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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. [quote name='Reyas' timestamp='1340003469' post='2987457']
    I get what you're saying, but it still remains that none of their other allies have joined them so far(which is a good move in my opinion, since it's a dumb war to support).


    Will you be applying the same logic to MK's current situation?

  2. [quote name='Holy Empire of Halin' timestamp='1339906220' post='2986242']
    yes, there was

    What was untrue about it? FARK was slaughtered by NG, thus the lack of targets. A TOP style bloc level pre-empt that came at the same time MK hit CSN would have caught Sparta out of PM. That would have meant 50+ nations to war vs the 10 or whatever you have now.

  3. [quote name='infinite citadel' timestamp='1339827320' post='2985644']
    We already have the best recruitment message

    Subject: Whatup Playa...
    Message: Whatup Playa... Cybernations is boring as hell unless you join a good alliance. Not only will you get hooked up with cash, but you'll get to hang out with the cool kids. Your probably ready to join already, but there are some procedures to follow. First, take your medicine to calm the excitement... then, check out our forums at http://mushroom-kingdom.info/boards/index.php. This is how you'll begin being cool... After posting there, you will get further instructions on how to increase your "rep" on the interwebs. If you have any questions, re-read this message.

    We've had to update ours to include protection from zeals. It's a must in these dangerous times.

  4. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1339657291' post='2983135']
    You didn't get the point. They are a different alliance in how they handle the left. I consider that a change in principles, as stated. I did not mean they are a completely new alliance with no connection to the old NoR, that is a stupid argument.

    I can only go by what the post I quote says. Flak seems to be denying NoR is the same alliance that terrorized Leftists in 2006-07 by stating they've never warred a Leftist alliance, by saying they've not attacked a Leftist alliance until now you make the same claim. They actually have quite a history of it and are at it again.

  5. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1339656901' post='2983126']
    This NoR isn't the same alliance (same name, different principles). Different leaders, and throughout they have not attacked a leftist alliance until now, when it was clearly provoked. They have avoided the conflict and Int has avoided the conflict until LSF decided to stir the pot.

    Really? Did you miss their recent anniversary thread where they spoke of accomplishments in GW II and GW III? This is an extremely silly argument.

  6. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1339656378' post='2983110']
    NoR is not an old enough alliance to have ancient enemies. NoR was founded after NPO's reign. The idea that NoR could have ancient enemies is, quite frankly, absurd.

    This is, to the best of my knowledge, the first time that NoR has fought a socialist alliance. They have actually been quite willing to ignore the left v right rivalry that other alliances on the right have had in the past. LSF, however, is apparently unwilling to do so.

    This NoR is a reformation of the original. That's like trying to claim MK and NPO weren't enemies from the
    LUE era. Hell, NoR has a long history vs Leftist alliances.

  7. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1339655200' post='2983084']
    The issue, Vol Navy, is it's not really C&G following MK into the breach, it's them acting in unison. They have been one entity thus far and Int helping LSF would change all of that, but as was made clear by GATO officials to SirHumphrey in the MK DoW, they were very happy for any kind of war on SF.


    We'll see, I know how our allies in INT feel about NoR and how they feel about their own allies, thus my hope in my first post in the thread.

  8. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1339655086' post='2983082']
    NoR and Int have never fought before.

    Not speaking of direct fighting, but of NoR's history of war/hostlity on socialist alliances which has fueled a cold war for years between the groupings.

  9. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1339655010' post='2983080']
    LSF started this war, not NoR. I think int can recognize that as well as the fact LSF deliberately is trying to drag them into it.

    And MK started their war, it doesn't matter, CnG defends allies that start wars the same as allies who are defending.

  10. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1339654663' post='2983072']
    You do realize C&G has been gunning for SF just as much as MK?

    Regardless, I figure INT wouldn't have left LSF out to dry vs their ancient enemy NoR right now for a pre-emptive strike on SF.

  11. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1339654355' post='2983063']
    So you would rather they choose the steaming pile from LSF?

    I am reasonably sure that's what I just posted. MK's entire war is about them aiding what amounts to be a rogue and to try and force INT and CnG by extension to once again follow them into the breach. For the explicit purpose of hanging INT's ally out to dry.

  12. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1339477186' post='2981290']
    The point wouldn't be to disband you. It would be to give TPF the beating it actually deserves, and maybe even keep you guys out of peace mode for once!

    Disbanding wouldn't be possible, we have spines.

    As for beatings, lets see, all but one of over 200+ nations fought in Karma and we lost about 90 percent of our pre-war ns, fought for over 100 days and were a crater with only about 10 nations left with any kind of war chest. Got bushwhacked a few months later around Christmas, which set us back due to war chests not being recovered from Karma. Since then we've fought much smarter for the long term of the alliance. If you want more, rally the troops, we'll be here.

  13. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1339475735' post='2981273']
    No one wants to roll you, they just want you to stop being dicks.

    Edit: oh my god i love that filter

    Actually several in this thread said they indeed felt we should be rolled again, in quite dickish fashion themselves, for things that happened five years ago. Due to the build of their alliance and strategic avoidance of wars they can't fight us. So they'll have to convince their allies to do the work of it for the third time. We'd still not disband like they did so they'd still be butthurt but at least I'd get another million or two casualties.

  14. [quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1339213013' post='2979682']
    Maybe we'll just disband a week in and rename ourselves the next day.

    That's all on the nation savers who to this day have never truly stood up to a harsh war in their entire existence. If they think that way they can see if their allies are willing to fight us for another three months for the third time. Because they've priced themselves out of war on Bob by taking actions like you mentioned above.

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