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Razgriz 2K9

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Everything posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. OOC: I thought that Malestrom was still giving the Khmer's one last chance, what's with all the special ops?
  2. I am happy that our friends and comrades in Slavorussia have found the Tsar.
  3. *Classified to the Dragon Empire from Yuktobanian Air Commander Suvorov* The Yuke Air Force is mobilized and ready for attack, just give the word and we'll bomb any target in Khmer. *Classified message to the Dragon Empire from Yuke General Zhukov II* Our armies are ready for combat, our navy has sucessfully acuqired it's first ships and will be a good test on the field. OOC: I will begin RP my navy as soon as i purchase my ship. I have already completed all requirements for owning a ship.
  4. OOC: Nice.....So, I assume this isn't the last we heard of Green Flag.
  5. OOC: Dude, that pic was totally unecessary. In fact, it looks disturbing.
  6. Well, I wouldn't mind looking through the military inventory for purchase, since our country doesn't produce as many aircraft, vehicles or guns as other nations, most of our hardware are ex-Northern Empire equipment. (aka earlier in the year)
  7. There is still the issue of the Dragon empire and Southeast Asia.
  8. If it is possible, that once we get negotiations going, both sides must agree for it to be in a neutral location. Cinigrad, perhaps?
  9. OOC (In a Ominous Jamaican Voodoo Voice): In the end, if the Kaiser comes back to power, I fear it will lead to his own destruction.
  10. OOC: [[insert Gasp Emoticon Here]] well, she took it quite well.
  11. The Yuke Deputy PM's Tu-114 landed at the airport, he was escorted by his personal guards to the limo and was driven to Zhukov Tower. From there Zhukov makes his way up to meet with the other World Leaders before taking his seat.
  12. OOC: So the war is averted? All right, now I can go back and focus on building my navy (FOR CRYING OUT LOUD)
  13. OOC: So in the end, not even the people can stop the government. May god have mercy on your country....
  14. Accepted, we will send in Maria Shamanov as ambassador.
  15. OOC: Ok, now I can see what is happening. Thank you.
  16. OOC: Could you give a map of your advancements please?
  17. We will send in the Yuke Air Force as well as a 10,000 strong force from the army. OOC: Did you talk to Kevz about it?
  18. OOC: *shocked and awed* What the &%*$?!?
  19. OOC: good job *Hides in a corner* Oh crap, now Osea the PRC has nukes, this is not good.
  20. Accepted, we will be sending Boris Yeltsov as Ambassador.
  21. A Message from Yuktobanian General Georgy Zhukov II Molniya Squadron, loaded up with Rocket Pods, will be called in to eleiminate isolated rebel forces. We also request intel as to located the remaining leaders of the Yellow Turbans. It is possible we can capture or eliminate them using the Yuktobanian Spetsnaz Battalion known as Varyag.
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