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Sarmatian Empire

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Everything posted by Sarmatian Empire

  1. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1316684557' post='2805829'] I think he didn't miss the crux of his argument, it was just a little bit weird to talk about something not happening if another thing would not have happened. I mean if I FOK wouldn't existed, neither would iFOK and we would never have started trouble on Purple and Invicta would still be there. In my eyes it's very simple. Yes FOK messed up with authorizing the raid and the attacks that happened until then were not taken into account. The fact remains that DT continued to raid willingly even after they were instructed to stop attacking. This willingness is the key argument here. Both members that continued the raid were a) active every day, b) were (ex) high gov members. So they did read their message (I'm sure they also were told to stop on their forum or irc to stop attacking), but yet continued to attack. And those nations that choose to ignore the request to seize attacks are now paying the reps. I think that is an absolutely fine arrangement. Insulting either alliance and even threatening my allies was quite unnecessary and does not sit well with me. I have lost quite a bit of respect for several alliances over this event. [/quote] [OOC]This is kinda like the NFL, if the offense gets a penalty and the defense gets a penalty, a lot of the time the penalties offset and nothing happens.[/OOC] The same applies here, FOK screwed up, DT screwed up, the screw ups should offset. Even if you want to argue that DT did physical damage and leans more towards them paying something, they are on FOKs side. If this was a member of SF/XX I'd understand, you want to hurt the other side before the war starts, but doing it to your own side speaks volumes. Regardless, what's done is done and what happens after the war is going to be interesting for sure.
  2. Shame, I know how hard it is giving up something you love. On another note though less alliance is cool
  3. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1316599544' post='2805217'] You (and many others in this thread) have literally no idea what happened, lol. [/quote] I'll let you pick an option Option 1: You are so right. I never talk to my allies, ever. Who is myworld? Supa? Titan? This Fort Pitt character? Never heard of or talked to any of them. Option 2: You are so right. Can you explain the situation to me? DT are awful allies and refuse to tell me about anything!
  4. [quote name='Vanilla Napalm' timestamp='1316605492' post='2805234'] That is a truly admirable stance, and speaks well of you. Incidently, which alliances are you protecting? [/quote] Ive been leading an alliance for around 3 years now, you really want a list?
  5. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1316593246' post='2805207'] Looks like MJ [i]nominal influence[/i] wasn't enough to avoid this shameful situation. [/quote] HEY! MK isn't in PB! Therefore this has nothing to do with them! Actually I thought the same thing and it speaks loudly. I've had a lot of people hit AA's I've protected and my own AA's and I rarely asked for reps, unless it was a small nation getting beat up pretty good, and this policy is the same for whoever is considered my "enemy" at the time, let alone nailing alliances on my own damn side. Well done FOK, well done
  6. Congrats to MK and NG, interesting title
  7. "Changing your resources will update all of your trade agreements and your trade partners will receive notifications of your change in resources" I would assume that means you do not need to cancel and re-trade. If this is the case I hope admin made that change to team colors giving the bonus while he was at it
  8. My thoughts are that we have a few more months until the cycle is complete and we can war again.
  9. [quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1315966402' post='2800093'] Funny thing is Myworld, this was before Navy, Spies, WRC, HNMS? hahah oh god! hahaha this was a good read though, thanks for the gravedig! lol [/quote] I think he was bringing it up BECAUSE it was before all of that stuff...
  10. Ive had this idea before, came to the conclusion that the people you forced over would most likely becomes spies and I'd get screwed. Didn't read the other posts, so if someone else mentioned it sorry
  11. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1316204939' post='2801743'] Yep. But the ones who don't clog it up with !@#$ (read: potato, Neo Uruk). So, like I've been saying, deal with it (not directed at you, but anyone who finds it necessary to post how useless this thread is). [/quote] The people who find it "useless" should learn the def. of useless too. It has a clear use
  12. I hope you both have fun. I seem to remember Deanfields time in Legacy. Bailed right before war and contributed nothing. Best of like Hime
  13. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1316203105' post='2801718'] But why is that OK when stat comparisons aren't? [/quote] I never said that it wasn't ok. I do find it a waste of time. That depends on the type of player the person reading the data is though. I dont really care much about stats, and I surely dont care about stats of other alliances. Also the stats of a bloc isnt going to affect my opinion of said bloc. So it's all irrelevant to me, but statmongers (pronounced go-pher bash-i ) I'm sure love what you're doing
  14. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1316201412' post='2801701'] Those tech/recruitment/nuke races are pretty dumb, especially when they're only between two alliances. [/quote] Why? Since the world is dead set on keeping the standard year between wars thing going, there isnt much better to do besides the same old grind. Some people, like myself, live for competitive challenges. It might not be fun for those outside the alliances involved, but you gotta make your own fun on this world
  15. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1316055792' post='2800687'] Not only Chestnut, but individual treaties with GOD, CSN, and CRAP. All which are higher regarded* treaties than those with the alliances you mentioned. *By higher regarded I mean they are MDoAP's, while the others combine for only one mutual defense clause. [/quote] Aye, cant say i cared enough to look at the treaties Good call gibs
  16. Question for you Mr. Beaver, I MEAN GOPHER Could TTK be considered a sphere of influence in Mj as well. I know you might be thinking Chestnut Accords takes presidence, but they also hold treaties with Valhalla, Asgaard, and Legacy
  17. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1315838840' post='2799236'] I believe in you. [/quote] I dont...I'll go poach from RoK or something
  18. Unless I can pull off some kind of miracle our streak without a loss will be ending
  19. [quote name='Supa_Troop3r' timestamp='1315274515' post='2795624'] Who is Carta? [/quote] Some tool, dont worry about him. Hail us and DT and yadda yadda
  20. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1315237289' post='2795281'] Just the thought of that gives me the strong urge to bathe. [/quote] That is a side-effect, but I bet you feel more intelligent when you're done
  21. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1315236727' post='2795276'] Still unacceptably low levels of tears for this thread. NEEDS MORE XIPH! [/quote] Talk to em on IRC, it's entertaining
  22. ATTN FAN: Can you let us catch up, kthxbai -Legacy
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