy and a better future for...... BANG The people screamed and watched in horror as Catherine slumped to the ground. Blood stained her shirt and was coughing up blood. The Yuktobanian Secret Service quickly sprung into action, taking the wounded Prime Minister to the car and drove straight to the Durinan hospital. Other agents pinpointed where the shot was coming from and stormed the building. The sniper pulled out a pistol and shot himself in the head before they can make it to arrest him. ------------------------------------------ As soon as the order was given, Glebov detonated the bombs, turning the fuel depot into a raging inferno, which startled the peasentry of Darina. The inferno would take 24 hours to quench, much of the surrounding building burned down and some 11 people were killed and 14 wounded in the blast and subsequent blaze.
  16. The Yuktobanian government also supports the DPB.
  17. OOC: your right it is a long fall.... *falls 120 stories to his death*
  18. OOC: Explain..... EDIT: Alright, well, let's take this to PM first.
  19. OOC: at what price you ask? Well, your evilz political party would attack your neighbor for one. Also, if it doesn't work out in Buryatia, move em to PR China, I'm sure they'll love Bhuddists.
  20. The PAP's exile from Buryatia let to some resentment from their leaders. Those who managed to escape the former military gov't rule (mainly by sea) escaped to neighboring Yuktobania, with majority of them setting up shop in the slums of Darina, Yuktobania's arctic port city. But with their leader gone, they came become too disorganized to be a threat. But times had changed, and a new leader had taken his place. His name was Vladimir Makarov. Makarov was a disgruntled agent of Zakhev during the original coup that overthrew the corrupt Democratic Republic of Yuktobania. He was angered at Zakhev and later, Reznov, whose Centrist ideals he believed is taking Yuktobania backwards. He wanted to gain land and power from Buryatia, and was one of the few to support the PAP in relocating in case their plans of taking control of the former Monarchy went south. Their current objective was on the TV, the Prime Minister was going to open the first public school in Darina. (there were already schools set up in Cinigrad and Okchabursk.) To Makarov, the opprotunity to gain such power was already coming to him. He says to his followers while pointing at the TV, "This is our target, a young woman whose all Zakhev's pride and dreams of the future go to? Nyeh, Bumpbkis," He cussed repeatedly in Russian, "This dog doesn't know the meaning of power, we will show them, both Yuktobania and Buryatia, the true meaning of power." He pulls out his M1911 pistol and shootss at the TV screen, shattering all the glass.
  21. OOC: Does this mean you get to shoot down ex-Presidente? If so, I want in!!!
  22. Yuktobanian forces will turn back, however we will continue to send supplies to the allies if you wish.
  23. OOC: OMG She's become a lesbian!!!!
  24. <<An official statement from the Yuktobania Democratic Republic>> Trade between Yuktobania and Dranagg has ultimately ceased due to recent actions, we will no longer support a country who wishes to harm another. <<Classified to the anti-Dranagg coalition>> The Yuktobanian Air Force and Naval flotilla will launch an attack on one of Dranagg's port's declaration of wars will commence on zero hour of the attack.
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