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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. I had fun fighting VE nations in our last encounter and I hope to have just as much fun this time. As to easy peace terms, Alliances that enter wars in order to honor their commitments deserve respect, regardless of their political affiliations. Last time, VE fought all out for the time they were in the conflict and got out easy as a result. I hope that our leadership sees fit maintain the same policy this time around. Regardless, I offer salutations to those nations I meet on the field of battle and hope that the respect I began to feel for VE last time will increase as a result of this engagement.


    Easy peace is what allowed the rise of DH to begin with. I'll give them this, they know how to put the screws to their potential opponents and severely decrease their threat level.

  2. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1358837788' post='3083398']
    I actually think both sides are colluding to keep NG out of this war and thus self-implode with bordeom and form a black hole which sucks all of Planet Bob into it.

    I strongly suggest rolling WTF before you consume us all in a few weeks.

  3. I believe you'll find us engaged with TOP currently, with what few slots were available. We aren't allied to them in any way, shape, or form. We have no wars with INT, we won't have any wars with INT. This war has been discussed for months with INT, they (CnG) feel they have to go down with the ship. We respect that, as we've done it ourselves.

  4. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1358837273' post='3083378']
    So is this a "your oppression" was worse than "my oppression" contest we have going on? Because it doesn't serve either of us well to go on like that.

    Never mentioned oppression at all. Just making a point that being on the receiving end of 90 days worth of nukes while outnumbered 4-5:1 is a bit more harsh than pre-nuke wars or the glorious 12 days of fighting in WoTC MK endured before waving the white flag.

    Most of the nations on this side of the coalition know what that's like. Most on your side have never experienced it.

  5. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1358836660' post='3083355']
    Lets see....GW3, UJW, noCB....lost a bunch of "diplomatic border skirmishes" with Continuum....spent the better part of 2 years behind a diplomatic black curtain where people were going around telling people they would be attacked or dropped if they signed with the alliance I was in. That enough experience for you?

    Just curious as to whether you'd been on the losing side of one of the Karma onward 90+ day nuke fests.

  6. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1358835478' post='3083314']
    OOC: I'm working 60 hours a week right now. You'll have to settle for posts from the lesser factions for a little while instead of my glorious calls to arms. There's only so many hours a day and CN is pretty low on the priority list for the allocation these days. Sucks too, I was hoping to get more than two rounds of fighting this go around

    That truly sucks Flak. The Southern Delegation really is my favorite out of all you heathens.

  7. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1358834988' post='3083285']
    You failed to address the second bit. For a long time people have been calling for MK's blood...yourselves included and now? They will have the easiest time this war because your side is scared of NG....it's the greatest irony of all time Vol. It makes your side look scared and weak even with superior numbers and it pretty much ensures that MK will come out of this war fine and dandy and your entire coaliton who wanted them to burn will have failed horribly in that respect. How does that not bother any of you? They will never let you live it down you know?

    If that's the result at the end of this particular war, and since it's day 3 and each of us have tons of nation not engaged, there's always more than one bite at the old apple. If, for whatever reason MK skates with less damage this time, there's always next time. I am actually somewhat satisfied with head to head fighting with MK, I've fought them quite a number of times and we actually damaged them fairly heavily in DH/NPO. But their ally base didn't take a big hit. They might still be a table top but this is kicking the legs out from under it.

    In the short term, I get to fight TOP for the first time, my casualties will rise in significant fashion, it's win/win to me.

  8. [quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1358834203' post='3083262']
    I saw and understood. The correct syntax would be "Call me, NATO": one needs to insert a comma before the person or entity being addressed. Without the comma it means something quite different. Anyway, that's enough punctuation for one thread, I'm sure.

    So far it's looking like INT are on the right team.

    Not from what they tell us.

  9. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1358833373' post='3083214']

    Finally, a declaration worthy of us. We thank the assembled armies and their commanders, this should be glorious.

    For Johan,

    Once again, very happy to get into a brawl with TOP. One of your fairly longtime members who has since departed is who got me to try this planet nearly 6 years ago. I love fighting the elites like UMB, PC, TOP etc. Good luck guys and thanks for the casualties!

  10. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1358832975' post='3083193']
    Or like Death said you guys are afraid of NG. Lol MK is gonna get off scot free in this one. That is absolutely hilarious and ensures you all have already failed Vol.

    MK is almost entirely in PM. I'm fairly certain their bottom 90 nations can be accounted for once they leave PM if it comes to it. And while I'm in literally no planning of this, you're probably right in that this was done to avoid pissing on NG. they're allied to both sides and in a tough spot right now though much like many even on that side of the fence, they have no great love for UMB.

