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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1325719553' post='2892728']
    That sir is a total crock. You can unload infra, tech and land and have at as many of us as your slots allow. We are playing a game. Try pretending its a game maybe you'll have some fun. :lol1:

    Actually it's not. I have all of maybe 500ns of land to sell, maybe another few thousand in infra and couldn't give away my tech fast enough to reach another target.

  2. It's not 2008 any more and FAN doesn't have the sympathy of the entire planet these days.

    In your alliance history you've acted like dicks (Mpol himself said it) got rolled, hid in PM for months on end, finally got bailed out when a lot of people stuck their necks out for you, then started acting like dicks again. Which isn't as easy to do when you have so few friends and then buddy up with the alliance that just threatened one of the few you had.

    At least this time you seem to see the fun in not staying in PM, well except for your current top tier. Sadly after my current war with VBR expires I will be unable to engage any FAN nations.

  3. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1323930290' post='2878595']
    VE DID NOT DIE! VE has never disbanded and never will, end of story. (Am I doing this right? Or do I need more emotion?)

    Except I don't think TPF and VE are allied any longer. :blink:

    What's especially funny is that TPF didn't form until after the original VE died. Further, and I am going by the old wiki here since this pre-dates my 4+ years in TPF, the first VE cancelled all it's treaties except the NPO treaty in April of that year and disbanded a month later.

  4. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1323586129' post='2873542']
    If your declaring for past grudges then please hit TLR next. Remember when Athens burned you to the ground? When you hit TLR, bring the Bronies with you.

    We burned Athens to the ground in WoTC. And had a good fight with them last war as well as the other members that went on to make up TLR. Personally I like TLR and have nothing against them at all. Good bunch of people. We've fought them plenty in their previous incarnations, nice to fight on the same side of them for the first time.

  5. [quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1323415108' post='2870624']

    Pressure? What pressure? :unsure:

    One of the FAN guys I'm fighting says he isn't fighting back at me because he's warring NPO so hard that he can't focus on TPF at all.

    He is a 1600+ day old nation with 20+ wonders. Started the war with 6500 infra at least and a massive 132 million dollar war chest. We keep nuking away his navy but he keeps buying it back. I can only imagine the immense Naval pressure he's putting on those two poor NPO nations that are his sole focus.

  6. [quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1323412647' post='2870551']
    You might want to let your boy fellow14 know that you can't destroy someone's nukes if they don't have any. Just a suggestion. :awesome:

    Ahh so this is how FAN is killing you guys...through hilariously incompetent warring. I feel lucky they've decided not to focus all of that awesome power on us. Sorry we can't relieve you of more pressure.

  7. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1323397297' post='2870021']
    We should declare on him when he does, the silly furry needs some casualties

    He's been known as mhippy for many moons now. Although to be honest it wouldn't matter what mode he was in with the way this one is going. He could drive his flower bus right through FAN headquarters and not get a scratch on it.

  8. [quote name='SirNightcrawler' timestamp='1323370573' post='2869393']
    it's working out great.

    I am not even attacking you or your other two meatshields that have attacked me because I am at war with NPO, not you.

    I am enjoying your nukes though. they keep me warm.

    You tried to attack me, failed epically at it. Then quit. One thing I can't figure out for the life of me...you appear to be re-buying your navy? My lord man, you barely have enough war chest to last out the week re-buying planes. You are going to be a bill locked crater if this thing goes more than 3 weeks.

  9. [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1323183861' post='2865705']
    We must give TPF credit for consistency here if nothing else. Once again they waited until the odds were totally stacked in their favor before risking the pixels. Kudos. :P

    It's turned out the safest thing to happen to my nation was declaring on two FAN members. :(

  10. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1323070294' post='2863468']
    Best of luck to our friends and allies at TPF. Sadly, due to treaty obligations, we end up on opposite sides of the war once again.

    Thanks Tyga, best of luck to you guys too. You guys stand by your treaties come hell or high water and we love that about you guys. Before this pre-empt I was really hoping to get another chomp at WAPA. Their terrible is legendary in the halls of TPF from BiPolar when we fought them.

  11. [quote name='Lenny N Karl' timestamp='1321883144' post='2848088']
    Compare those to the terms NPO got and tell me it is abuse. losing a war does not mean you were abused, it means you lost. Happened to us before, happened to you before. if this is the way it is supposed to be, everyone would be moaning and crying about some war from the past. But as usual, it is only the same CERTAIN alliances doing it, moaning about their severe and total beat down by NPO yeeears ago. But please, continue to keep trying to shove every kid on the play ground hoping to stir up a fight. perhaps the self-esteem you are looking for will be found in the continued belittling of others who don't follow in your pitiful mold.

