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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. So, you have no evidence and now walk out citing that I am being unreasonable for not accepting your word when all evidence suggests you are wrong? Wow.

    You have no proof that Karma is demanding alliances disband, you just repeat the lie as fact in the hope people believe it. Your call to do that but lets not kid ourselves about what you are doing.

    From what I've saw so far the terms are very fair. We will see if they hold up across the spectrum of the war.

    There are no clear leaders of Karma at this point. For whatever reason people in Karma seem to want to keep that in the shadows.

    I have saw posts from members of several alliances on the Karma side who have asked for harsher terms for NPO, TPF, and Valhalla in particular. Generally saying things like these alliances should never be allowed to recover from this war.

    I assume they don't speak for their Gov or for whomever would be considered Karma representatives.

    But with no official statements out there to my knowledge, the attitude of the general membership of those alliances seem to point towards wanting the complete and lasting destruction of the NPO at the very minimum.

  2. I'm not in TPF gov.

    I left the alliance the night the announcement went up that we were dropping the treaty with NPO because I didn't want to be a part of us not honoring our treaty in that fashion even if Pacifica had messed up.

    Within 5 minutes of my resigning several gov members had PM'd me that we were indeed planning on going to war inspite of the treaty cancellation, so I returned to the alliance.

    There really are a lot of details about the whole situation that aren't known by many here and even if they were it wouldn't change a single mind.

    TPF is one of the bad guys of the hour. Trolled regardless of what is announced. Such is life on Bob.

  3. Yes, there are no two ways around this, we are fighting on the side of Karma.

    It rather makes me want to slit my wrists... but then I remember that both sides of this conflict are equally imbecilic and deceitful.

    While we have entered the war with our eyes wide open to the consequences, our "Friends and Allies" on both sides of the conflict who have helped push TOP into this position would do well to remember that TOP has them marked for future retribution. Nor shall we forgive those who sparked this war for the most spurious of reasons.

    At least I'm glad TOP has admitted that it's also repulsed by the "Karma" side in this. I've now saw TOP members call some Karma alliances Vultures, Hypocrates, Imbecilic, and Deceitful in this very thread. Much better than the mindless hailing of every act of the Karma side.

    It's also interesting that you won't forgive those who "sparked" the war. I'm assuming you mean the NPO.

    Will you forgive the alliances that have been plotting rolling your allies in the NPO for months now? Some of whom you are no doubt allied to and/or fighting side by side with even now.

    I mean it's obvious to everyone in the entire cyberverse that this war was happening, no matter what, it was happening. NPO and any who stood with them were going to get exactly what is happening now. It may not have happened as quickly but it was a decision TOP was going to have to make.

    I am surprised that TOP isn't in Karma. You've been very close to NPO for a long time. I'm sure many on your side feel nearly as much ill will towards you as they do the NPO. Sure they are happy now as you are going in a direction they want you to go in, but will they feel this way in 2 months? Will TOP be next?

    Time will tell on that. But on Bob I've found there is one universal truth, just like the NPO and the rest of Q who didn't leave and their allies are finding out now and some alliances in or fighting for Karma will learn eventually.

    It can be summed up by a slight modification of William Munny's conversation with the Schofield Kid in Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven.

    William Munny: Hell of a thing, killin' alliances. Take away all they've got and all they're ever gonna have.

    Kid: Yeah, well, I guess NPO and their allies had it comin'.

    William Munny: We all got it comin', kid.

  4. I could make a million selling bridges on Planet Bob. Lot's of trolls to house.

    As to those e-lawyering....really...what's the point at this time with the way the treaty web has proven meaningless in this conflict. When one side ignores treaties they are hailed. When the other tries to honor theirs they are trolled.

    As to the Sith. We will give you what we've got to give at this time and that's all we can do. You'll do what you need to and the world will keep turning.

    To the people giving the sarcastic "good luck, you'll need it" type posts.

    We know where this road leads but we will walk it with ML with smiles on our faces and songs of war on our lips.

    To MK, NSO, and the other 10 or so alliances warring with us, it's an honor to meet you on the battlefield. It's a fast fun ride down the mountain even if it's a long climb back up.

  5. Twisted has a good nation set up for beating nations who have close to equal numbers in the infra and tech department because his land gives him extra citizens, thus a bigger army, he has the most effective ADP in the game.

    Land also gives you some bonuses in defending and anti-spy operations, which makes it tougher to get great ground odds on him.

    In a war against a nation with a big infra advantage it would be much tougher sledding especially over the long haul as Twisted's army would shrink much more rapidly than say, a nation with 13000-14000 infra, which is closer to the typical infra level for a nation with the NS of Twisted.

    Edited to say Twisted has the most effective ADP in the game.

  6. Seems to me the top of your alliance ( The Grämlins) has heavy benifit from this because of how many of you can get the environmental wonder.

    After tinkering with govt type and border walls my net loss is currently going to be 9k citizens and probably a couple million a day in income taxes.

    For my nation 4 border walls are the answer. My population increases by 500 with one and then falls slightly up to 4 then falls by nearly 2000 if I get the 5th because 4 maxes out my environment.

    Still it's another change in the game that is an overall negative to my nation. This is probably the one that ends my monthly donation.

    *edited for clarification

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