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Razgriz 2K9

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Everything posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. I'm okay with Yakuza, but you're gonna have to talk to Elrich though.
  2. IC: I understand and we will wai till we have a Prime Minister and Deputy in place.
  3. I'm still waiting for Elrich....where is he?
  4. OOC: I smell commie revolution, will this spread to the weakened Yuktobanian state?
  5. With Darina's reconstruction at 40% complete, the Yuke Provisional Government has now started to actively open recruitment for the military, due to lack of any amjor military weaponry, the Yuke Gov't will have to look abroad for military aid. Also, the Prime Minister will begin soon, as candidates from all over the country are applying for the office.
  6. With the election of Yuktobania's Prime Minister beginning, the candidacy is drawing up. Alliances start to form between the various criminal organizations. Josef Makarov was walking the streets of Cinigrad when he encountered a well dressed man wearing a pin of a redheaded female. Josef asked the man, "Why are you wearing that button." The man told Josef, "We are supporting the female dream team for Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister!!" Josef, interested in this asked, "And who is this 'female dream team' you speak of?" "Mrs. Natalia Ivanova and Mrs. Katalina Hirazumi, they're the best decision for this country of ours, they promise to continue the policies of Catherine Reznov." The crowd behind him cheered as he went back to their group. Josef thought about it, and decided to see if the two require his group's services.
  7. Ludmilla answered back, "I am searching for something, some guide had told me that whatever it is I'm searching for was here in Osea Province." Looking at the note about Hannah/Idun. She then added, "And I think I know where to go next."
  8. Ludmilla heard the counts that the man had against him, but for him to take out 12 heavily armed men in a few minutes, surely that is hard to believe, and yet he is also responsible for the kidnapping of the Queen of Cynerice Northan, this would probably make him an enemy of multiple nations right off the bat. When the officer asked about why Hank wanted her dead and about the note, all she could say was, "I don't know why, he just walked up and attacked me. I did manage to defend myself, but if what you say is true, and I doubt that may be the case, I didn;t last more than a minute. As for the note, I don't know who he is reffering to."
  9. Ludmilla saw the officers came in, hoping to figure out some sense in the situation, being shown the two pictures, Ludmilla thought in her mind "Are these guys serious???" Although she could barely read out the grainy shot, she recognized that to be the same as the profile photo on the left. Ludmilla straightened up and said, "They are both the same person, and yet he was the one who attacked me...Do you know who that man is?"
  10. We will accept missionaries and the construction of churches for the faithful.
  11. The aid and equipment was quickly used to aid in the reconstruction of Darina, as well as the refurbishing of clinics and hospitals around Yuktobania.
  12. OOC: Is it like the Roman Catholic Church or is it like a Protesant Church? I will edit the post depending on the answer. IC: The Yuke Provisional Government supports the Australian Catholic Church, and is welcome to practice the religion in Yuktobania
  13. OOC: Well, on the technical account....as far as war is concerned, I only did have one type.....only because I lack understanding of different conventional warhead tech.
  14. We welcome the support from our friends and neighbors in such an endeavor. The rebuilding of Darina's port has begun. Multiple aid workers are working around the clock, to rebuild cranes, docks and warehouses. It is expected that the repair will take several weeks (3 days IRL). Others not working on the ports are working on rebuilding and/or refurbishing Darina's apartments and houses so those who lived in the city before the war can return home.
  15. I LOL'd.... JEDCJT, why don't you come and play?
  16. Many factories have been rebuilt and renovated. With factory workers beginning to come back to work, the increase in industrial supplies being used to rebuild Darina has increased, coupled with the fact of support from Dai Nippon Teikoku, who is sending a plane to the Yuke Capital Cinigrad to meet with members of the Yuktobanian Provisional Ministry.
  17. My name is Alexei Makarov, of the Makarov Bratva. He waited for the conversation to begin.
  18. OOC: For the record, treaties are unsuspended as of yesterday. IC: We thank you for your support.
  19. We welcome all the help we can get to help stabilizing the nation. Thank you for the offer.
  20. Tis why I said Cinigrad and Okchabursk, as they are the major population centers now
  21. Not many inhabitants left in Darina, most fled when the GLS came and bombarded the place.
  22. In Darina, there is the airport there doubles as an air base...for what good that does since there are no aircraft and not much firearms outside of pistols and limited assault rifles is unknown.
  23. Alexei wasn't surprised that the Yakuza came, since there were already Japanese in Yuktobania to begin with, but a group that large couldn't possibly be from Yuktobania proper. Alexei said to the Yakuza member extending his hand for a handshake, "Okay, I will give you that chance, what is it that you need to discuss Mr...."
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