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Razgriz 2K9

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Everything posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. OOC: Wait....you still have that song, I thought we were done with Rick Rolling? o_O Besides it's not really torture, more so that I heard it so many times I actually start to like the song. IC: As soon as Alex started listening to the song, he started to enjoy it a bit, saying, "This might be a good tune if they weren't playing it so loud THAT MY EARS BLEED!!!! After a while the song started to get on his nerves, it was playing so loud it couldn't sleep, he was not used to this kind of torture. Alex started wondering how long he can hold out before he snapped.
  2. I'll ask HHAYD, right now I don't think he got sinister down, and I'm a tad sadistic, ya know?
  3. After being locked into the padded room, Alex thought, "So they intend to keep me in this isolated room till I go insane....well, they are gonna be in for a surprise."
  4. The spy remained silent, defiant against the GLS interrogator.
  5. Alex laighed when the interrogator asked the question, "Well, you must be new to interrogation, that would be the stupidist question that I ever heard in my life." He then put a scowl on his face, "As far as I'm concerned, I am pretty much under threat of death both from my home nation and this one, and that is the question you ask me? Hmph, you're wasting your time."
  6. OOC: LOL :lol: IC: Alex was put in a white van that took him straight to the base he broke into before. Alex said, "Well, well, I'm back at your base....so do you want an encore, or do just want me to sing?" Alex was playing up the mood of his captors, as far as it was seen his home country may be put in jepoardy for this, but it would not be of any concern as to what GLS may do the country, it's people know how to handle itself in battle, so Alex was unconcerned over any consequence.
  7. Then again, when you think about it (the matter of a 4 legged model), a tank uses computers to actually get a visual view of it's surroundings, correct? Plus 4-legged models would serve mostly as Self-Propelled artilery, albeit using the same caliber round as some tank models (105-mm or 120-mm smoothbore), and maybe a defensive weapon. I agree with you on the 2-legged deal, though what about rockets and .50-cal (12.7-mm) Heavy Machine Guns? Surely it doesn't have that much recoil, does it?
  8. OOC: I look forward to torture method [/my sadistic moment ] Alex was strapped to his bed, but he could do nothing but laugh. The spy really got himself into a pickle this time, he knew he was not going to escape, at least not with his life, still he believed it was worth finding out what torture methods the Great Lake People used.
  9. wouldn't it make it a 40-foot tall rocket chair, that obviously wouldn't work???
  10. why? isn't Groenlandia a part of North America?
  11. Who's fighting in Florida? I have an RP idea and involves Miami....
  12. When Alex awoke, he was laying in a hospital bed. All his gear was gone, and armed gurds were protecting his hospital room both within and outside as shown from the slightly opened door. All Alex had left to say was "&%$#!!!"
  13. wrong, walkers would be slower because early walkers would be like early tanks, we only have the current tech capacity for walkers to move slower than tanks, despite being unhindered by terrain. The issue would be the joints and maintain balance, especially on a 2-legged model.
  14. ....I wish I could take my vote back...... those are 2-legged, impractical, I should've said option 1....
  15. Alex was hit by a guards arm by a tranquilizer dart. Pulling the dart out, he said, "Son of a %$#@&" dropping both is pistols. Another tranquilizer dart to the torso. Made him a bit woozy, dropping him unconsious on the floor of the commander's desk.
  16. Ludmilla finally reached the castle. It was nothing more but a tourist attraction but it would help if whatever inside the castle would help trigger Valkyria's memory. Valkyria said in her mind, "This is Steir Castle, whatever secrets hidden within might be the key to my memories as well as who Razgriz is." Ludmilla said, "Yeah, hard to believe that we had to travel across continents to do it." Heading into the castle, Ludmilla walked through it's walls and found multiple pieces of art left behind from the First Nordic War, ranging from artwork like Van Gogh to portraits of Waldemarr and his family. One person, a male with red hair and freckles was looking peculiarly at a painting, Ludmilla looked at the painting that the teenager was watching, and it was a picture of 2 valkyries in a snowfield, full of forests. One was of the female that looks just like her, Razgriz, the other was wearing a dark red tinted armor in similar fashion to the black armored Razgriz. The boy, noticing that someone was behind him said, "It's a pretty picture isn't it." Ludmilla said, "Yes it is." "My name is Wilheim Graun, I'm the son of Eleanor Graun." "Your mother is the author of the Belkan fairy tale?" "Yes, she is....she passed away during the Nordic War." Ludmilla crossed her arms, her muscles tensed, "So what is a teenager doing in a place like this." Wilheim put his arms behind his head, "I wanted to check out the paintings, this one actually got me interested." "Why is that?" Ludmilla asked, wondering if his mother had influenced him on the Nordic culture." "Because my Mom believed in the whole Nordic culture, she was fascinated about Valkyries. I think it was due to having went to school in Greenland." "Greenland, do you think people still believes in Norse mytholog there?" "I don't know, you would have to see for yourself." The kid started to leave but not without saying, "It's a pleasure to meet you lady."
  17. Alex heard the soldiers opening the door with their automatic shotguns. He knew that there was no escape, and surrender was not an option. Therefore, Alex drew his second pistol and started firing at the guards.
  18. Unfortunately, Alex did not have the time or the patience to try and fix the problem, he could take what he has on the flash drive and let the YKGB defrag it later. He clicked proceed and ducked under the desk to reload his pistol.
  19. Are you sure about that, I've never seen anyone use walkers. As for mechs, there are very impractical, unless it was a 4 or 6-legged MBT if that counts as such.
  20. OOC: Expect no chivalry here, woman! (no offense to the female RPers) IC: Just as soon as the commander saw Alex, he shot his M9 at the her shoulder, downing her. Alex said in his Russian accent, "Nothing personal, it's simply just business." He then procceded to the commander's computer, put a flash drive into the computer and began downloading various military files.
  21. Alex under cover from the guards, decided to head to the computer room, unknowingly not noticing the security cameras located throughout the hallway....a fatal mistake on the spy's part. The Yuke spy finally found the Commander's office. Alex pulled out a pistol and slowly opened the door. If the commander was still there, he would be shot in the head and Alex would be ready to hack, if he wasn't, then that means one less body for Alex to hide.
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