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Flying Squirrel

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Everything posted by Flying Squirrel

  1. OFLC put up one *%$# of a fight!! o/ Syndicate o/ OFLC
  2. Since last night, I have realized that when I receive new PMs in game, the message saying how many new PMs I received doesn't show up. I have to click My Messages to see that I got a new one! ..This is very unfortunate, as this hurt me defending my nation, as well as my friends this past update! Any help is appreciated! Squirrel
  3. m6 Redneck, have you ever heard of something called "Process of Elimination" !?!?!?!?!
  4. You're one to talk Hal! ..OFLC did the same thing....... Lol, I still you!
  5. Some smaller alliance that would tell me what to do..........
  6. I've said it time and time again, Friends close, enemies closer.... Besides, aren't wars better when you are attacking your good friends??? /methinks so
  7. Yea, Squirrelly's family has just come out of hibernation peoplez!!!!!! o/ APP o/ Squirrels
  8. I've tried to be nice, but some alliances just don't like the fact that they are getting obliterated.... =[ I, always, try to stay respectful though..
  9. lulwut!? You seem to be attracted to the fact of protecting NPO... However, you have to fight alongside them by activating your MADP with TPF???
  10. I'm Joe Biden, and I approve Barack Obama's Message.
  11. o/ R&R o/ R&RMY o/ The boy driving the R&R tank!
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