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Heracles the Great

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Everything posted by Heracles the Great

  1. Good luck JB - I wish you the best in your attempts to be removed from these ZI lists - it's a shame, in my opinion, that you're still on them. To my knowledge, your only crime was being a founder of Vox, of which you spent 4 days in.
  2. GGA/Valhalla vs. Hyperion =/= TOP/GRE/FARK/UMB/FOK/etc vs. NpO Say it as many times as you want, but it wasn't the same war
  3. A very huge Congratulations to PC on their great achievement - Well done
  4. I didn't follow the link, i just saw the announcement on coldfront and put that with the date and figured it to be a joke - lol
  5. I thought that was an april fools joke by them
  6. Complete Domination by my boy Ejay - No question...
  7. /me awaits an epic debate between Ivan and Vladimir regarding Francoism...
  8. Sorry for over reacting - after just having done that, I was a tad edgy... lol the 2am was b/c you said it would have been nice 9hours earlier and it was 11am when you said it (my time) Anyway - no hard feelings
  9. Great read - Thanks EDIT - shouldn't this go in OW, not AA?
  10. I'll send 3m, you send 50 tech 10 days later adn the other 50 10 days after that
  11. lolwut? Argant? Anyway - congrats to iFOK and Argent - my two favorite up and comers
  12. I'm most dissapointed in STA/NpO as their merger wasn't reflected in these numbers... I expect better at next update )):
  13. Right - because 2am updates are all the RAGE... If you were so heart broken over the delay, perhaps you should have done it...
  14. NsO? Or are you DoW'ing NSO and taking the uppercase letter this time?
  15. I tried to delete LucasPerry )): LP )):
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