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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. [quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1342339721' post='3010436']
    It still blows my mind that VE was even asked to hit AAs allied VE's other MD-level allies. And was expected to just go along with it!

    AA's allied to VE's MD-level allies pre-emptively started the war by aggressively attacking allies of VE's MD-Level allies with absolutely no reason other than they felt like it. The same side is directly attacking MD-Level treaty partners of their bloc-mates to support MK. So asking VE to hit an ally of their ally is pretty small potatoes.

    VE made some back room deals, refused to work as a coalition mate, took superficial damage and got to walk away. And yes, 2 rounds of war and 49% ns loss is very superficial in comparison to the losers of past several wars. Two weeks war isn't going to seriously impact their tech levels or war chest levels, all else is easily recovered.

  2. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1341469597' post='3003843']
    To the moralists: Why is this war any different from, say, War of the Coalition? Other than the fact that, I guess, MK (the hegemon) initiated the war, this is basically starting a war for the simple reason of starting the war, replacing MK with Val/TOP/GGA and SF/XX for the Polar groupings. Why is this war any different from TOP/IRON v. Polar? That war was done simply to roll Polar (geez, this seems to be a trend here). And furthermore, how exactly are alliances like IRON, TIO, TPF (d34th's own ally), GATO, The Brain, etc's actions are any different from what NPO has done? They're fighting for their allies, plain and simple. That's coalition warfare. You all are just whining out of your ass because MK has the power to do things, while SF has enough enemies to merit a lot of alliances to jump in against them. That's just the way it goes, folks.

    although I will say the comparison with Bobby J is pretty funny :P

    Some of us are not pleased at all to be in the position we've found ourselves in, nothing to do with "morals". But the main difference in our case is we followed an MD clause and not an optional clause. I'm not even happy about that because ultimately my alliance is aiding MK in their war of extermination.

  3. The very short wars was what I'm talking about. 80 or 90 days in a row eating nukes is far more devastating than Athens/MK terms from WoTC. Even if the wonder clock got knocked off a little. Tack on the huge reps at the end of the long long wars they were far more harsh. Especially so given the double rolling format DH uses.

  4. I still laugh that anyone even pretends MK was treated harshly in WoTC. Less than two weeks war and very light terms compared to what they gave out later to alliances they defeated. Even wonder decomming was light by comparison.

  5. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1340825263' post='2998564']
    Come again? MK has little to do with any of this particular front.

    MK's war against CSN is the reason for the season. I'll be stunned if MK doesn't also have the pressure on to drop VE. They have been asking CnG alliances to drop treaties and they technically aren't even in that bloc.

  6. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1340819135' post='2998476']
    Nihilscient1, two thirds of DH is tied to VE. The other third aren't the greatest fans of VE admittedly, but it's hardly a DH-wide opinion, obviously.

    As to NPO, I haven't seen any strong negative opinions of NPO expressed in any meaningful way in ages.

    Its the 1/3rd that makes the decisions not liking VE that has them here.

  7. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1340694168' post='2996991']
    Not a single shot has been fired in favor or support of MK here. This is all about Non-Grata who has been at our side for a very.. very long time. What kind of alliance would we be not to respond to their request after they have been in our corner so many times? The Broader war is not our business. Our business is our allies.

    Sorry, but Non Grata hasn't existed for a very, very long time and they are at war to help out MK in their war of eradication, now NPO is as well. You've bought it now, might as well admit to owning it.

  8. [quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1340693071' post='2996974']
    You are allied to GATO sir. Remember that.

    I've made my feelings known to our GOV about what I personally would have done with both the INT and GATO treaties the minute the RnR attack happened. Sadly I'm a lowly member and have no control over the alliance. I've also made my stance clear that I will not fire a shot in support of MK for any reason. I'd rather have no nation to lead.

  9. 30,000 infra, 20,000 miles of land, 12,000 tech, 5 billion dollars and 5.3 million soldiers are approximately what I've burned through in defense of my brothers and sisters in NPO since Karma. Through months long wars and harshest of times I've given my all as an allied nation fighting the various forces who brought war to our doorstep and been proud to do it. It truly saddens me to see NPO now supporting the root cause of the strife on us all, the Mushroom Kingdom. This is the one time in my 5 years as an NPO ally I can't personally support you.

  10. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1340318814' post='2992187']
    You're right if a war is fought conventionally the way it is being done now. Their goal is to destroy MK. The conventional way will not get it done. Perhaps you are right that I am suggesting a perfect coalition deployment of nations. My suggestion is rosy and delusional as someone just said. I would send all nuke capable coalition nations into peace mode. Only leaving those in war mode that would blitz MK. After the first wars expire, only enough nations would be brought out throughout the coalition to keep MK nations staggered and nuked. Rinse repeat. Yes, I know that as these nations come out they would be countered by MK allies. I don't care. No risk, no reward. I don't care if coalition wide nations would be in peace mode for months waiting there turn to strike, at least there would be no Non Grata like pre-empts. There would be plenty of nations in a coalition to do this, not just SF nations. This would be my plan. You're right Banksy, it's deployment and execution would be impossible because there is no resolve to do it from your enemies. So, the curb stomps will continue until they actually form a larger coalition, if they ever do.

    I have a feeling you've never fought multiple 5 digit tech nations at the same time before. What you describe would be extremely difficult, if not impossible.

  11. [quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1340311138' post='2992079']
    I am not jumping on a bandwagon but I want all of you to see the truth in Bansky's post (damn you all for having me agree with him even if its just one point :gag: ) He is wrong on the 6 months as we calculated it would take approximately a year at current levels to proper harm and interrupt cash flow. Very exceptional few are willing, let alone able to conduct such an operation.

    Pragmatic. That is the word of the day.

    Despite protestation from them, you can't discount the attention span factor in MK. They did indeed lose interest in DH/NPO to the point that many didn't bother fighting back despite having 1bn+ war chests. There isn't a way to take down their top tier due to UMB/TOP/NG having the balance of non-neutral ns at the top.

  12. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1340145643' post='2989277']
    Thrash, I said it before, but it bears repeating. Good on you. You show some balls, gain a ton of respect, show your allies you are for real. In today's day of warchests who really cares who wins or loses. This is what it's all about.

    To be honest I wouldn't mind being on the losing end of a war, just so I could actually fight. Since few charge reps anymore there is really little left to lose if you have a warchest.

    Excellent post Steve, some people fear losing a war way too much.

  13. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1340089265' post='2988669']
    Not sure what you were expecting, really. I mean, you knew you were signing treaties with signatories of a bloc closely tied to MK with no real chance of divergence from them, especially when it comes to the SF boogeyman. I'm sure it came up in discussions.

    While I'm not sure on Gov level discussions, embassy level discussions about the reputation of the bloc bending to the will of MK at the expense of other CnG allies were hotly contested. Somewhat falsely it seems.

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