    This particular time out I feel this coalition probably can live without NG fighting for it more easily than the DH coalition can live without NG fighting for it.

    That said, they'll likely fight someone, they love war. And whichever side they pick I doubt this side has any hard feelings.

  11. o/NEW our brothers from old. We've not always seen eye to eye since you left TPF but we've always had the highest respect for you guys.

    o/INT our allies, I wish you guys had taken another path but I know you feel the need to ride with DH one more time before looking at the post-war landscape and seeing which frontiers you need to migrate towards.

    May you both get what you need from this war.

  12. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1358830690' post='3083046']
    Coalition forms out of hatred for MK.

    Not one nation in MK is declared on in multiple-bloc blitz.

    With the Southern Delegation not being heard from we weren't convinced MK was truly at war yet. Those Mushquedians are pretenders.

  13. [quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1358641411' post='3080400']

    Stop being an idiot and start paying attention to dozens of times that it's been mentioned that I'm not continuing my part in this war after this round expires. Aka, not rebuying nukes or declaring a new set of wars.


    Then how did it benefit you for UMB taking your slots as you stated earlier?

  14. [quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1358640113' post='3080376']

    So here we see that Puppets planned to start a war by playing tensions. Thing I see here is that now our claims that Umbrella was in on it have been confirmed or at least given more credibility as DH was fed spy reports on our upper tier. Seems like the "paranoia" that marx claims we have is actually a good solid gut feeling. Otherwise DH could have easily come to us and said hey hes feeding us spy reports. ( I know it would never happen on either side but for arguments sake.) Then going back through the Nuke reports if each Rogue is required to eat six nukes wouldnt that have been fullfilled in the first round unless they have to be umbrella nukes then why is there not a single Umbrella nuke launched. While BIBO may be policy and I cant argue yes or no but if its policy then all three of the nations attacking puppets are not doing their diligent duty in fullfilling the obligation.

    But...but no one in the DH sphere would ever go to war over someone on the other side accepting spied info.....

  15. People will active treaties, some will negotiate an easy peace for themselves because they're fighting out of past loyalty and not present feelings. Umbrella and MK take a large fall as people have closing in on 4 years of their feelings to work out. GOONS gets the small progress they'd made lately taken away and probably loses a decent portion of it's member base as they've never really fought a war where they didn't know for 100 percent certainty their side would ultimately save them.

  16. I always find it funny how 50% of CnG defend DH no matter what, while the other 50% say they hate DH in embassies and now here, but still bend over backwards to help them out when the crap flies. Even though we're allied to the half that say they don't like DH, I have no doubt where the bloc would be dragged if we found ourselves opposite DH, no matter what sparked the war. The chain for CnG seems to be DH>>CnG>>non-DH allies*. Has DH really did that much for TLR/ODN over the years?

    *if not opposed to DH, then you're screwed

  17. [quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1350618361' post='3042768']
    Yup, they spent less than Umars war chest. How did they ever survive. It was so devastatingly embarrassing for them. As for half of what we wanted, you paid exactly what we wanted, that's called negotiating your surrender.

    It's not the amount of money, it's the mass slot useage that it took to move it. I guess they strive to keep their tech farm alive in that manner. Physically, the GOONS never recovered from crater status after "winning" in DH/NPO. That's why they were beaten senseless by someone with about 1/5th of their members.

  18. [quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1342396578' post='3010581']
    BREAKING NEWS: Losing half your NS is superficial!

    Unless you're one of the main targets/on a center front of a Great War then I highly doubt you can name an alliance which has lost much more than half their NS even on a losing side. And VE was an ancillary/periphery alliance in this war at best. If 49% isn't enough then perhaps you can cast some harsh words in the directions of MHA, Sparta, FARK, GOD, and others who haven't lost more than a a third of their NS so far.

    Yes, it is. They have huge war chests, they lost infra and land. Got to keep their tech mostly intact and their war chests too. 2 weeks of war is very very light.

  19. [quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1342341740' post='3010440']
    So, two jumps away instead of one, unless I'm missing a treaty link somewhere. This all started out with "because we feel like it" / manufactured CBs with MK on CSN, and NG on RIA. VE is not tied to either of those alliances.

    The only reason for SF/GOD to ask VE to hit MK or NG is so that VE could be used by SF to do damage without counters from Umb/GOONS/Deinos. In other words, VE was asked to be a horribly ally, and offense was taken when VE refused.

    You said VE shouldn't have been asked to hit an ally of an ally (NG due to UMB tie). But it's direct allies (GOONS) are hitting allies of VE's ally GOD and NG did as well (CSN,RIA).

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