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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1339198809' post='2979609']
    The biggest betrayal in CN history that there were no amends for? I think people deserve a right to hold a grudge over it.

    No amends? We've been curbstomped multiple times by former UJP members since then. Hell there probably aren't ten nations left that were even in TPF then. I've been here almost five years and I arrived after UJP occured. There weren UMB nations in DH/NPO using that as war reasons.

  2. While I am no GOONS cheerleader by any means they are far from the worst. They've not got a ton of strength because they've taken stompings even in the wars where they've been on the winning side. They were rolled into dirt in DH/NPO and never have recovered from it. The reps policy is silly and has cost them far more than they ever gained from it but at least they have a policy they stick with it. They have a core group who is willing to stick it out when times get tough and the backing of powerful allies. The worst alliances are never capable of any of those things really. That's why it's just as silly to suggest alliances who attained some very high heights in this world were also worst alliance canidates.

  3. +1 to the revelation that GOONS couldn't take an insulting mercy board submission and got so butthurt that someone made fun of them on a joke board that they went to war for it.

    Also hilarious to see them calling out Valhalla, who would shred GOONS few upper tier nations and GOONS would once again have to hold on and hope big daddy came in and saved them. Which ironically would be even worse for GOONS if those Val nations were actually knocked into their range.

  4. [quote name='Gairyuki' timestamp='1333401558' post='2947423']
    GPA, OBR, WTF, etc are all massive NS sinks that serve no purpose but to drown the world in inactivity, whereas the rest of us are actively playing the game. Neutrality is a crippling disease on this community.


    DH should probably roll them to end this threat.

  5. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1333349416' post='2947219']
    Sarin wasn't Umb and Methax has tons of casualties and a bigger warchest than Hime. In addition, he is bigger than Yuri and has 8 mil+, so the whole never fought = NS +warchest line doesn't work here.

    There is no point in general in buying exorbitant amounts of infra other than to fluff your NS.

    oinkoink12 is bigger than Yuri as well with 13m casualties.

    None of them ever had 30k+ infra either. I didn't say it was wise or great for a WC to have that much infra, just explaining why her WC isn't bigger.

    Oink has massive casualties from lots of raiding. Which is why Oink has 73,000 miles of land. If Oink has all that and a 16+ billion dollar war chest he's even more awesome than I thought.

  6. See lots of posting about Hime's warchest. I seem to recall her posting that she didn't make huge money per day when she was up around 30k+ infra before the last rogue attack against her, I also imagine she spent a staggering amount of money getting that much infra built in the first place. She has also had to rebuild a few times from those rogue attacks. The former UMB attacking her have clearly never really fought for the most part in their existence so have never had to undergo any large scale rebuilding. So it makes sense they'd have giant war chests. I mean Yuri is closing in on 5.5 years old (more than a year older than Hime) with fewer than a million casualties and I'd guess probably 100k+ of those are from the initial attacks and defending attacks from this war.

  7. [quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1333141564' post='2945689']
    Umbrella's policy has been to not ask for reps. We have made our policy regarding this specific incident clear in that we will not ask for reps. If our allies want to ask for reps fine, but we are not going to ask for reps.

    But you are asking for reps, just for them to be sent to GOONS. If I hold someone down while my friend takes his wallet we are both stealing the wallet from that person.

    GOONS can't enforce their policy, so you do it for them. By that standard it becomes your policy.

  8. [quote name='white majik' timestamp='1333079762' post='2945353']
    Come on CJ, you are better then this post. If you would have even read or knew anything about the event you would realize how wrong you are. The 1 nation we hit was already engaged against a "goons" nation. Goons 100k+ tier is how do you say lacking. So we declared on the one nation who was hitting a Goon. And we reserved the right to hit anyother who wants to hit our ally. So yes we are bullying the innocent

    Actually I think it was engaged against an Umbrella nation who was ghosting GOONS.

    I also wish all of you DHers would get on the same page. Half of you say you are just one big alliance, half of you say that you are three separate alliances, culturally different. Some of you Umbrella folk seem to say you don't really want the GOONS policy of always forcing reps, but by the support you give them constantly their policy is defacto your policy.

  9. [quote name='noname' timestamp='1333010455' post='2944913']
    My statement was not for ernesto's statement, but for you.you're so eager to make this war escalate widely

    and please don't twist my statement since i'm not native english, it's like stealing candies from a very cute boy.

    i hope you reach your orgasm.


    Thanks Umbrella, this post made this entire DoW worthwhile to me. Rock on noname!

  10. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1333008353' post='2944906']
    Um, what about all the treaty partners they had that were going to enter the war? Like Legion, for instance, or TPF?


    We weren't going to enter the war. That was already well talked over with the blessing of the STA who didn't expect us to lift a finger to help the Polar cause, as Polar had also screwed us during BiPolar.

  11. I just have to shake my head and laugh at most of this stuff. GOONS were completely dominated during DH/NPO and the alliance still hasn't recovered in spite of massive aid fall and reps they received. They lost hundreds of nations to deletion over the course of the war and now have to have massive numbers of allies jumping onto their AA if they have to fight more than 3 or 4 50k+ NS nations (see current conflict). Sure they can dogpile the bottom 10-20 percent of most alliances. But those players can get back all that GOONS can destroy over the course of weeks of war after a cycle of aid.

