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Everything posted by pezstar

  1. We sat out two wars in a row, and it killed us to do so. It's time.
  2. [center][/center] [center][b][size=24pt]Declaration of War[/size][/b][/center] [center]It's been two long years since STA has fought in a war. We've enjoyed our slumber, but lately we've been restless. When global war broke out last week, we paid close attention, and sadly, we have allies fighting on opposite sides of the war. It's a position no alliance wants to be in, and we don't relish it. We do, however, relish the opportunity to defend an ally. TPF was attacked a couple days ago by four alliances. Tonight, we fight for our friends in TPF. We recognize that some of the alliances fighting TPF are aligned with our friends in UPN. The treaty web is a tangled mess, and sometimes you just have to do what is necessary. We love you UPN, and we're sorry for the position you're in.[/center] [center][b]The Siberian Tiger Alliance declares war on North Atlantic Defense Coalition. [/b][/center] [center][size=14pt][size=12pt][i]Za Sibir![/i][/size][/size][/center] [center]Signed, [i]Tygaland[/i], [b]Supreme Chancellor[/b] [i]Pezstar[/i], [b]Chancellor[/b] [b]Consilium Tigris[/b] [i]Conistonslim Eregor Bzelger BKNorton3[/i][/center]
  3. What can I say? We've changed a lot. We're bitter and we hate everyone.
  4. You know logs have leaked and we know the real reason these alliances declared, right?
  5. I'll be frank with you. If you end up countered by an alliance like STA, your alliance is going to be thoroughly humiliated if you've got absurd crap like 5m warchests on 14k infra nations going on. For god's sake, that's not even one collection. If you declare war aggressively (and make no mistake about it... that's what your alliance did) you should be ready for war. If you're not ready for a war you've declared, it's embarrassing. Whining about being called out on not being ready for the war you declared is even more embarrassing.
  6. There are few alliances as worthy of a beatdown as NG. I'm a little jealous. Get it done, UPN.
  7. You caught us. STA are total lapdogs. All we've ever done is wait for someone to say jump. Darn that STA. Followers, the lot of them. I know! It's nuts. I'll point out that we're allied to UPN too, and neither UPN nor TPF have been hit yet, and we don't know what we're doing. If it doesn't work out this war, we should coordinate next time so we can finally get the big scary STA/VAL war done.
  8. We certainly COULD, but we prefer to do as our treaties require. You were allied to STA for many years, and you don't know even this most basic of facts? That's sad. :(
  9. I'm proud of you, TPF, for making the tough decisions, and doing what you know is the right thing, even if it's not necessarily the best thing for you. Good for you guys. I love you. Please Valhalla, will you counter? We really only need you to declare one little war on them. I'll give you cookies.
  10. Methinks you need to do your laundry, dear.
  11. Well, I'm reasonably sure it's only what #23 thinks that matters.
  12. Of course they declared on you. No one actually buys that you declared on them. In war, often we tell ourselves someone else is the aggressor, or use that propaganda line. No one believes it though.
  13. This is Polaris. It has always been, and always will be, about their treaties. It's their greatest strength and their greatest weakness. If anyone thought they would forsake their allies for the good of people who, not so long ago, were trashing them to anyone who would listen, they haven't been paying attention for the last 6 years.
  14. None of the alliances listed did that. In fact, as I'm sure you're aware by now, those alliances are taking a whole bunch of crap for going against what Equilibrium wanted and attacking TLR.
  15. This appears to have been the most interesting declaration of the whole war. Very smart move, strategically, TLR.
  16. [quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1358641808' post='3080409'] Just also to say one thing. Although I am finished with the issue, as stated in my previous post, I just want to say that you dont actually need to read stuff that do not interest you. Just saying. I didn't post or follow a thread in ages, and I felt to be some active. So I entertained myself with a certain exchange. You can just skim it. btw. My apologies for making it sound that a policy in argument from Umb is the only one in history. There was one else. One. Else. I wanted to highlight the rather high rarity of it, which I didn't express the best way. [/quote] You've mistaken lack of patience with lack of interest. The two words are not synonyms.
  17. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1358640515' post='3080381'] The regularity with which I agree with you these days is utterly alarming. Stop it. [/quote] I think we've both lost our patience with some of this.
  18. Fact: In my 6 years (ugh) in the Cyberverse, arguing about a CB has never made the other side say "My bad. Peace now?" You've had war declared against you because someone wanted to fight you. The reason given is rarely the actual reason. You've all been around long enough to know that too.
  19. Might I propose a new term, to prevent confusion? Slot theft, perhaps?
  20. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1358618745' post='3080036'] If I remember correctly, STA, Frostbite and C&G nearly went to war with Kronos and its allies (TOP, Umbrella and Valhalla I believe) over a nearly identical situation when Kronos filled the slots of a rogue.. Not entirely sure what the resolution was; something with Dictator Dan or something? [/quote] You do indeed remember correctly. Heracles went "rogue" on Tyga after we had a relatively tense inter-alliance discussion on their forum. Magically, his slots were already full from other members of Kronos. We asked them to peace out their wars, they said they'd try, but couldn't guarantee anything, because it was up to Heracles to accept the peace. He refused, and then right before the wars were due to expire, they all peaced out at once and refilled the slots. Then, White Majik also declared on Tyga with pre-filled slots. Given that they obviously coordinated with Heracles and White Majik to prevent us from defending Tyga, we were seriously considering a war declaration, and CnG and NpO were on board. Crymson ended up trying to negotiate something with us, and we agreed to settle for 600 tech... 300 for each rogue. We got the first 300 immediately, and then once the wars were all peaced out, Kronos refused to pay the balance, stating that Crymson had agreed to this without discussing it with them, and was speaking out of turn. We discussed war with our allies again, and we were pretty much in agreement, but ultimately, decided that an alliance war over 300 tech wasn't really something we were comfortable with, and decided to let it go in the interest of "being the bigger man", especially because the wars were eventually peaced. We also assumed that an alliance that petty would pull the same crap again and get what as coming to them. It took 2 years, but here we are. Same situation, slightly bigger fish.
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