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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. If I remember correctly, this was the last World Map that was made before I took control of the project. Good times.
  2. No one can be forced to accept harsh terms, but that doesn't make the victors, offering crappy terms to the defeated, to be justified in their actions.
  3. These alliances should be required to pay back every cent of money and every bit of technology that they stole from everyone else. Nothing more, nothing less, then they should go free.
  4. Especially that Mr. White. No one likes a dirty slag like that chav.
  5. As important as your feelings are to me, I think I will continue to do as I please.
  6. In seriousness I am tempted to create a rival map to this.
  7. Clearly this idea is stupid because the extremely important Ada069 thinks so. Give up now, map is stupid!
  8. I look forward to NpO passing NPO in every single category .
  9. I'm still not understanding how the Great Lakes are paved over.
  10. I will be taking that promotion spot. You just wait .
  11. I am curious as to how the Great Lakes were paved over in Merger's map?
  12. I expect FAN to be in this race soon.
  13. This is almost as bad as that Pacifica song.
  14. I remember a long time ago we were considering changing the name, but before it could even be put to vote the concept was shut down by popular demand from the community.
  15. Polaris has been independent since before Great War I.
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