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Everything posted by pezstar

  1. It's like Christmas, but in June. It really, really is!
  2. 72 days! Excellent. We've been working pretty hard over here, so yay STA!
  3. This is so, so awful. There aren't even words to explain how awful this is.
  4. [quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1330441962' post='2930013'] Im feeling the love Pez If thats what there charter/constitution i see no real area to argue. [/quote] Oh! For once, it's not Valhalla!
  5. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1330439465' post='2929993'] I can think of one [/quote] We can't wait.
  6. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330438959' post='2929988'] Those things usually develop into fights in terms of target selection when a war does happen. See: the previous war. [/quote] Yeah, there are alliances out there STA dislikes a whole lot more than GOONS. Alliances who have actually directly wronged STA. I'm sure GOONS feels the same way. There are certainly alliances who we would clamor to fight. GOONS is not one of them.
  7. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330438627' post='2929985'] When did I will that? I'm not really sure what GOONS thinks of STA at all. I just don't like GOONS because they are an extension of the Mushroom Kingdom so if they taunt someone, I'll call them on it. [/quote] They think STA are a bunch of moralist windbags, we think they're a bunch of bullies who are too big for their britches. This does not mean either of us wants to attack the other. It's a healthy dislike.
  8. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1330437909' post='2929977'] Just because we take issue with Tyga's pissweak faux moral outrage does not mean we seek to roll STA either btw, before you go getting any ideas. [/quote] Yes you do. Roquentin has willed it.
  9. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330435083' post='2929965'] It's sad I have more confidence in you than you do. [/quote] Yes, clearly, that's the situation here. You know us and our little corner of the web so well that you've already figured it all out for us. My mistake, Roquentin.
  10. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330434942' post='2929961'] You're not. It's just me addressing the hypothetical scenario since they are saying you wouldn't be able to do it. [/quote] We wouldn't. They're right.
  11. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330434175' post='2929953'] It's a non-factor. They'll need the aid even if STA attacks them with help and it won't be as fast as coming without someone going nuts over it. STA, TPF, UE, etc. The thing is, most of the offensive fizzled after the first week or two the last time they were mass attacked. If that doesn't happen this time, they're in a world of pain. [/quote] No no. You're right that it's a non-factor, but wrong about the reasons. Why in the world would STA attack GOONS over something like this? Please stop speculating about STA attacking GOONS. For god's sake, we just finished receiving the biggest beating of our existence, cancelled a very big deal treaty, and are trying to figure out our own path. You can't possibly believe we're going to be talked into something like this.
  12. This is an excellent post. It really is. I just wanted you to see that before the jerk brigade comes in here and starts calling you crazy for daring to call them out.
  13. Janax has long been one of my favorite people in the Cyberverse. He will be missed. Good luck to him. Good luck to you guys, too!
  14. [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1330224129' post='2928375'] Your point was perfectly clear a few posts back. It's just falling on the wrong ears. Several times. [/quote] Well, in that case, how embarrassing for you. I'll do the polite thing and change the subject to direct the focus elsewhere. You're welcome. I really do wish our friends in Polaris luck with their rebuild and reps payment. I've had a melancholy mood for most of the day because it's just so strange and weird feeling to not be allied to you anymore after so, so long of always being there. Let's not be strangers, ok?
  15. [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1330223738' post='2928373'] Well then for [i]goodness sake[/i], good luck with whatever you think this is [/quote] My point, which appears to have gone sailing over your head, is that you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the Cyberverse who believes that there were any political positives over the last couple of years as a result of our treaty with NpO. Let it serve as proof to you that it's not about politics for some alliances. It never has been for STA.
  16. [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1330223042' post='2928370'] Of course it's a political goal. That's what treaties are. [/quote] For some. For others, they have nothing to do with politics.
  17. [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1330221838' post='2928356'] You're digging a little deep. I was simply offering well wishes. The new "political campaign" would be whatever you're trying to accomplish by cancelling this treaty. Note that I didn't say [i]agenda[/i], because that word has nasty connotations in this realm. [/quote] We're not trying to accomplish anything by cancelling this treaty. The fact that you are misunderstanding the situation is not a surprise, given that we haven't made you privy to the reasons for the cancellation. We have reasons, but they have nothing to do with accomplishing anything, or political goals.
  18. [quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1330217559' post='2928325'] Ta guele, Pomme Frite. My condolences to both STA and NpO. To fresh beginnings! [/quote] I haven't taken French is many years, but I think you just said "Shut up, French Fries".
  19. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1330206406' post='2928263'] I'm rather confident that reconciliation from the old days is not part of Tyga's [b]agenda[/b]. [/quote] ...you found the agenda? Someone finally found it?
  20. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1329837794' post='2925126'] Huh? I tell Red Sox fans to $%&@ off regularly when I attend Yankee games and have never been in any sort of trouble for that. Just an example, but yeah, it's very rare that there are actual consequences for "harassment" outside of high school rule books. [/quote] The best time I ever had was at Fenway Park in the bleachers seats at a Sox Yankee game, getting drunk and pissing off the Yankees fans so much they left.
  21. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1329835883' post='2925118'] Then how I say I agree 100% with every word he just typed and call it good? Valhalla = not neutral, farthest thing from it, actually. EDIT: and the addendum above. [/quote] It's totally fine to agree with him. I agree with him too.
  22. I understand where you're coming from... I just wonder if you aren't overly optimistic about things. The Cyberverse has been in this position before. The UJP was quite similar to what we're looking at now. No amount of talking, pleading, or earnest appeals did a thing to curb that, and war became necessary. It's actually kind of silly and condescending that you think you can show up and say "Hey. Stop it!" and that's going to change anything at all. Well. That's one issue. My other issue is that you are only an observer, and are unwilling to participate in the politics of the world. You are willing only to post a little essay, similar to this one, every few months telling those who DO participate what you think the problems are. It makes me roll my eyes because you are one of the few people in a position to actually help others do something about it, and you don't.
  23. I can agree with the sentiment here, and I have always held Jerdge in high respect, however I have issues with a government member of what is the largest alliance in the game, passing judgment on others, when neither he, nor his alliance, are willing to do anything about it other than issue a lecture clearly pointed in one direction. If you want things to change, you have to actively work toward that goal. Giving a speech from within your "neutral" ivory tower is kind of BS, frankly.
  24. It's clear this guy isn't incredibly active on the OWF. He's here trying to offer advice... and it's good advice, too. Does everyone seriously have to be such dicks? A simple "Yeah. Ishabad sucks." would have sufficed. Thank you, Chaos. Ishabad does, indeed, suck, and I hope someone who doesn't know that will see your post and find out for themselves.
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