  12. [quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1332482858' post='2942067']
    What I fail to see is how it is considered totally logical for Sparta to take on an adamant FA stance aligning itself essentially with a coalition opposed to a majority of Umbrella's allies, and Umbrella itself, without first consulting Umbrella to get their opinion and work it out so it could have possibly been mutually beneficent. Then, instead of trying to work it out with them in the preliminaries of the planning, try to coerce Umb into joining your side by citing our treaty without Umb being included in the thought-process. And then you are upset that Umb doesn't bend over backwards while spinning ceramic plates while at the same time isolating the rest of its allies, all just for you guys, who had already chosen your path, and at the same time should have acknowledged where Umb itself was FA-wise.

    If you could explain, that would be most delightful. :)

    Things like this I find pretty funny. You make it sound as if Sparta and it's allies were plotting to roll UMB's allies, which given their nature I find highly unlikely. It was UMB's allies doing the planning to take down Sparta's allies. In the end Sparta became another in the line of people that were once allied to, then were screwed over by DH/PB/allies.

    Now with this treaty most of UMB/allies have taken the hostility up a notch.

  13. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1332460794' post='2941846']
    That was \m/ and not GOONS. They just basically wiped out the original GOONS, who weren't the same people in this one. There's a reason I mentioned outer space. That's also why they were close to NpO initially.

    I was thinking it was GOONS and \m/ that was told that by ES.

    But it was a very smart move signing GOONS. GOONS seem to consist mostly of players who don't care about actually building an effective nation. That leaves them free to sell tech for years on end. It slows down a bit in the extended wars when Umbrella has to feed them massive amounts of aid to keep them from going completely under. But most of the time it's very effective. Umbrella wouldn't likely be the tech powerhouse they are today without GOONS willingness to forego building their own nations in exchange for building Umbrella's and to an extent MK's.

  14. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1332422132' post='2941555']
    GOONS wasn't really doing anything for most of 2009. The treaty was signed around a month after they formed and it was highly beneficial in many respects. I don't regret signing it. While I don't agree with some of their practices like the one week raids or some of the Mercy Board stuff, I don't regret signing it.

    I'm surprised you don't get thank you letters from Electron Sponge on the anniversary of the signing. You succeeded in making GOONS an eternal tech farm and fulfilled his dream, albeit in a slightly different manner than he had planned.

  15. [quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1331791532' post='2938314']
    Goodness, has it really been that long since SF and Heg were on the same side?

    Also, congrats and providing the only humor in this thread . I'm still loling.

    Actually it was Polar/CnG who was rolled last time that happened.

  16. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1331694720' post='2937915']
    If we were going to do this (which we wouldn't), it wouldn't be going rogue on Umbrella and MK sellers.

    Of course your high gov wouldn't encourage ghosting another AA to start trouble for the AA you are ghosting.

  17. [quote name='Mandellav' timestamp='1331009369' post='2934417']
    I wasn't mad at you Roq. I could have given two turds about you during NPO/DH. I was upset with MK and ODN for keeping =LOST= out of the loop. You owed me nothing and I expected nothing from you.

    As for my whiny moralistic fit, I wrote a manifesto actually condoning pre-empts for any reason by any aggressor such that in peace talks, tech reparations and other such eccentric penalties should not be levied on defeated parties.

    This is what I don't get. There have been several posts from TLR members in this thread that pretty much said MK/ODN screwed you guys over in the DH/NPO war. Yet you disband/merge your alliances and still roll merrily along riding in MK's shirt pocket all the same. Maybe this treaty is a way to begin to break away from that chain but that would be quite a surprise.

  18. [quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1330987151' post='2934188']
    Something in particular comes to mind, and that was that there was this little business of your alliance getting rolled in December of 2009.... I wonder who started that? Huh. Must have been MK. ;) If MK has more fully taken the limelight now, consider perhaps that this is because others no longer choose to do what it takes to participate in the limelight sharing? Hmmmmm? Because everything I've seen from MK suggests to me that MK is in fact a good team player when there is a "team".


    That 6 day war ended up not being a particularly major world event. And I'd have to wager that it was all cleared via MK before the first shot was fired.

    So I will still stand by my statement. MK has been at the forefront and seen as the voice of the coalition for the major global events of the past 3+ years from that sphere. So it's not like MK is just now doing it. It's been the case since Karma.

  19. The reason people say that CnG/TLR etc are vassal states to the Mushroom Kingdom is because in most every major event over the past 3+ years from that area of the treaty web Archon/The Mushroom Kingdom has been the public face and identified as the leader. That's fine and well for you when it suits your purposes. But when people outside your blocs think it's the truth you always get upset and deny it. Like it or not, DH/CnG and even PB to a large extent are viewed by a large number of players as MK toadies because MK has been at the forefront of so many of your affairs for so long.

    As for the treaty, eh, I am not particularly enthralled with it to be honest.

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