    I will agree that I saw no point in a statement on these forums about these war games. you got us there. lessons learned for our current leadership who were only trying to have some fun. Gotta remember that if we want to have a party to only let our friends know. Otherwise the sociopathic old coot from down the street comes by and pees in the punch as always.

    Plus I don't see NATO's name on that anywhere. you bitter "guilty by association" types need to grow some short hairs.

    /rant over, not worth it
    //everyone have a nice short week!

    No kidding "noCB" is the most overrated joke of supposed abuse around for most of the people that were involved in it. Only Polar got harsh treatment in that one and that still pales compared to what happens in every major war since. The CnG front fought for less than two weeks and then got relatively light terms compared to the ones they gave out after months of war once they got the upper hand. I am not even sure if the Athens front in that one was nuclear. I only fought one Athens member then, he turtled and never even launched a cm at me. I didn't nuke him or anyone else that war.

  12. It's not all that shocking that a nation with a ton of tech and a ton of money can cause trouble by attacking the lower ranks of an alliance where he outmatches them heavily. I pretty much did that to the Mushroom Kingdom/LOST/GOONS/Athens members for the last three months of the DH war. Get up to 35-40k or so ns, fight down to about 20ish, buy back to enough to get to 35-40k, rinse and repeat. With full wonders and a decent tech advantage you can make life miserable for nations in that range in a big hurry. In a few rounds Vlad will be either out of tech or having to spend copious amounts of his war chest on tech. GOD's lower tier will be well nuked. Everyone wins.

  13. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1320086061' post='2835868']
    I don't know what's more amusing, NSO trying to claim they haven't been defeated even though they are losing strength at the same speed as Legion and have only ΒΌ as much, or TBB trying to incite something from whichever powerless alliance he's in now.

    If NSO want to get crushed into being an insignificant micro for the sake of not admitting defeat, that's their business, but it's pretty silly. Legion is in no imminent danger and forcing a clear victory that even the NSO spin machine can't lie about is worth a few more pixels on their part. NSO cannot call anyone in at this point without a huge loss of face, and I doubt that anyone would want to be the ally that jumped in so late in the day (whoever did that would take a full frontal from Polar, which would hurt quite a bit, as well as having to pull a political U turn of their own). So it's really keep getting beaten up – something which becomes easier for Legion to maintain as the damaging nations are either beaten down to insignificant size or run to peace mode – or admit defeat, something which everyone else already sees. And NSO are not far from irrelevance on an NS basis, another week or two of obstinance and they will be there.

    I don't see how it would be a loss of face for NSO to call in anyone. What is the point of having allies if you aren't allowed to use them? The fact is, NSO is one of the few alliances that wouldn't have gathered a massive coalition and steam rolled Legion from day 1. Instead they stood and fought an alliance much larger and more developed than they. Especially in the key areas of tech, WRC, MP. The fact that they are willing to just part ways and end it with no stipulation as of now actually says a ton about them.

    And if you don't think Polar popping it's head out would be like a gopher sticking it's head out in front of a bunch of lawnmowers, you must be slipping mightily.

  14. I must say Legion, this talk of breaking the Sith over your knees and such doesn't sit very well with me. If you guys had only had this attitude during the DH war it wouldn't have went on for so damn long for the rest of us. But you were facing the prospect of a daunting upper tier at that point so you were petulant feet draggers.

    If you have a way out, you should probably take it pretty soon. Because the fallacy of this thread from some is that NSO is begging allies to come save them, when it's much much more likely they are having to continually ask allies not to come in and stomp all over you for several weeks.

    Now people will say this is because NSO was beaten by you guys, but that's not the case at all. You've been beaten from day 1. Because this is a political world and the Sith have been better and making much better political ties than you have over the past half year. The current state of your nations is directly tied to the Sith being one of very few who didn't choose to use all the advantages they have over your alliance right from the start.

  15. [quote name='bannyfaws' timestamp='1319568002' post='2832191']
    no arguing there ,your the winner ,hit me 5 seconds into update :gag::)

    My finger was hovering over the button! Having a blast so far blowing everything up. You guys are awesome to fight against.

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