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Everything posted by Razgriz24

  1. Recently, a letter came across my desk from a target. In order to protect the identity of the person, this scene has been dramatized.
  2. Did someone say WFF? Anywho, congrats to both DT and WWF!
  3. Fighting friends is always the hardest thing to do, especially when they are pretty cool friends at that. This will be a 3-way fun time where Wolves, Monsters and Pilots can dodge bullets and make new bonds in foxholes and assuredly someday we will share stories with a beer in hand. o/ Alpha Wolves o/ Casualties and infra dusting
  4. These are not kids. They are young men and in their hearts lie a tiny bit of the Skymarshal, so all WFF are my children... young men or men.
  5. Hey there, welcome. We are looking for these things: Water Uranium -- aluminum Marble -- Sugar Spices -- You will get: 3 Bonus Resources Construction, Beer, Fast Food Income boost - Citizens: +30.56%, Happiness: +11.5 to +12.5, Income: +$0 to +$2 Infrastructure modifiers - Infra cost: -28.99%, Infra UpK: -17.2% If you are interested, message me in game or reply here.
  6. Sometimes I forget the OWF exists. When I remember, I simply find a topic and post a sentence like this one to avoid breaking the image spam rule... then post a picture like this:
  7. Apparently this slipped my radar... and it wasnt only a month ago at that. Blame me for stealing the name, the music video was even played when introducing the name and it was unstoppable from that point.
  8. Smell like I sound, I'm lost in a crowd and I'm hungry like the wolf! o/
  9. Am I to understand that an alliance themed after the most notorious spy series ever was allegedly bested by this guy?
  10. It must be all that rock and roll music and beer you guys intake... I bet he didnt even spill the beer during that ordeal.
  11. So wait, is there war? No one invited us so there must not be... Am I to understand that this guy created a nation to slam it into some people though? That is kinda cool, regardless of the target. Perma-ZI? Is that still a thing? I thought punishment was forcing them to play still but on a crappy AA.
  12. If I recall, they attacked someone... were told to please not do that and in return they attacked a few more. Then war. Then they refused peace on the basis of not liking works of art such as this:
  13. And sometimes I find a picture I can't just leave alone and make it WFF themed... I hear these are highly collectible too.
  14. All hail our new overlords! I imagine this to be the theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZI_aEalijE
  15. We have you on all but Skype. Most members are pot-heads or in training to be a little crazy through a series of silly art deco propaganda. We always aid those that are most active on IRC and the forums. If you are active, you will get just about anything you want as long as you use it properly as lined out in our economic guides and whatnot. We also give 1 on 1 training if you don't know how to play CN already.
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