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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. In some cases a lot of these alliances aren't too much better than NPO and the Coward Coalition. This is unfortunate, but ultimately I would like to think that most of us consider 'Karma' to be the lesser evil to a great extent. I would like to imagine a world where there is no further hegemony, and instead alliances can just exist to grow independently without fear of an aggressive hyperpower to destroy them.
  2. What a load of rubbish. I called you a noob because you are one, mate. If you've been around here since GW1 why do you have difficulty in recognising Van Hoo and myself who have been here for the same time period? Why do you have difficulty with simple spelling and grammar? Why do you seem to think you know more about this war than everyone else when you have provided no evidence and are simply attempting (and failing) to copy the elitist speaking method of others? The alliance you are arguing for is disliked by the masses for acting cowardly. If you are going to say running away from the alliance that has kept rubbish alliance's like yours alive is not cowardly, then do tell us what is?
  3. I really don't like Van Hoo but I must say that this debate between him and this uninformed noob is incredibly hilarious and ironic. Keep it up.
  4. Vox isn't sure at this time. Some are interested in continuing the alliance from my understanding but others simply want to be free. The idea is that they should be allowed to make that decision without fear of repercussion from the powers that be.
  5. I was thinking Rebel Virginia as well.
  6. Then for once Crohl, I am pleased to see you post.
  7. Vox and everyone under her banner deserves their freedom. Let us put this behind us, now that NPO is gone.
  8. Firstly let me state for anyone who is not aware that I hate the New Pacific Order. They are the worst thing that has ever happened to this game. I have fought three wars for them under the New Polar Order's banner and I considered them to be brothers and sisters for a very long time. When the New Pacific Order sold us out in the No CB War and then tried to undermine our surrender talks (including posting a NPO puppet on our throne) I was at a loss for words. They deserve what they are receiving and should be destroyed regardless of any ridiculous notion of "be fair to Pacifica" because if the tables were turned they would show you no mercy. On to the subject I wish to address, that being the cowardice of ex-NPO toadies. So proudly you have fought for Pacifica and greedily sinned to extend your own power. You had no remorse in destroying weak, collapsing alliances in the awe of Pacifica's raw power. Like thieves in the night, all of you (excluding Old Guard) greedily betrayed Polaris and left us out to dry when we needed all of you more than ever before. In particular I am referring to IRON, GGA, and MCXA. You cannot wash the blood from your hands so easily. You cannot drop your weapons and raise your hands and pretend you are innocent or that your actions are justified. You may not die with Pacifica today, but you should. The concept of Karma does not solely apply to NPO, and do not believe even for a second that any of us will forget this cowardice that you have shown yet again this very day.
  9. Wait why are you quoting me? You are one of the people who trolled me and left Polaris out to dry during our war last year. You didn't seem to want to burn any of these traitors to the ground then. I wonder why, how strange.
  10. Damn right you do. You sold us out when we needed you most, so now we've just swapped places. I do hope that Grub jumps into surrender talks and insists on making Proko your viceroy.
  11. Such cowardice does not surprise me. No wonder Valhalla was telling me they weren't going to surrender in this war, you had no intention of even fighting it! Seriously though, why is anyone surprised? Every single one of these alliances (except OG) betrayed the New Polar Order when the going was looking tough. Why should anyone trust pathetic excuses for alliances such as IRON, MCXA, etc. None of you are any better than NPO, you are just their toadies that fought willingly for all of their evils when they ran the show and now you are trying to wash the blood from your hands. I don't think KARMA is done with you just yet, clowns.
  12. I knew it was right to believe in you Grub. Best decision you have ever made against these traitors who left us to die last year.
  13. I don't think we've ever had a war with live commentary before. Oh how we are evolving .
  14. Oh no, the emo poet has risen from the dark depths of his room to take a break from such classic poems as "Sad Rainbows of Sadness, a Vladimir Story". This essay is complete rubbish as usual.
  15. NPO and double standards seem to be synonymous these days.
  16. The Proxian Empire always strives for further cooperation between true European allies, and therefore deems our admittance to this treaty to be appropriate.
  17. I control all of Scotland Scotland as well as the Isle of Man. Here is where things become a little more tricky, as I control the upper half of England (that manages to contain London). If you are not entirely sure what I mean I can post a screenshot from the previous maps.
  18. I went with three weeks although people will likely give up and surrender before then.
  19. You sound very diplomatic and professional, I do hope you are a model for Valhalla. If Polar sells out to Pacifica then they are traitorous cowards, but I know they will not as Polaris stands for something that you clearly could never understand.
  20. I offered the olive branch of peace, which has brought me nothing but further on and off trolling and insults from members of Valhalla.
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